Это более простая форма меня
В вашей модели введите:
public $pay_type;
* @return array validation rules for model attributes.
public function rules()
// NOTE: you should only define rules for those attributes that
// will receive user inputs.
return array(
array('pay_type', 'required'),
array('cash_deposit_date', 'validationTransfer'),
public function validationTransfer($attribute,$params)
// this a sample, put all your need
if($this->pay_type=='cash_transfer' and $this->cash_deposit_date==='')
$this->addError('cash_deposit_date','If you will pay to Cash Transfer, enter your cahs deposit date');
// this a sample, put all your need
if($this->pay_type=='cheque_transfer' and $this->cheque_date==='')
$this->addError('cheque_date','If you will pay to Cheque Transfer, enter your cheque date');
// this a sample, put all your need
if($this->pay_type=='cheque_transfer' and $this->cheque_no==='')
$this->addError('cheque_no','If you will pay to Cheque Transfer, enter your Cheque No');
В виде в форму вашего виджета
<?php echo $form->labelEx($model,'pay_type',array('class'=>'control-label')); ?>
<?php echo $form->dropDownList($model,'pay_type',array("cash_transfer"=>"Cash Transfer","cheque_transfer"=>"Cheque Transfer"),array('class'=>'form-control','empty'=>'Pay Type...')); ?>
<?php echo $form->error($model,'pay_type',array('class'=>'help-block')); ?>
Примечание: класс css, такой как "help-block", "control-label", "form-control" в форме witget, является необязательным, возможно, вы используете Bootstrap 3, и он будет хорошо выглядеть