Ошибка сегментации C ++ в дифференциальном решателе - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 18 октября 2011

Я написал программу для аппроксимации решений обыкновенных дифференциальных уравнений методом Адама.

Запуск программы с помощью gdb дает мне:

Program received signal EXC_BAD_ACCESS, Could not access memory.
Reason: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at address: 0x00007fff5f3ffff8
0x0000000100003977 in std::vector<double, std::allocator<double> >::push_back (this=0x100005420, __x=@0x100005310) at stl_vector.h:604
604         this->_M_impl.construct(this->_M_impl._M_finish, __x);

Очевидно, что что-то не так с моей обработкой vector.push_back, но я не знаю, с чего начать.Я не могу вспомнить случай, когда изменение вектора является незаконным.

Вызовите дифференцировать (), чтобы начать.Математика делается в шаге ().Адаптивное продвижение времени через интервал с advance ().Проверьте выбранный шаг по времени с помощью checkdt (), прежде чем снова запустить step ().

Извините за огромный дамп кода.Я уверен, что многие улучшения могут быть сделаны исключительно с точки зрения C ++, без знания математики:

// Description : An Adam's Method Ordinary Differential Equation Approximation
// Disclaimer  : Posted to StackOverflow for help on a segmentation fault

#include <iostream> //IO
#include <vector> //std::vector
#include <cmath> //abs, pow, sqrt
#include <numeric> //accumulate
using namespace std;

/* Terminology:
 * f(t, y) = the ordinary differential equation that will be solved
 * y(t) = solution of f at point t.
 *  told = the previous point at which f was evaluated and solved
 *  tnow = the current point at which f is evaluated and solved
 *  tnew = the new (interesting) point at which f will be evaluated and solved
 *  Yold = the corrected solution of the differential equation at told
 *  Ynow = the corrected solution of the differential equation at tnow
 *  Ynew = the corrected solution of the differential equation at tnew
 *  fold = the value of the given differential equation at told
         = f(told, Yold)
 *  fnow = the value of the given differential equation at tnow
         = f(tnow, Ynow)
 *  fnew = the value of the given differential equation at tnew
         = f(tnew, Ynew)
 *  Pnew = prediction for the value of Ynew
 *  dt = abs(tnew - tnow)
 *  dtold = abs(tnow - told)

//Information storage
struct simTime {
    double told;
    double tnow;
    double tnew;
    double dt;
    double dtold;
    double tol;
    double agrow;
    double ashrink;
    double dtmin;
    double dtmax;
    double endTime;
    double fold;
    double fnow;
    double fnew;
    double Yold;
    double Ynow;
    double Ynew;
    double Pnew;
    int stepsSinceRejection;
    int stepsRejected;
    int stepsAccepted;
} test;

//Define global variables
std::vector<double> errorIndicators(0);
std::vector<double> solutions(0);
std::vector<double> differencesDDY(0);
std::vector<double> differencesDDYSquared(0);
std::vector<double> timesTNew(0);

//Function declarations
void step(double fnow, double fold, double Ynow, double tnew, double tnow,
        double dtold, double dt, double(*f)(double t, double y), double told);
void advance();
void shiftvariables();
void printvector(std::vector<double>& vec);
void differentiate(double(*f)(double t, double y), double y0, double a,
        double b);
double f(double t, double y);
void checkdt();

int main() {
    differentiate(f, 0, 1, 5);
    cout << "Time values:" << endl;
    cout << "Solutions:" << endl;
    cout << "Differences between Prediction and Solution:" << endl;
    return 0;

//Shift back all the variables to make way for the new values
void shiftvariables() {
    test.tnow = test.tnew;
    test.dtold = test.dt;
    test.Yold = test.Ynow;
    test.Ynow = test.Ynew;
    test.fold = test.fnow;
    test.fnow = test.fnew;

//Ordinary differential equation to be solved
double f(double t, double y) {
    return pow(t, 2);

//Calculate the predicted and corrected solution at a chosen tnew
void step(double fnow, double fold, double Ynow, double tnew, double tnow,
        double dtold, double dt, double(*f)(double t, double y), double told) {
    //The calculation for Ynew requires integration. I first thought I would need to
    //  use my project 1 code to calculate the integration, but now I see in class we
    //  solved it analytically such that integration is not required:

    //Linear prediction of Ynew using Ynow and fnow
    double Pnew = Ynow + (dt * fnow) + (dt * dt / (2 * dtold)) * (fnow - fold);
    test.Pnew = Pnew;

