Program to calculate trip and plan flights
#define TRIP 6
#define DEST 1
#include <stdio.h>
int error_dest(int type_num, int cont_num, int dest_code, int check);
int main(void)
int check, type_num, cont_num, index, i, dest_code, trip_num, row, col;
int travelint[TRIP][DEST], travelarea[TRIP];
char area_code, S, M, L, N, P, K, R, C, U, W, O;
trip_num = 7;
while (trip_num > TRIP)
printf("Please enter the number of trips:");
scanf("%d", &trip_num);
if ( trip_num < TRIP)
printf("Valid trip number. Please proceed to enter destination code.\n");
printf("Invalid trips. Please enter no more then 6 trips.\n");
for (i=0; i < trip_num ; i++) /*destination code input*/
printf("Please enter destination code:");
scanf("%d", &dest_code); /*input of destination code*/
check = error_dest(type_num, cont_num, dest_code, check);
if (check == 2)
{ travelint[i][0]=dest_code; }
while (check == 1)
printf("Please enter destination code:");
scanf("%d", &dest_code); /*input of destination code*/
check = error_dest(type_num, cont_num, dest_code, check);
if (check == 2)
{ travelint[i][0]=dest_code; }
printf("Please select from the following that best describes your destination:\n");
printf("S Small city - population under 50,000\n");
printf("M Medium city - population between 50,000 and 500,000\n");
printf("L Large city - pop. over 500,000\n");
printf("N Natural formation like a mountain, a lake, a cave, a geyser, a fjord, a canyon, etc.\n");
printf("P Designated park or reserve such as a wildlife refuge, a national park, a bioreserve, or a protected marine area\n");
printf("K Man made landmark like the Great Wall of China, the Taj Mahal, or Stonehenge\n");
printf("R State or province or region of a country\n");
printf("C Whole country\n");
printf("U Multiple countries like traveling through Europe\n");
printf("W Ocean voyage\n");
printf("O Any other type of destination - such as visiting the sites of the seven wonders of the world\n");
printf("Please enter the Area Letter code:");
scanf("%c", &area_code);
/*print for destination_code*/
for (row = 0; row < trip_num; row++)
for (col=0; col < DEST; col++)
printf("Trip[%d] = %d\n", row+1, travelint[row][col]);
return 0;
error_dest(type_num, cont_num, dest_code, check)
cont_num = dest_code / 10000; /*math for error check*/
type_num = dest_code/1000 - cont_num*10;
if ( (cont_num <= 7) && (cont_num > 0) && (type_num <= 5) && (type_num >=0) )
{ /* loop for checking destination code*/
check = 2 ;
return check;
printf("%d is a invalid code\n", dest_code);
check = 1;
return check;
по какой-то странной причине в scanf ("% c", & area_code);он просто запускается вперед и печатает массив dest_code, не позволяя мне вводить какой-либо символ, и я не уверен, что именно я делаю неправильно.