Из Verse Quiz , вас могут заинтересовать методы __init__
, __serve
и __fetch
, с которых можно начать создание сериализованного интерфейса базы данных SQLite3 в Python.Надеюсь, что это поможет вам в дальнейшем!
import _thread
import sqlite3
import queue
class Server:
"""Execute a protected SQLite3 database on a singular thread.
Since a SQLite3 database can only accept queries on the thread that it
was created on, this server receives requests through a queue and sends
back the result through a list and mutex mechanism."""
def __init__(self, *args):
"""Initialize the Server with a SQLite3 database thread."""
self.__lock = _thread.allocate_lock()
_thread.start_new_thread(self.__serve, args)
del self.__lock
if self.__error is not None:
raise self.__error
del self.__error
def __serve(self, *args):
"""Run a server continuously to answer SQL queries.
A SQLite3 connection is made in this thread with errors being raised
again for the instantiator. If the connection was made successfully,
then the server goes into a continuous loop, processing SQL queries."""
database = sqlite3.connect(*args)
self.__error = error = sys.exc_info()[1]
self.__error = error = None
if error is None:
self.__QU = queue.Queue()
while True:
lock, one, sql, parameters, ret = self.__QU.get()
cursor = database.cursor()
cursor.execute(sql, parameters)
data = cursor.fetchone() if one else cursor.fetchall()
ret.extend([True, data])
ret.extend([False, sys.exc_info()[1]])
def fetch(self, one, sql, *parameters):
"""Execute the specified SQL query and return the results.
This is a powerful shortcut method that is the closest connection
other threads will have with the SQL server. The parameters for the
query are dumped into a queue, and the answer is retrieved when it
becomes available. This prevents SQLite3 from throwing exceptions."""
lock, ret = _thread.allocate_lock(), []
self.__QU.put((lock, one, sql, parameters, ret))
if ret[0]:
return ret[1]
raise ret[1]