    //Predict the value of f at tnew using Pnew
    double fnew = f(tnew, Pnew);
    test.fnew = fnew;

    //Calculate the corrected solution at tnew
    double interpolationFactor = fnew - (fnow + dt * (fnow - fold) / dtold);
    double integration = (dt / 6) * (2 * dt + 3 * dtold) / (dt + dtold);
    double Ynew = Pnew + interpolationFactor * integration;
    test.Ynew = Ynew;

    //Update the variables for the next round

//Check the previous solution and choose a new dt to continue evaluation
void advance() {
    //The error indicator is the l2-norm of the prediction minus the correction
    double err_ind = sqrt(
                    differencesDDYSquared.end(), 0));
    // Case where I reject the step and retry
    if (err_ind > test.tol && test.dt > test.dtmin) {
        test.stepsSinceRejection = 0;
        test.dt = test.dt * 0.5;
        test.tnew = test.tnow + test.dt;
    // Cases where I accept the step and move forward
    else {
        differencesDDY.push_back(abs(test.Pnew - test.Ynew));
        differencesDDYSquared.push_back(pow((test.Pnew - test.Ynew), 2));
        //Decrease dt
        if (err_ind >= 0.75 * test.tol) {
            test.dtold = test.dt;
            test.dt = (test.dt * test.ashrink);
            test.tnew = test.tnow + test.dt;
        //Increase dt
        else if (err_ind <= test.tol / 4) {
            if ((test.stepsRejected != 0) && (test.stepsSinceRejection >= 2)) {
                test.dt = (test.dt * test.agrow);
                test.tnew = test.tnow + test.dt;
            } else if (test.stepsRejected == 0) {
                test.dt = (test.dt * test.agrow);
                test.tnew = test.tnow + test.dt;

//Check that the dt chosen by advance is acceptable
void checkdt() {
    if ((test.tnew < test.endTime) && (test.endTime - test.tnew < test.dtmin)) {
        cout << "Reached endTime." << endl;
    } else if (test.dt < test.dtmin) {
        test.dt = test.dtmin;
        test.tnew = test.tnow + test.dt;
        step(test.fnow, test.fold, test.Ynow, test.tnew, test.tnow, test.dtold,
                test.dt, f, test.told);
    } else if (test.dt > test.dtmax) {
        test.dt = test.dtmax;
        test.tnew = test.tnow + test.dt;
        step(test.fnow, test.fold, test.Ynow, test.tnew, test.tnow, test.dtold,
                test.dt, f, test.told);
    } else if ((test.tnew + test.dt) > test.endTime) {
        test.dt = test.endTime - test.tnew;
        test.tnew = test.tnow + test.dt;
    } else if (((test.tnew + test.dt) < test.endTime)
            && ((test.tnew + 2 * test.dt) > test.endTime)) {
        test.dt = (test.endTime - test.tnew) / 2;
        test.tnew = test.tnow + test.dt;
    //If none of the above are satisfied, then the chosen dt
    //  is ok and proceed with it
    else {
        step(test.fnow, test.fold, test.Ynow, test.tnew, test.tnow, test.dtold,
                test.dt, f, test.told);

//meta function to solve a differential equation, called only once
void differentiate(double(*f)(double t, double y), double y0, double a,
        double b) {
    //Set the starting conditions for the solving of the differential equation
    test.fnow = f(a, y0);
    test.endTime = b;
    test.Ynow = y0;

    //Set the constants
    test.ashrink = 0.8;
    test.agrow = 1.25;
    test.dtmin = 0.05;
    test.dtmax = 0.5;
    test.tol = 0.1;

    //Set fold = fnow for the first step
    test.fold = test.fnow;
    test.tnow = a;
    test.told = a - test.dtmin;
    test.dtold = abs(test.tnow - test.told);

    //Create the first prediction, which will then lead to correcting it with step

// Takes a vector as its only parameters and prints it to stdout
void printvector(std::vector<double>& vec) {
    for (vector<double>::iterator it = vec.begin(); it != vec.end(); ++it) {
        cout << *it << ", ";
    cout << "\n";


1 Ответ

2 голосов
/ 18 октября 2011

Поскольку вы используете рекурсию, возможно ли, что вы исчерпали стековую память, вызывая, таким образом, segfault? Это может произойти, если ваше приложение рекурсивно повторяется слишком много раз или если какая-то ошибка вызывает его бесконечное повторение.

Обратите внимание, что, как предполагает sth в комментарии, отладчик может помочь вам решить, так ли это.

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