Я создал несколько веб-API для определенного ответа.Отлично скомпилировано и работает на визуальной студии localhost.как только я просто опубликую его, это выдаст мне ошибку вроде:
Warning 15 This label has not been referenced C:\MSSMS.infisms.co.in\MSSMS.infisms.co.in\App_Code\BulkSMS.cs 578 5 C:\MSSMS.infisms.co.in\MSSMS.infisms.co.in\
, и это мой сервисный код:
[WebService(Namespace = "http://tempuri.org/")]
[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
// To allow this Web Service to be called from script, using ASP.NET AJAX, uncomment the following line.
public class BulkSMS : System.Web.Services.WebService
public BulkSMS()
//Uncomment the following line if using designed components
#region Sendmessage
public string SendQuickMessage(string C_Name, string MobileNo, string Message, int AccountType, int Sender, int MessageType)
string Response = " ";// string.Empty;
int CharCount = CharMsgCount(Message, MessageType);
string[] Mobilenos = MobileNo.Split(',');
foreach (string Mobile in Mobilenos)
AppGlobal.Message message = new AppGlobal.Message();
message.intUserID = SiteUser.Current().UserID;
message.strC_Name = C_Name;
message.strMobileNo = Mobile;
message.strMessageText = Message;
message.intAccounttype = AccountType;
message.intSenderID = Sender;
message.intMessagetype = MessageType;
message.dtReceiveTime = DateTime.Now;
message.intCharCount = CharCount;
//Mysql.ExecuteNonQuery("BulkSMS_SendQuickMessage", SiteUser.Current().UserID, C_Name, Mobile, Message, AccountType, Sender, MessageType);
//Mysql.ExecuteNonQuery("BulkSMS_AddArchiveMessgae", SiteUser.Current().UserID, Message);
Response = "Success";
catch (Exception ex)
Response = "Error in BulkSMS_SendQuickMessage : " + MobileNo + " " + CommonMethods.GetErrorMessage(ex, "BulkSMS_AddArchiveMessgae");
**RESPONSE:// this line gives warning message not referenced label**
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Response))
return Response;
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