Я пытаюсь пройти через массив, чтобы создать из него новый. Попытка войти все во время выполнения этого кода:
$this->writeToLog(print_r($this->assembledText, true), 'ass.log');
foreach ($this->assembledText as $paragraphsKey => $paragraphs) {
$this->writeToLog("Paragraph Key:".$paragraphsKey.print_r($paragraphs, true), 'para.log');
$i = 0;
foreach ($paragraphs as $words) {
$newText[$paragraphsKey][$i] = $words;
Здесь я записываю текст, прежде чем пройти, и вот что у меня есть:
ass.log дает мне это:
[2019-05-18 20:32:38] Array
[0] => Array
[0] => One
[1] => thing
[2] => was
[3] => certain,
[4] => that
[5] => the
[6] => white
[7] => kitten
[8] => had
[9] => had
[10] => nothing
[11] => to
[12] => do
[13] => with
[14] => it:
[15] => —
[16] => it
[17] => was
[18] => the
[19] => black
[20] => kitten’s
[21] => fault
[22] => entirely.
[23] => For
[24] => the
[25] => white
[26] => kitten
[27] => had
[28] => been
[29] => having
[30] => its
[31] => face
[32] => washed
[33] => by
[34] => the
[35] => old
[36] => cat
[37] => for
[38] => the
[39] => last
[40] => quarter
[41] => of
[42] => an
[43] => hour
[44] => (and
[45] => bearing
[46] => it
[47] => pretty
[48] => well,
[49] => considering);
[50] => so
[51] => you
[52] => see
[53] => that
[54] => it
[55] => couldn’t
[56] => have
[57] => had
[58] => any
[59] => hand in
[61] => the
[62] => mischief.
[63] =>
[1] => Array
[0] =>
[1] => The
[2] => way
[3] => Dinah
[4] => washed
[5] => her
[6] => children’s
[7] => faces
[8] => was
[9] => this:
[10] => first
[11] => she
[12] => held
[13] => the
[14] => poor
[15] => thing
[16] => down
[17] => by
[18] => its
[19] => ear
[20] => with
[21] => one
[22] => paw,
[23] => and
[24] => then
[25] => with
[26] => the
[27] => other
[28] => paw
[29] => she
[30] => rubbed
[31] => its
[32] => face
[33] => all
[34] => over,
[35] => the
[36] => wrong
[37] => way,
[38] => beginning
[39] => at
[40] => the
[41] => nose:
[42] => and
[43] => just
[44] => now,
[45] => as
[46] => I
[47] => said,
[48] => she
[49] => was
[50] => hard
[51] => at
[52] => work on
[54] => the
[55] => white
[56] => kitten,
[57] => which
[58] => was
[59] => lying
[60] => quite
[61] => still
[62] => and
[63] => trying
[64] => to
[65] => purr
[66] => —
[67] => no
[68] => doubt
[69] => feeling
[70] => that
[71] => it
[72] => was
[73] => all
[74] => meant
[75] => for
[76] => its
[77] => good.
[78] =>
[2] => Array
[0] =>
[1] => But
[2] => the
[3] => black
[4] => kitten
[5] => had
[6] => been
[7] => finished
[8] => with
[9] => earlier
[10] => in
[11] => the
[12] => afternoon,
[13] => and
[14] => so,
[15] => while
[16] => Alice
[17] => was
[18] => sitting
[19] => curled
[20] => up
[21] => in
[22] => a
[23] => corner
[24] => of
[25] => the
[26] => great
[27] => arm-chair,
[28] => half
[29] => talking
[30] => to
[31] => herself
[32] => and
[33] => half
[34] => asleep,
[35] => the
[36] => kitten
[37] => had
[38] => been
[39] => having
[40] => a
[41] => grand
[42] => game
[43] => of
[44] => romps
[45] => with
[46] => the
[47] => ball
[48] => of
[49] => worsted
[50] => Alice
[51] => had
[52] => been
[53] => trying
[54] => to
[55] => wind up,
[57] => and
[58] => had
[59] => been
[60] => rolling
[61] => it
[62] => up
[63] => and
[64] => down
[65] => till
[66] => it
[67] => had
[68] => all
[69] => come
[70] => undone
[71] => again;
[72] => and
[73] => there
[74] => it
[75] => was,
[76] => spread
[77] => over
[78] => the
[79] => hearth-rug,
[80] => all
[81] => knots
[82] => and
[83] => tangles,
[84] => with
[85] => the
[86] => kitten
[87] => running
[88] => after
[89] => its
[90] => own
[91] => tail
[93] => the
[94] => middle.
[95] =>
[3] => Array
[0] =>
[1] => ‘Oh,
[2] => you
[3] => wicked
[4] => little
[5] => thing!’
