В настоящее время создается веб-интерфейс API для существующих веб-служб мультимедиа для кодирования загруженных видео.
Цель моего решения - создать вызов API, куда я буду отправлятьссылка mp4 и выполнение обработки (кодирование и потоковая передача заданной ссылки mp4).Мне удалось получить mp4 и загрузить на сервер и повторно загрузить в собственное хранилище больших двоичных объектов.Однако, если я проверю проводник AMS, все параметры, которые я передал, существуют, за исключением размера файла.Вот мой вызов WEB API, который я создал (полная копия существующего метода формы медиа-сервиса. (https://tiltestingstreaming.azurewebsites.net/)
public JsonResult UploadApi(String video_url)
var id = 1;
WebClient client = new WebClient();
var videoStream = new MemoryStream(client.DownloadData(video_url));
var container = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(mediaServiceStorageConnectionString).CreateCloudBlobClient().GetContainerReference(mediaServiceStorageContainerReference);
var fileName = Path.GetFileName(video_url);
var fileToUpload = new CloudFile()
BlockCount = 1,
FileName = fileName,
Size = videoStream.Length,
BlockBlob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(fileName),
StartTime = DateTime.Now,
IsUploadCompleted = false,
UploadStatusMessage = string.Empty
Session.Add("CurrentFile", fileToUpload);
byte[] chunk = new byte[videoStream.Length];
//request.InputStream.Read(chunk, 0, Convert.ToInt32(request.Length));
//JsonResult returnData = null;
string fileSession = "CurrentFile";
CloudFile model = (CloudFile)Session[fileSession];
var blockId = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(
string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:D4}", id)));
videoStream, null, null,
new BlobRequestOptions()
RetryPolicy = new LinearRetry(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), 3)
catch (StorageException e)
model.IsUploadCompleted = true;
model.UploadStatusMessage = "Failed to Upload file. Exception - " + e.Message;
return Json(new { error = true, isLastBlock = false, message = model.UploadStatusMessage });
var blockList = Enumerable.Range(1, (int)model.BlockCount).ToList<int>().ConvertAll(rangeElement => Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:D4}", rangeElement))));
var duration = DateTime.Now - model.StartTime;
float fileSizeInKb = model.Size / 1024;
string fileSizeMessage = fileSizeInKb > 1024 ? string.Concat((fileSizeInKb / 1024).ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), " MB") : string.Concat(fileSizeInKb.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), " KB");
model.UploadStatusMessage = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "File of size {0} took {1} seconds to upload.", fileSizeMessage, duration.TotalSeconds);
IAsset mediaServiceAsset = CreateMediaAsset(model);
model.AssetId = mediaServiceAsset.Id;
//if (id == model.BlockCount){CommitAllChunks(model);}
return Json(new { error = false, isLastBlock = false, message = string.Empty, filename = fileName,filesize = videoStream.Length });
Функции, используемые в решении с помощью метода форм.
public ActionResult SetMetadata(int blocksCount, string fileName, long fileSize)
var container = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(mediaServiceStorageConnectionString).CreateCloudBlobClient().GetContainerReference(mediaServiceStorageContainerReference);
var fileToUpload = new CloudFile()
BlockCount = blocksCount,
FileName = fileName,
Size = fileSize,
BlockBlob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(fileName),
StartTime = DateTime.Now,
IsUploadCompleted = false,
UploadStatusMessage = string.Empty
Session.Add("CurrentFile", fileToUpload);
return Json(true);
public ActionResult UploadChunk(int id)
HttpPostedFileBase request = Request.Files["Slice"];
byte[] chunk = new byte[request.ContentLength];
request.InputStream.Read(chunk, 0, Convert.ToInt32(request.ContentLength));
JsonResult returnData = null;
string fileSession = "CurrentFile";
if (Session[fileSession] != null)
CloudFile model = (CloudFile)Session[fileSession];
returnData = UploadCurrentChunk(model, chunk, id);
if (returnData != null)
return returnData;
if (id == model.BlockCount)
return CommitAllChunks(model);
returnData = Json(new
error = true,
isLastBlock = false,
message = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Failed to Upload file.", "Session Timed out")
return returnData;
return Json(new { error = false, isLastBlock = false, message = string.Empty });
private JsonResult UploadCurrentChunk(CloudFile model, byte[] chunk, int id)
using (var chunkStream = new MemoryStream(chunk))
var blockId = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(
string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:D4}", id)));
chunkStream, null, null,
new BlobRequestOptions()
RetryPolicy = new LinearRetry(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), 3)
return null;
catch (StorageException e)
model.IsUploadCompleted = true;
model.UploadStatusMessage = "Failed to Upload file. Exception - " + e.Message;
return Json(new { error = true, isLastBlock = false, message = model.UploadStatusMessage });
private ActionResult CommitAllChunks(CloudFile model)
model.IsUploadCompleted = true;
bool errorInOperation = false;
var blockList = Enumerable.Range(1, (int)model.BlockCount).ToList<int>().ConvertAll(rangeElement => Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:D4}", rangeElement))));
var duration = DateTime.Now - model.StartTime;
float fileSizeInKb = model.Size / 1024;
string fileSizeMessage = fileSizeInKb > 1024 ? string.Concat((fileSizeInKb / 1024).ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), " MB") : string.Concat(fileSizeInKb.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), " KB");
model.UploadStatusMessage = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "File of size {0} took {1} seconds to upload.", fileSizeMessage, duration.TotalSeconds);
IAsset mediaServiceAsset = CreateMediaAsset(model);
model.AssetId = mediaServiceAsset.Id;
catch (StorageException e)
model.UploadStatusMessage = "Failed to upload file. Exception - " + e.Message;
errorInOperation = true;
return Json(new
error = errorInOperation,
isLastBlock = model.IsUploadCompleted,
message = model.UploadStatusMessage,
assetId = model.AssetId
private IAsset CreateMediaAsset(CloudFile model)
CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(mediaServiceStorageConnectionString);
CloudBlobClient cloudBlobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
CloudBlobContainer mediaBlobContainer = cloudBlobClient.GetContainerReference(mediaServiceStorageContainerReference);
// Create a new asset.
