Я использую Python 3, и моя ОС - Windows 7. Я понимаю, что некоторые команды изменились с перехода с Python 2.7 на 3 (что я использовал).
Переменная временная, но она такая:
(((((0, 7), 7), 8), 4), 5)
Вот код, который избавляет от скобок:
randy = randy.replace(")", "")
randy = randy.replace("(", "")
randy = randy.replace(" ", "")
Когда он пытается выполнить функцию замены, я получаю сообщение об ошибке:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 248, in run_nodebug
File "Criptic.py", line 134, in <module>
randy = randy.replace(")", "")
AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'replace'
Вот весь код:
#Import string
import string
import random
#Input user data
text = input("Enter your text to be converted: ")
#Test Print
print("Your text is: ",text)
#Break up all the data
data = list(text)
count = text.count("a")
count1 = text.count("b")
count2 = text.count("c")
count3 = text.count("d")
count4 = text.count("e")
count5 = text.count("f")
count6 = text.count("g")
count7 = text.count("h")
count8 = text.count("i")
count9 = text.count("j")
count10 = text.count("k")
count11 = text.count("l")
count12 = text.count("m")
count13 = text.count("n")
count14 = text.count("o")
count15 = text.count("p")
count16 = text.count("q")
count17 = text.count("r")
count18 = text.count("s")
count19 = text.count("t")
count20 = text.count("u")
count21 = text.count("v")
count22 = text.count("w")
count23 = text.count("x")
count24 = text.count("y")
count25 = text.count("z")
count26 = text.count("A")
count27 = text.count("B")
count28 = text.count("C")
count29 = text.count("D")
count30 = text.count("E")
count31 = text.count("F")
count32 = text.count("G")
count33 = text.count("H")
count34 = text.count("I")
count35 = text.count("J")
count36 = text.count("K")
count37 = text.count("L")
count38 = text.count("M")
count39 = text.count("N")
count40 = text.count("O")
count41 = text.count("P")
count42 = text.count("Q")
count43 = text.count("R")
count44 = text.count("S")
count45 = text.count("T")
count46 = text.count("U")
count47 = text.count("V")
count48 = text.count("W")
count49 = text.count("X")
count50 = text.count("Y")
count51 = text.count("Z")
#Other Characters
count52 = text.count(" ")
count53 = text.count("?")
count54 = text.count("@")
count55 = text.count("(")
count56 = text.count(")")
count57 = text.count(".")
count58 = text.count("1")
count59 = text.count("2")
count60 = text.count("3")
count61 = text.count("4")
count62 = text.count("5")
count63 = text.count("6")
count64 = text.count("7")
count65 = text.count("8")
count66 = text.count("9")
count67 = text.count("0")
#Counting how many characters in the sentence
finalcount = count + count1 + count2 + count3 + count4 + count5 + count6 + count7 + count8 + count9 + count10 + count11 + count12 + count13 + count14 + count15 + count16 + count17 + count18 + count19 + count20 + count21 + count22 + count23 + count24 + count25 + count26 + count27 + count28 + count29 + count31 + count32 + count33 + count34 + count35 + count36 + count37 + count38 + count39 + count40 + count41 + count42 + count43 + count44 + count45 + count46 + count47 + count48 + count49 + count50 + count51 + count52 + count53 + count54 + count55 + count56 + count57 + count58 + count59 + count60 + count61 + count62 + count63 + count64 + count65 + count66 + count67
#Final count of Characters
print(" Chars: ",finalcount)
char = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz!@#$%^&*()?_+-=1234567890 "
charnum = 74 + 11
randy = 0
num = 0
while num < finalcount:
rand = random.randrange(1,9)
randy = randy,rand
finalcount = finalcount - 1
if rand == 1:
if rand == 2:
if rand == 3:
if rand == 4:
if rand == 5:
if rand == 6:
if rand == 7:
if rand == 8:
if rand == 9:
randy = randy.replace(")", "")
randy = randy.replace("(", "")
randy = randy.replace(" ", "")
print("-This is your code unlock key. Without this code it will not decript!!!! ")