Вот многие из приведенных выше ответов, написанных с использованием тестов xUnit.Net.Обратите внимание, что оригинальный комментарий автора в выбранном им ответе (что является неправильным решением) дает ожидаемые результаты.Я очистил его решение, чтобы удалить дубликаты сравнений.
Примеры значений внизу.
public class SelectAllInLinq2SqlTests
public void Unsuccessful()
var filteredLesson =
(from l in Lessons
where l.statusID == SUBMITTED ||
l.statusID == APPROVED &&
l.projectID == (l.projectID.HasValue ? projectOne : l.projectID)
select l).ToList();
Assert.Equal(4, filteredLesson.Count);
// this returned 5 items!
// good - filtered the null project IDs and statusID == SUBMITTED
// good - filtered the null project IDs and statusID == APPROVED
// good - filtered the projectID == projectOne and statusID == SUBMITTED
// good - filtered the projectID == projectOne and statusID == APPROVED
// FAIL - filtered the projectID == projectTwo !!!
// two failures first selecting all records containing a null projectID and any status (we wanted to filter on SUBMITTED or APPROVED)
// the failure is due to operator precedence the 'l.statusID == SUBMITTED ||' is short-circuiting the rest of the comparison
public void Unsuccessful2()
var filteredLesson =
(from l in Lessons
where !l.projectID.HasValue ||
(l.statusID == SUBMITTED || l.statusID == APPROVED && l.projectID == projectOne)
select l).ToList();
Assert.Equal(4, filteredLesson.Count);
// this returned 6 items!
// good - filtered the null project IDs and statusID == SUBMITTED
// good - filtered the null project IDs and statusID == APPROVED
// FAIL - filtered the null project IDs and statusID == OTHER!
// good - filtered the projectID == projectOne and statusID == SUBMITTED
// good - filtered the projectID == projectOne and statusID == APPROVED
// FAIL - filtered the projectID == projectTwo !!!
// Two failures:
// first selecting all records containing a null projectID and any status (we wanted to filter on SUBMITTED or APPROVED)
// second failure is due to operator precedence the 'l.statusID == SUBMITTED ||' is short-circuiting the rest of the comparison
public void Unsuccessful2NotQuiteFixed()
var filteredLesson =
(from l in Lessons
where !l.projectID.HasValue
|| ((l.statusID == SUBMITTED || l.statusID == APPROVED)
&& l.projectID == projectOne)
select l).ToList();
Assert.Equal(4, filteredLesson.Count);
// this returned 5 items!
// good - filtered the null project IDs and statusID == SUBMITTED
// good - filtered the null project IDs and statusID == APPROVED
// FAIL - filtered the null project IDs and statusID == OTHER!
// good - filtered the projectID == projectOne and statusID == SUBMITTED with a SUBMITTED status
// good - filtered the projectID == projectOne and statusID == APPROVED with a APPROVED status
// failures selecting all records containing a null projectID and any status (we wanted to filter on SUBMITTED or APPROVED)
public void Sucessful()
// Questioner's provided solution...
var filteredLesson =
(from l in Lessons
where !l.projectID.HasValue && (l.statusID == SUBMITTED || l.statusID == APPROVED)
|| l.projectID == projectOne && (l.statusID == SUBMITTED || l.statusID == APPROVED)
select l).ToList();
Assert.Equal(4, filteredLesson.Count);
public void SucessfulRefined()
// cleaned up without the duplicate status comparisons. Note the parens are necessary.
var filteredLesson =
(from l in Lessons
where (!l.projectID.HasValue || l.projectID == projectOne)
&& (l.statusID == SUBMITTED || l.statusID == APPROVED)
select l).ToList();
Assert.Equal(4, filteredLesson.Count);
public class Lesson
public int? projectID { get; set; }
public int statusID { get; set; }
const int OTHER = 0;
const int SUBMITTED = 1;
const int APPROVED = 2;
const int projectOne = 1;
Lesson[] Lessons = new[]
new Lesson { projectID = null, statusID = SUBMITTED},
new Lesson { projectID = null, statusID = APPROVED},
new Lesson { projectID = null, statusID = OTHER},
new Lesson { projectID = 1, statusID = SUBMITTED},
new Lesson { projectID = 1, statusID = APPROVED},
new Lesson { projectID = 1, statusID = OTHER},
new Lesson { projectID = 2, statusID = SUBMITTED},
new Lesson { projectID = 2, statusID = APPROVED},
new Lesson { projectID = 2, statusID = OTHER},