ActionScript: изменение цвета заголовка в TitleWindow. - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 09 августа 2011

У меня есть простое сомнение. Я создал пользовательский компонент ActionScript mxml, который представляет собой искровое TitleWindow с текстовой областью, заголовок которого (заголовок заголовка) должен отображать зеленый фон, если он находит в тексте слово «success», или красный, если его нет.

Моя проблема в том, что я не знаю, где получить доступ и изменить это свойство, и единственный найденный мной способ - это привязка chromeColor к TitleWindow, чтобы он зависел от логического значения, которое будет меняться в зависимости от того, найду ли я или нет слова «успех». И это действительно меняет фон TitleBar на нужный мне цвет, однако, это также меняет цвет полосы прокрутки, например, что немного неприятно. Код для моего класса следующий:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:TitleWindow xmlns:fx="" 
           xmlns:mx="library://" width="400" 
           title="Output: "
           chromeColor="{success ? ( 0x00ff6b as uint) : ( 0xFF0000 as uint)}"
        import mx.managers.PopUpManager;

        public var success:Boolean = false;

        public function setText(text:String):void
            textContainer.text = text;

        protected function closeHandler(event:CloseEvent):void

<s:TextArea id="textContainer" x="0" y="0"  width="100%" height="100%"
            paddingBottom="10" paddingLeft="10" paddingRight="10" paddingTop="10" 
            borderVisible="false" editable="false" fontFamily="Courier New"/>

Итак, спасибо за чтение и надеюсь, что кто-нибудь знает ответ:)

Ура, pepillo

Ответы [ 2 ]

3 голосов
/ 09 августа 2011

Я бы решил это с помощью расширения стандартного компонента и создания собственного скина.

Моя версия компонента:


import mx.managers.PopUpManager;

import spark.components.TextArea;
import spark.components.TitleWindow;

public class SuccessfulTitleWindow extends TitleWindow
    public function SuccessfulTitleWindow()
        title = "Output: ";

    [SkinPart(required = "false")]
    public var textContainer:TextArea;

    private var success:Boolean;
    private var textChanged:Boolean;
    private var textValue:String;

     * @inheritDoc
    override protected function commitProperties():void

        if (textChanged && textContainer)
            textContainer.text = textValue;
            textChanged = false;

     * @inheritDoc
    override protected function getCurrentSkinState():String
        var skinState:String = super.getCurrentSkinState();
        return success ? skinState + "Successful" : skinState;

     * @inheritDoc
    override protected function partAdded(partName:String, instance:Object):void
        super.partAdded(partName, instance);
        if (instance == textContainer)
            textChanged = true;

    public function setText(text:String):void
        if (text == textValue)
        success = text && text.indexOf("SUCCESS") != -1;
        textValue = text;
        textChanged = true;

     * @inheritDoc
    override protected function closeButton_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void


Скин (на основе стандартного скина):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:SparkSkin xmlns:fx="" xmlns:s="library://" 
    xmlns:fb="" blendMode="normal" mouseEnabled="false"
    minWidth="76" minHeight="76" alpha.disabledGroup="0.5" width="400">

    <fx:Script fb:purpose="styling">
        /* Define the skin elements that should not be colorized. 
        For panel, border and title background are skinned, but the content area and title text are not. */
        static private const exclusions:Array = ["background", "titleDisplay", "contentGroup"];

         * @private
        override public function get colorizeExclusions():Array {return exclusions;}

         * @private
        override protected function initializationComplete():void
            useChromeColor = true;

         * @private
        override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void
            if (getStyle("borderVisible") == true)
                border.visible = true;
                background.left = = background.right = background.bottom = 1;
                contents.left = = contents.right = contents.bottom = 1;
                border.visible = false;
                background.left = = background.right = background.bottom = 0;
                contents.left = = contents.right = contents.bottom = 0;

            dropShadow.visible = getStyle("dropShadowVisible");

            var cr:Number = getStyle("cornerRadius");
            var withControls:Boolean = 
                (currentState == "disabledWithControlBar" || 
                 currentState == "normalWithControlBar" ||
                 currentState == "inactiveWithControlBar");

            if (cornerRadius != cr)
                cornerRadius = cr;

                dropShadow.tlRadius = cornerRadius;
                dropShadow.trRadius = cornerRadius;
                dropShadow.blRadius = withControls ? cornerRadius : 0;
                dropShadow.brRadius = withControls ? cornerRadius : 0;

                setPartCornerRadii(topMaskRect, withControls); 
                setPartCornerRadii(border, withControls); 
                setPartCornerRadii(background, withControls);

            if (bottomMaskRect) setPartCornerRadii(bottomMaskRect, withControls); 

            borderStroke.color = getStyle("borderColor");
            borderStroke.alpha = getStyle("borderAlpha");
            backgroundFill.color = getStyle("backgroundColor");
            backgroundFill.alpha = getStyle("backgroundAlpha");

            super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);

