У меня есть два приложения одной и той же игры LoL, я хочу, если я нажимаю на вкладку типа «сюжет», я получаю входные данные специально для этой вкладки, я пробовал tabsetpanel, но я получил все входные данные на той же странице, есть мой код, я не включил серверную часть
ui= fluidPage(theme= "bootstrap.css",
tabsetPanel(type = "tabs",
tabPanel("plot", plotOutput("plot")),
tabPanel("summary", verbatimTextOutput("summary"))
# Application title
".shiny-output-error { visibility: hidden; }",
".shiny-output-error:before { visibility: hidden; }",
"h1 {
color: blue;
"h2 {
titlePanel(h1("League of Legends")),
tags$style(type="text/css", '#leftPanel { max-width:300px; float:left;}'),
id = "leftPanel",target="plot",
selectInput(inputId = "patch",
label = "Patch",
choices = patches),
selectInput(inputId = "champ1",
label = "Champion 1",
choices = champs),
selectInput(inputId = "champ2",
label = "Champion 2",
choices = champs)),
# Sidebar with a slider input for number of bins
tags$style(type="text/css", '#leftPanel { max-width:300px; float:left;}'),
id = "leftPanel",target="Summary",
numericInput("gdat10", "Gold difference at 10:00", 0, width="250px"),
numericInput("gdat15", "Total gold earned at 15:00", 0, width="250px"),
numericInput("fb", "First blood kill",0, width="250px"),
numericInput("teamkills", "Total kills by team", 0, width="250px"),
numericInput("teamdeaths", "Total deaths by team", 0, width="250px")
tags$style(type="text/css", '#RightPanel { max-width:300px; float:right;}'),
id = "RightPanel",target=plot,
numericInput("ft", "First tower of game killed",0, width="250px"),
numericInput("fd", "First dragon of game killed", 0, width="250px"),
numericInput("teamdragkills", "Total dragons killed by team", 0, width="250px"),
numericInput("oppdragkills", "Total dragons killed by opposing team", 0, width="250px"),
numericInput("teamtowerkills", "Total tower killed by team", 0, width="250px"),
numericInput("opptowerkills", "Total tower killed by opposing team", 0, width="250px")
# Show a plot of the generated distribution
), h2(textOutput('txtOutput')),
Вот как выглядит мой интерфейс
Вкладка первая:
Вкладка вторая:
![Tab summary](https://i.stack.imgur.com/Ofqme.png)