IAsset asset = context.Assets.Create("UploadedVideo-" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ToLower(), AssetCreationOptions.None);
IAccessPolicy writePolicy = context.AccessPolicies.Create("writePolicy", TimeSpan.FromMinutes(120), AccessPermissions.Write);
ILocator destinationLocator = context.Locators.CreateLocator(LocatorType.Sas, asset, writePolicy);
// Get the asset container URI and copy blobs from mediaContainer to assetContainer.
Uri uploadUri = new Uri(destinationLocator.Path);
string assetContainerName = uploadUri.Segments[1];
CloudBlobContainer assetContainer = cloudBlobClient.GetContainerReference(assetContainerName);
string fileName = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Path.GetFileName(model.BlockBlob.Uri.AbsoluteUri));
var sourceCloudBlob = mediaBlobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(fileName);
if (sourceCloudBlob.Properties.Length > 0)
IAssetFile assetFile = asset.AssetFiles.Create(fileName);
var destinationBlob = assetContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(fileName);
if (sourceCloudBlob.Properties.Length != destinationBlob.Properties.Length)
model.UploadStatusMessage += "Failed to copy as Media Asset!";
sourceCloudBlob.Delete(); //delete temp blob
// Refresh the asset.
asset = context.Assets.Where(a => a.Id == asset.Id).FirstOrDefault();
var ismAssetFiles = asset.AssetFiles.FirstOrDefault();
ismAssetFiles.IsPrimary = true;
model.UploadStatusMessage += " Media file uploaded successfully by id: " + asset.Id;
model.AssetId = asset.Id;
return asset;
public ActionResult EncodeToAdaptiveBitrateMP4s(string assetId)
// Note: You need atleast 1 reserve streaming unit for dynamic packaging of encoded media. If you don't have that, you can't see video file playing.
IAsset inputAsset = GetAssetById(assetId);
string token = string.Empty;
string uploadFileOriginalName = string.Empty;
////// Without preset (say default preset), works very well
//IJob job = context.Jobs.CreateWithSingleTask(MediaProcessorNames.AzureMediaEncoder,
// MediaEncoderTaskPresetStrings.H264AdaptiveBitrateMP4Set720p,
// inputAsset,
// "UploadedVideo-" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ToLower() + "-Adaptive-Bitrate-MP4",
// AssetCreationOptions.None);
//IAsset encodedOutputAsset = job.OutputMediaAssets[0];
//// XML Preset
IJob job = context.Jobs.Create(inputAsset.Name);
IMediaProcessor processor = GetLatestMediaProcessorByName("Media Encoder Standard");
string configuration = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(HttpContext.Server.MapPath("~/MediaServicesCustomPreset.xml"));
ITask task = job.Tasks.AddNew(inputAsset.Name + "- encoding task", processor, configuration, TaskOptions.None);
task.OutputAssets.AddNew(inputAsset.Name + "-Adaptive-Bitrate-MP4", AssetCreationOptions.None);
IAsset encodedAsset = job.OutputMediaAssets[0];
// process policy & encryption
// Get file name
string fileSession = "CurrentFile";
if (Session[fileSession] != null)
CloudFile model = (CloudFile)Session[fileSession];
uploadFileOriginalName = model.FileName;
// Generate Streaming URL
string smoothStreamingUri = GetStreamingOriginLocator(encodedAsset, uploadFileOriginalName);
// add jobid and output asset id in database
AzureMediaServicesContext db = new AzureMediaServicesContext();
var video = new Video();
video.RowAssetId = assetId;
video.EncodingJobId = job.Id;
video.EncodedAssetId = encodedAsset.Id;
video.LocatorUri = smoothStreamingUri;
video.IsEncrypted = useAESRestriction;
if (useAESRestriction)
token = AzureMediaAsset.GetTestToken(encodedAsset.Id, encodedAsset);
// Remove session
// return success response
return Json(new
error = false,
message = "Congratulations! Video is uploaded and pipelined for encoding, check console log for after encoding playback details.",
assetId = assetId,
jobId = job.Id,
locator = smoothStreamingUri,
encrypted = useAESRestriction,
token = token
Реальная проблема, с которой я столкнулся, заключалась в том, что я не уверен, почему размер файла загруженного удаленного файла mp4 не сохраняется в файле ресурсов медиа-сервисов, но я смог вернуть значение через jsonответ на мой вызов API. Проверьте прикрепленный снимок экрана с ответом API. 
