Следуя совету в ответе: Создание подкласса HTML-парсера Beautifulsoup, получение ошибки типа , я пытаюсь использовать композицию классов вместо создания подклассов BeautifulSoup
Базовый класс Scraper отлично работает сам по себе (по крайней мере, в моем ограниченном тестировании).
Класс Scraper:
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
import urllib2
class Scrape():
"""base class to be subclassed
basically a wrapper that providers basic url fetching with urllib2
and the basic html parsing with beautifulsoupץ
some useful methods are provided with class composition with BeautifulSoup.
for direct access to the soup class you can use the _soup property."""
def __init__(self,file):
self._file = file
#very basic input validation
#import re
#import urllib2
#from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
self._page = urllib2.urlopen(self._file) #fetching the page
except (urllib2.URLError):
print ('please enter a valid url starting with http/https/ftp/file')
self._soup = BeautifulSoup(self._page) #calling the html parser
# the next part is the class compostion part - we transform attribute and method calls to the BeautifulSoup class
#search functions:
self.find = self._soup.find
self.findAll = self._soup.findAll
self.__iter__ = self._soup.__iter__ #enables iterating,looping in the object
self.__len__ = self._soup.__len__
self.__contains__ = self._soup.__contains__
#attribute fetching and setting - __getattr__ implented by the scraper class
self.__setattr__ = self._soup.__setattr__
self.__getattribute__ = self._soup.__getattribute__
#Called to implement evaluation of self[key]
self.__getitem__ = self._soup.__getitem__
self.__setitem__ = self._soup.__setitem__
self.__delitem__ = self._soup.__delitem__
self.__call__ = self._soup.__call__#Called when the instance is “called” as a function
self._getAttrMap = self._soup._getAttrMap
self.has_key = self._soup.has_key
#walking the html document methods
self.contents = self._soup.contents
self.text = self._soup.text
self.extract = self._soup.extract
self.next = self._soup.next
self.parent = self._soup.parent
self.fetch = self._soup.fetch
self.fetchText = self._soup.fetchText
self.findAllNext = self._soup.findAllNext
self.findChild = self._soup.findChild
self.findChildren = self._soup.findChildren
self.findNext = self._soup.findNext
self.findNextSibling = self._soup.findNextSibling
self.first = self._soup.first
self.name = self._soup.name
self.get = self._soup.get
self.getString = self._soup.getString
# comparison operators or similiar boolean checks
self.__eq__ = self._soup.__eq__
self.__ne__ = self._soup.__ne__
self.__hash__ = self._soup.__hash__
self.__nonezero__ = self._soup.__nonzero__ #not sure
# the class represntation magic methods:
self.__str__ = self._soup.__str__
self.__repr__ =self._soup.__repr__
#self.__dict__ = self._soup.__dict__
def __getattr__(self,method):
"""basically this 'magic' method transforms calls for unknown attributes to
and enables to traverse the html document with the .notation.
for example - using instancename.div will return the first div.
explantion: python calls __getattr__ if It didn't find any method or attribute correspanding to the call.
I'm not sure this is a good or the right use for the method """
return self._soup.find(method)
def clean(self,work=False,element=False):
"""clean method that provides:basic cleaning of head,scripts etc
input 'work' soup object to clean from unneccesary parts:scripts,head,style
has optional variable:'element' that can get a tuple of element
that enables to override what element to clean"""
self._work = work or self._soup
self._cleanelements=element or ("head","style","script")
#for elem in self._work.findAll(self._cleanelements):
for elem in self.findAll(self._cleanelements):
Но когда я делаю его подкласс, я получаю некоторую рекурсиюцикл, я просто могу понять.
Вот подкласс (соответствующие части):
class MainTraffic(Scrape):
"""class traffic - subclasses the Scrape class
inputs a page url and a category"""
def __init__(self, file, cat, caller = False):
if not caller:
self._file = file
#import urllib2
#self._request = urllib2.Request(self._file)# request to post the show all questions
self.pagecat = cat
self.cleansoup = self.cleantotable(self)
#del (self.cleansoup)
def cleantotable(self):
def fetchlinks(self,fetch):
def length(self):
from sqlalchemy import func
self.len = session.query(func.count(Question.id)).scalar()
return int(self.len)
def __len__(self):
return self.length()
def __repr__(self):
self.repr = "traffic theory question, current number of questions:{0}".format(self.length())
return self.repr
def __getitem__(self,key):
self._item = session.query(Question).filter_by(question_num=key).first()
return self._item
except (IndexError, KeyError):
print "no such key:{0}".format(key)
и вот сообщение об ошибке:
File "C:\Python27\learn\traffic.py", line 117, in __init__
File "C:\Python27\learn\traffic.py", line 26, in __init__
self._soup = BeautifulSoup(self._page) #calling the html parser
File "C:\Python27\learn\traffic.py", line 92, in __getattr__
return self._soup.find(method)
File "C:\Python27\learn\traffic.py", line 92, in __getattr__
return self._soup.find(method)
File "C:\Python27\learn\traffic.py", line 92, in __getattr__
return self._soup.find(method)
RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded
Я подозреваюпроблема в том, что я неправильно использовал __getattr__
, но я не мог понять, что мне следует изменить.