Console.WriteLine("Enter the path where the text file can be found");
string path = Console.ReadLine();
string text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("C:\\InputFile.txt");
string[] dates = text.Split('\n');
for (int i = 0; i < dates.Length; i++)
if (dates[i] != "" && dates[i] != null)
dates[i] = dates[i].Remove(dates[i].Length - 1);
for (int j = 0; j < dates.Length; j++)
if (dates[j] != "" && dates[j] != null)
DateTime currentdate = Convert.ToDateTime(dates[j-1]);
DateTime futuredate = Convert.ToDateTime(dates[j]);
if (currentdate.AddDays(1) != futuredate)
Console.WriteLine(" {0} {1}", currentdate.AddDays(1).ToShortDateString(), currentdate.AddDays(1).DayOfWeek);
При запуске программы выдается сообщение об ошибке:
DateTime currentdate = Convert.ToDateTime (date [j-1]);«Индекс вышел за границы массива.»