         * @private
        private function setPartCornerRadii(target:Rect, includeBottom:Boolean):void
            target.topLeftRadiusX = cornerRadius;
            target.topRightRadiusX = cornerRadius;
            target.bottomLeftRadiusX = includeBottom ? cornerRadius : 0;
            target.bottomRightRadiusX = includeBottom ? cornerRadius : 0;

        private var cornerRadius:Number;

        <s:State name="normal" stateGroups="normalGroup" />
        <s:State name="inactive" stateGroups="inactiveGroup" />
        <s:State name="disabled" stateGroups="disabledGroup" />
        <s:State name="normalWithControlBar" stateGroups="withControls, normalGroup" />
        <s:State name="inactiveWithControlBar" stateGroups="withControls, inactiveGroup" />
        <s:State name="disabledWithControlBar" stateGroups="withControls, disabledGroup" />
        <s:State name="normalSuccessful" stateGroups="successfulGroup, normalGroup" />
        <s:State name="inactiveSuccessful" stateGroups="inactiveGroup,successfulGroup" />
        <s:State name="disabledSuccessful" stateGroups="successfulGroup,disabledGroup" />
        <s:State name="normalWithControlBarSuccessful" stateGroups="withControls,successfulGroup,normalGroup" />
        <s:State name="inactiveWithControlBarSuccessful" stateGroups="withControls, inactiveGroup, successfulGroup" />
        <s:State name="disabledWithControlBarSuccessful" stateGroups="withControls, successfulGroup, disabledGroup" />

    <!--- drop shadow can't be hittable so it stays sibling of other graphics @private-->
    <s:RectangularDropShadow id="dropShadow" blurX="20" blurY="20" alpha="0.32" 
                             alpha.inactiveGroup="0.22" distance="11"  distance.inactiveGroup="7"
                             angle="90" color="0x000000" left="0" top="0" right="0" bottom="0"/>

    <!--- drop shadow can't be hittable so all other graphics go in this group -->
    <s:Group left="0" right="0" top="0" bottom="0">

        <!--- top group mask @private-->
        <s:Group left="1" top="1" right="1" bottom="1" id="topGroupMask">
            <!--- @private-->
            <s:Rect id="topMaskRect" left="0" top="0" right="0" bottom="0">
                    <s:SolidColor alpha="0"/>

        <!--- bottom group mask @private-->
        <s:Group left="1" top="1" right="1" bottom="1" id="bottomGroupMask" 
            <!--- @private-->
            <s:Rect id="bottomMaskRect" left="0" top="0" right="0" bottom="0">
                    <s:SolidColor alpha="0"/>

        <!--- layer 1: border @private -->
        <s:Rect id="border" left="0" right="0" top="0" bottom="0" >
                <!--- Defines the TitleWindowSkin class's border stroke. The default value is 1. -->
                <s:SolidColorStroke id="borderStroke" weight="1" />

        <!-- layer 2: background fill -->
        <!--- Defines the appearance of the TitleWindowSkin class's background. -->
        <s:Rect id="background" left="1" top="1" right="1" bottom="1">
                <!--- Defines the TitleWindowSkin class's background fill. The default color is 0xFFFFFF. -->
                <s:SolidColor id="backgroundFill" color="#FFFFFF"/>

        <!-- layer 3: contents -->
        <!--- Contains the vertical stack of title bar content and control bar. -->
        <s:Group left="1" right="1" top="1" bottom="1" id="contents">
                <s:VerticalLayout gap="0" horizontalAlign="justify" />
            <!--- @private -->
            <s:Group id="topGroup" mask="{topGroupMask}">

