Я получаю сообщение об ошибке:
AttributeError: 'Button' object has no attribute 'set'
Я не могу понять, что нужно изменить, чтобы оно заработало.
Вот важные части кода:
class Cell:
def show_word(self):
""" Shows the word behind the cell """
if self.hidden == True:
self.hidden = False
self.hidden = True
class Memory(Frame):
def create_widgets(self):
""" Create widgets to display the Memory game """
# instruction text
text = "- The Memory Game -",
font = ("Helvetica", 12, "bold"),
).grid(row = 0, column = 0, columnspan = 7)
# buttons to show the words
column = 0
row = 1
the_pairs = self.readShuffle()
for index in range(36):
temp = Button(self,
text = the_pairs[index],
width = "7",
height = "2",
relief = GROOVE,
command = lambda x = index: Cell.show_word(the_pairs[x])
temp.grid(row = row, column = column, padx = 1, pady = 1)
column += 1
the_pairs[index].button = temp
if column == 6:
column = 0
row += 1