Я использую pisa в своем проекте django, чтобы мой HTML генерировался в PDF для функциональности отчета. Некоторые из моих отчетов становятся довольно большими, и я заметил, что на них нет нумерации страниц. Кто-нибудь знает, как я могу получить номера страниц для отображения в печатном отчете PDF?
вот как я генерирую PDF
if request.POST.has_key('print_report_submit'):
context['show_report'] = True
context['mb_logo'] = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../../../media/images/mb_logo.jpg")
html = render_to_string('reports/fam_maturity_print.html', RequestContext(request,context))
result = StringIO.StringIO()
pdf = pisa.pisaDocument(StringIO.StringIO(html.encode("ISO-8859-1")), result)
response = HttpResponse(result.getvalue(), mimetype='application/pdf')
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=family_maturity-statement.pdf'
return response
{% if show_report %}
<table width="100%">
<td colspan="2" align="center" width="400px">
<h1 class="title">Family Maturities by Year</h1>
<td width="500px">
<img src="{{ mb_logo }}"/>
<td> <p>
<img style="max-height: 60px; max-width:60px;" src="{{ check_image }}"/>
<hr class="report_hr1"/>
<h2 class="state_head" style="font-size: 16px;">Statement Information As of {{ statement_date|date:"F d, Y" }}</h2>
<hr class="report_hr1"/>
{% for plan_dict in plan_list %}
<hr class="report_hr2"/>
<td><strong>Plan Holder: </strong></td><td>{{ plan_dict.plan.get_primary_owner.member.client}}</td>
<td><strong>Joint Owner(s): </strong></td>
{% for member in plan_dict.plan.planmember_set.all %}
{% ifnotequal member.ownership_type.code "primary" %}
{{ member }}
{% endifnotequal %}
{% endfor %}
<td><strong>Plan ID: </strong></td><td>{{ plan_dict.plan.id }}</td>
<td><strong>Plan type: </strong></td><td>{{ plan_dict.plan.plan_type }}</td>
<hr class="report_hr2"/>
{# This is the table for the current year's maturities #}
{% if plan_dict.investment %}
<td colspan="2"><h3>{{ cur_year }}</h3></td>
<th>Financial Institution</th>
{% for i in plan_dict.investment %}
<td>{{ i.financial_institution.abbr }}</td>
<td>{{ i.product.code }}</td>
<td>${{ i.amount|intcomma }}</td>
<td>${{ i.maturity_amount|intcomma }}</td>
{% endfor %}
<td><strong>Total for {{ cur_year }}</strong></td>
<td><strong>${{ plan_dict.total|intcomma }}</strong></td>
<td><strong>${{ plan_dict.total_m|intcomma }}</strong></td>
{% endif %}
<div id="holding_table" align="center">
<h3>Holding Totals with Each Company</h3>
<td style="font-weight: bold;">Financial Institution</td>
<td style="font-weight: bold;">Total</td>
{% for l in plan_dict.total_list %}
{% if l.maturity_amount__sum != None %}
<td>{{ l.financial_institution__abbr }}</td>
<td>${{ l.maturity_amount__sum|intcomma }}</td>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<td style="font-weight: bold;">Total Non-Fund Holdings for this plan</td>
<td style="font-weight: bold;">${{ plan_dict.grand|intcomma }}</td>
<span class="disclaimer_span">This report has been prepared from data believed to be reliable but no
representation is made as to accuracy or completeness.</span>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
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