[6] => cried
[7] => Alice,
[8] => catching up
[10] => the
[11] => kitten,
[12] => and
[13] => giving
[14] => it
[15] => a
[16] => little
[17] => kiss
[18] => to
[19] => make
[20] => it
[21] => understand
[22] => that
[23] => it
[24] => was
[25] => in
[26] => disgrace.
[27] =>
И para.log дает мне это, как будто у меня нет последнего элемента массива, но у меня есть индекс:
[2019-05-18 20:32:38] Paragraph Key:0Array
[0] => One
[1] => thing
[2] => was
[3] => certain,
[4] => that
[5] => the
[6] => white
[7] => kitten
[8] => had
[9] => had
[10] => nothing
[11] => to
[12] => do
[13] => with
[14] => it:
[15] => —
[16] => it
[17] => was
[18] => the
[19] => black
[20] => kitten’s
[21] => fault
[22] => entirely.
[23] => For
[24] => the
[25] => white
[26] => kitten
[27] => had
[28] => been
[29] => having
[30] => its
[31] => face
[32] => washed
[33] => by
[34] => the
[35] => old
[36] => cat
[37] => for
[38] => the
[39] => last
[40] => quarter
[41] => of
[42] => an
[43] => hour
[44] => (and
[45] => bearing
[46] => it
[47] => pretty
[48] => well,
[49] => considering);
[50] => so
[51] => you
[52] => see
[53] => that
[54] => it
[55] => couldn’t
[56] => have
[57] => had
[58] => any
[59] => hand in
[61] => the
[62] => mischief.
[63] =>
[2019-05-18 20:32:38] Paragraph Key:1Array
[0] =>
[1] => The
[2] => way
[3] => Dinah
[4] => washed
[5] => her
[6] => children’s
[7] => faces
[8] => was
[9] => this:
[10] => first
[11] => she
[12] => held
[13] => the
[14] => poor
[15] => thing
[16] => down
[17] => by
[18] => its
[19] => ear
[20] => with
[21] => one
[22] => paw,
[23] => and
[24] => then
[25] => with
[26] => the
[27] => other
[28] => paw
[29] => she
[30] => rubbed
[31] => its
[32] => face
[33] => all
[34] => over,
[35] => the
[36] => wrong
[37] => way,
[38] => beginning
[39] => at
[40] => the
[41] => nose:
[42] => and
[43] => just
[44] => now,
[45] => as
[46] => I
[47] => said,
[48] => she
[49] => was
[50] => hard
[51] => at
[52] => work on
[54] => the
[55] => white
[56] => kitten,
[57] => which
[58] => was
[59] => lying
[60] => quite
[61] => still
[62] => and
[63] => trying
[64] => to
[65] => purr
[66] => —
[67] => no
[68] => doubt
[69] => feeling
[70] => that
[71] => it
[72] => was
[73] => all
[74] => meant
[75] => for
[76] => its
[77] => good.
[78] =>
[2019-05-18 20:32:38] Paragraph Key:2Array
[0] =>
[1] => But
[2] => the
[3] => black
[4] => kitten
[5] => had
[6] => been
[7] => finished
[8] => with
[9] => earlier
[10] => in
[11] => the
[12] => afternoon,
[13] => and
[14] => so,
[15] => while
[16] => Alice
[17] => was
[18] => sitting
[19] => curled
[20] => up
[21] => in
[22] => a
[23] => corner
[24] => of
[25] => the
[26] => great
[27] => arm-chair,
[28] => half
[29] => talking
[30] => to
[31] => herself
[32] => and
[33] => half
[34] => asleep,
[35] => the
[36] => kitten
[37] => had
[38] => been
[39] => having
[40] => a
[41] => grand
[42] => game
[43] => of
[44] => romps
[45] => with
[46] => the
[47] => ball
[48] => of
[49] => worsted
[50] => Alice
[51] => had
[52] => been
[53] => trying
[54] => to
[55] => wind up,
[57] => and
[58] => had
[59] => been
[60] => rolling
[61] => it
[62] => up
[63] => and
[64] => down
[65] => till
[66] => it
[67] => had
[68] => all
[69] => come
[70] => undone
[71] => again;
[72] => and
[73] => there
[74] => it
[75] => was,
[76] => spread
[77] => over
[78] => the
[79] => hearth-rug,
[80] => all
[81] => knots
[82] => and
[83] => tangles,
[84] => with
[85] => the
[86] => kitten
[87] => running
[88] => after
[89] => its
[90] => own
[91] => tail
[93] => the
[94] => middle.
[95] =>
[2019-05-18 20:32:38] Paragraph Key:3
Есть предложения?