Привет, чтобы получить ссылку, вы должны использовать " Свойство оси XML-атрибутов ". Это позволяет вам легко получить доступ к атрибутам.
Вы можете использовать его так:
'this is how you get the href string
product._permalink = entry.<link>.@href
Вот полный рабочий пример использования:
Module Module1
' some products xml to use for this example
Dim productsXml As XElement = <Xml>
<Name>Mountain Bike</Name>
<Link href="http://example.com/bike">Click here for a Mountain Bike</Link>
<Name>Arsenal Football</Name>
<Link href="http://example.com/arsenalfootball">Click here for a Arsenal Football</Link>
<Name>Formula One Cap</Name>
<Link href="http://example.com/f1cap">Click here for a Formula One Cap</Link>
<Name>Robin Hood Bow</Name>
<Link href="http://example.com/robinhoodbow">Click here for a Robin Hood Bow</Link>
Sub Main()
' get all <Product> elements from the XDocument
Dim products = From product In productsXml...<Product> _
Select product
' go through each product
For Each product In products
' output the value of the <Name> element within product
Console.WriteLine("Product name is {0}", product.<Name>.Value)
' output the value of the <Price> element within product
Console.WriteLine("Product price is {0}", product.<Price>.Value)
' output the value of the <Link> element within product
Console.WriteLine("Product link text is {0}", product.<Link>.Value)
' output the value of the <Link> href attribute within product
Console.WriteLine("Product href is {0}", product.<Link>.@href)
End Sub
End Module