#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
class Node:
def __init__(self):
self.next = {} #Initialize an empty hash (python dictionary)
self.word_marker = False
# There can be words, Hot and Hottest. When search is performed, usually state transition upto leaf node is peformed and characters are printed.
# Then in this case, only Hottest will be printed. Hot is intermediate state. Inorder to mark t as a state where word is to be print, a word_marker is used
def add_item(self, string):
''' Method to add a string the Trie data structure'''
if len(string) == 0:
self.word_marker = True
key = string[0] #Extract first character
string = string[1:] #Create a string by removing first character
# If the key character exists in the hash, call next pointing node's add_item() with remaining string as argument
if self.next.has_key(key):
# Else create an empty node. Insert the key character to hash and point it to newly created node. Call add_item() in new node with remaining string.
node = Node()
self.next[key] = node
def dfs(self, sofar=None):
'''Perform Depth First Search Traversal'''
# When hash of the current node is empty, that means it is a leaf node.
# Hence print sofar (sofar is a string containing the path as character sequences through which state transition occured)
if self.next.keys() == []:
print "Match:",sofar
if self.word_marker == True:
print "Match:",sofar
# Recursively call dfs for all the nodes pointed by keys in the hash
for key in self.next.keys():
def search(self, string, sofar=""):
'''Perform auto completion search and print the autocomplete results'''
# Make state transition based on the input characters.
# When the input characters becomes exhaused, perform dfs() so that the trie gets traversed upto leaves and print the state characters
if len(string) > 0:
key = string[0]
string = string[1:]
if self.next.has_key(key):
sofar = sofar + key
print "No match"
if self.word_marker == True:
print "Match:",sofar
for key in self.next.keys():
def fileparse(filename):
'''Parse the input dictionary file and build the trie data structure'''
fd = open(filename)
root = Node()
line = fd.readline().strip('\r\n') # Remove newline characters \r\n
while line !='':
line = fd.readline().strip('\r\n')
return root
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print "Usage: ", sys.argv[0], "dictionary_file.txt"
root = fileparse(sys.argv[1])
print "Input:",