                <!--- layer 0: title bar fill @private -->
                <s:Rect id="tbFill" left="0" right="0" top="0" bottom="1">
                        <s:SolidColor color="0xFF0000" color.successfulGroup="0x00ff6b" alpha.inactiveGroup="0.8" />

                <!--- layer 1: title bar highlight @private -->
                <s:Rect id="tbHilite" left="0" right="0" top="0" bottom="0">
                        <s:LinearGradientStroke rotation="90" weight="1">
                            <s:GradientEntry color="0xE6E6E6" />
                            <s:GradientEntry color="0xFFFFFF" alpha="0.22"/>
                        <s:LinearGradient rotation="90">
                            <s:GradientEntry color="0xFFFFFF" alpha="0.15" />
                            <s:GradientEntry color="0xFFFFFF" alpha="0.15" ratio="0.44"/>
                            <s:GradientEntry color="0xFFFFFF" alpha="0" ratio="0.4401"/>

                <!--- layer 2: title bar divider @private -->
                <s:Rect id="tbDiv" left="0" right="0" height="1" bottom="0">
                        <s:SolidColor color="0x000000" alpha="0.75" />

                <!-- layer 3: text -->
                <!--- @copy spark.components.Panel#titleDisplay -->
                <s:Label id="titleDisplay" maxDisplayedLines="1"
                         left="9" right="36" top="1" bottom="0" minHeight="30"
                         verticalAlign="middle" fontWeight="bold" />

                <!-- layer 4: moveArea -->
                <!--- @copy spark.components.TitleWindow#moveArea -->
                <s:Group id="moveArea" left="0" right="0" top="0" bottom="0" />

                <!--- @copy spark.components.TitleWindow#closeButton -->
                <s:Button id="closeButton" skinClass="spark.skins.spark.TitleWindowCloseButtonSkin"
                          width="15" height="15" right="7" top="7" />

                Note: setting the minimum size to 0 here so that changes to the host component's
                size will not be thwarted by this skin part's minimum size.   This is a compromise,
                more about it here:
            <!--- @copy spark.components.SkinnableContainer#contentGroup -->
            <s:Group id="contentGroup" width="100%" height="100%" minWidth="0" minHeight="0">
                <s:TextArea id="textContainer" width="100%" height="100%"
                    paddingBottom="10" paddingLeft="10" paddingRight="10" paddingTop="10" 
                    borderVisible="false" editable="false" fontFamily="Courier New"/>

            <!--- @private -->
            <s:Group id="bottomGroup" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" 

                <s:Group left="0" right="0" top="0" bottom="0" mask="{bottomGroupMask}">

                    <!-- layer 0: control bar divider line -->
                    <s:Rect left="0" right="0" top="0" height="1" alpha="0.22">
                            <s:SolidColor color="0x000000" />

                    <!-- layer 1: control bar highlight -->
                    <s:Rect left="0" right="0" top="1" bottom="0">
                            <s:LinearGradientStroke rotation="90" weight="1">
                                <s:GradientEntry color="0xFFFFFF" />
                                <s:GradientEntry color="0xD8D8D8" />

                    <!-- layer 2: control bar fill -->
                    <s:Rect left="1" right="1" top="2" bottom="1">
                            <s:LinearGradient rotation="90">
                                <s:GradientEntry color="0xEDEDED"/>
                                <s:GradientEntry color="0xCDCDCD"/>

                <!--- @copy spark.components.Panel#controlBarGroup -->
                <s:Group id="controlBarGroup" left="0" right="0" top="1" bottom="1" minWidth="0" minHeight="0">
                        <s:HorizontalLayout paddingLeft="10" paddingRight="10" paddingTop="7" paddingBottom="7" gap="10" />

И простое приложение для тестирования:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="" 
    xmlns:mx="library://" minWidth="955" minHeight="600" xmlns:local="*">
    <s:VGroup verticalCenter="0" horizontalCenter="0">
        <local:SuccessfulTitleWindow skinClass="SuccessfulTitleWindowSkin" id="window" />
        <s:TextInput change="window.setText(event.currentTarget.text)" />
1 голос
/ 09 августа 2011

Flex 4 Способ сделать это - создать собственный класс скина, скопировав код TitleWindowSkin и обновить его, чтобы он имел зеленый фон.Затем вы должны указать felx использовать ваш собственный скин, добавив атрибут skinClass в тег TitleWindow или установив skinClass в конфигурации CSS.

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