Load-use penalty
● Assume that the processor is equipped with bypasses eliminating
the „classic” R-A-W hazard
● Consider the following sequence
lw $4, ....
add $6, $5, $4
This time the R-A-W hazard results from memory load instruction
Data read from memory is not available until MEM stage
The bypass from ALU stage will NOT contain the proper data
Bypasses may reduce this problem but not eliminate it
Memory data from MEM stage may be passed to RD using a bypass
While the 2nd
instruction is in RD, the load instruction is in ALU, not in
● The problem is called Load-Use penalty
Это слайд лекции из моего класса.
У какого-нибудь другого термина "Штраф за использование нагрузки"?
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