Я хочу попробовать запустить программу "Кракен" на сервере Linux. я ходил по интернету и нашел какой-то код Paramiko. Однако я не смог запустить программу и выложить некоторые данные для программы. я не получил никакого вывода. это не выход.
command = 'cd kraken / Kraken; ./ kraken ../indexes \ n'
это команда, которую я хочу запустить, чтобы войти в программу Kraken
после выполнения команды выше результат должен быть таким:
Device: /dev/sdb 40
Allocated 41404056 bytes: ../indexes/132.idx
Allocated 41301076 bytes: ../indexes/260.idx
Allocated 41257060 bytes: ../indexes/108.idx
Allocated 41269576 bytes: ../indexes/140.idx
Allocated 41248788 bytes: ../indexes/404.idx
Allocated 41243292 bytes: ../indexes/196.idx
Allocated 41257176 bytes: ../indexes/388.idx
Allocated 41249180 bytes: ../indexes/156.idx
Allocated 41250740 bytes: ../indexes/292.idx
Allocated 41230652 bytes: ../indexes/220.idx
Allocated 41236892 bytes: ../indexes/372.idx
Allocated 41252956 bytes: ../indexes/172.idx
Allocated 41253772 bytes: ../indexes/500.idx
Allocated 41235184 bytes: ../indexes/180.idx
Allocated 41256180 bytes: ../indexes/436.idx
Allocated 41260184 bytes: ../indexes/428.idx
Allocated 41279240 bytes: ../indexes/188.idx
Allocated 41239116 bytes: ../indexes/492.idx
Allocated 41241432 bytes: ../indexes/164.idx
Allocated 41259888 bytes: ../indexes/324.idx
Allocated 41246592 bytes: ../indexes/356.idx
Allocated 41239636 bytes: ../indexes/204.idx
Allocated 41253276 bytes: ../indexes/212.idx
Allocated 41247816 bytes: ../indexes/420.idx
Allocated 41254252 bytes: ../indexes/412.idx
Allocated 41236164 bytes: ../indexes/348.idx
Allocated 41240688 bytes: ../indexes/396.idx
Allocated 41235072 bytes: ../indexes/100.idx
Allocated 41257276 bytes: ../indexes/230.idx
Allocated 41249048 bytes: ../indexes/340.idx
Allocated 41274520 bytes: ../indexes/124.idx
Allocated 41246480 bytes: ../indexes/364.idx
Allocated 41239444 bytes: ../indexes/238.idx
Allocated 41247488 bytes: ../indexes/116.idx
Allocated 41248632 bytes: ../indexes/268.idx
Allocated 41248652 bytes: ../indexes/332.idx
Allocated 41237644 bytes: ../indexes/148.idx
Allocated 41281052 bytes: ../indexes/250.idx
Allocated 41314028 bytes: ../indexes/380.idx
Allocated 41235976 bytes: ../indexes/276.idx
Tables: 132,260,108,140,404,196,388,156,292,220,372,172,500,180,436,428,188,492,164,324,356,204,212,420,412,348,396,100,230,340,124,364,238,116,268,332,148,250,380,276
Commands are: crack test quit
теперь я хочу поместить ввод в программу после «Kraken>», например (crack 1100100011010001010000111001010010101001111010110001010100011100110001100011100000001100011100010001100011100010001100011000101010001110011000110001110011000110001110001000110001110001000110001110001010110111101010110111101010110111101010110111101010110111101010110111101010110111101010110111101010110111101010101101111010101101111010101011011110100011001110101000110011110001010110111101010101101111010101101111010010101001000010110010))
как я могу это сделать, показать и получить вывод программы.
это некоторые коды, которые я пробовал
import paramiko
import re
class ShellHandler:
def __init__(self, host, user, psw):
self.ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
self.ssh.connect(host, username=user, password=psw, port=22)
channel = self.ssh.invoke_shell()
self.stdin = channel.makefile('wb')
self.stdout = channel.makefile('r')
def __del__(self):
def execute(self, cmd):
:param cmd: the command to be executed on the remote computer
:examples: execute('ls')
execute('cd folder_name')
cmd = cmd.strip('\n')
self.stdin.write(cmd + '\n')
finish = 'end of stdOUT buffer. finished with exit status'
echo_cmd = 'echo {} $?'.format(finish)
self.stdin.write(echo_cmd + '\n')
shin = self.stdin
shout = []
sherr = []
exit_status = 0
for line in self.stdout:
if str(line).startswith(cmd) or str(line).startswith(echo_cmd):
# up for now filled with shell junk from stdin
shout = []
elif str(line).startswith(finish):
# our finish command ends with the exit status
exit_status = int(str(line).rsplit(maxsplit=1)[1])
if exit_status:
# stderr is combined with stdout.
# thus, swap sherr with shout in a case of failure.
sherr = shout
shout = []
# get rid of 'coloring and formatting' special characters
shout.append(re.compile(r'(\x9B|\x1B\[)[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~]').sub('', line).
replace('\b', '').replace('\r', ''))
# first and last lines of shout/sherr contain a prompt
if shout and echo_cmd in shout[-1]:
if shout and cmd in shout[0]:
if sherr and echo_cmd in sherr[-1]:
if sherr and cmd in sherr[0]:
return shin, print(shout) , sherr
host = "xxx"
name = "xxx"
pwd = "xxx"
command = 'cd kraken/Kraken;./kraken ../indexes \n'
conn_one = ShellHandler(host,name,pwd)
conn_one.execute('quit \n')