В настоящее время я работаю над блестящим приложением, которое показывает пользователям, где они могут припарковать автомобиль в государственном университете. Сейчас я пытаюсь выяснить, почему все многоугольники в моем простом объекте-объекте имеют одинаковую метку «Лот L». Я хотел, чтобы на каждой метке отображалось название местоположения, связанное с соответствующим полигоном (то есть полигон «Eagle Bank Arena» помечен как «Eagle Bank Arena», полигон «Центр Джонсона» помечен как «Центр Джонсона» и т. Д.). .)
Имена местоположений содержатся в столбце атрибутов, который называется «Местоположение». Будем весьма благодарны за любую помощь в том, как я могу решить мою проблему.
Ссылка на приложение Shiny:
https://cypher -trial.shinyapps.io / Trial_Map /
Мой код:
#Joining Coordinates
Johnson_Center <- rbind(c(-77.30488,38.82845), c(-77.30422,38.82837), c(-77.30399,38.82942), c(-77.30466,38.82951), c(-77.30488,38.82845))
Shenandoah_Parking_Deck <- rbind(c(-77.30807,38.83035),c(-77.30746,38.83060),c(-77.30675,38.82959),c(-77.30741,38.82933),c(-77.30807,38.83035))
Eagle_Bank_Arena <- rbind(c(-77.30995,38.82731),c(-77.31029,38.82702),c(-77.31028,38.82664),c(-77.30989,38.82638),c(-77.30940,38.82641),c(-77.30906,38.82670),c(-77.30908,38.827076),c(-77.30946,38.82733),c(-77.30995,38.82731))
Rappahannock_Parking_Deck <- rbind(c(-77.30673,38.83415),c(-77.30687,38.83509),c(-77.30521,38.83526),c(-77.30504,38.83432),c(-77.30673,38.83415))
Mason_Pond_Parking_Deck <- rbind(c(-77.30998,38.82996),c(-77.31028,38.83043),c(-77.30954,38.83075),c(-77.30956,38.83079),c(-77.30943,38.83087),c(-77.30906,38.83036),c(-77.30998,38.82996))
Lot_L <- rbind(c(-77.31015,38.82494),c(-77.31042,38.82492),c(-77.31180,38.82593),c(-77.31118,38.82645),c(-77.30928,38.82513),c(-77.30978,38.82468),c(-77.31015,38.82494))
#Combine Coordinate into list of ploygons
Test_Locations <-st_polygon(list(Johnson_Center,
#Test the ploygons
#Create Simple Feature Column
Test_Location_sfc <- st_sfc(Test_Locations)
#Create a dataframe with just one column - "Location"
Location_Name <- cbind.data.frame(c("Johnson Center",
"Shenandoah Parking Deck",
"Eagle Bank Arena",
"Rappahannock Parking Deck",
"Mason Pond Parking Deck",
"Lot L"))
#Create Simple Feature
sf_final <- st_sf(Location_Name, Test_Location_sfc)
#Define CRS
st_crs(sf_final) <- "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"
#Define palette for legend
simple_list <- c("Always","Sometimes","Never")
legend_options <- factor(simple_list, labels = c("Always","Sometimes","Never"))
pal_legend <- colorFactor(palette = c("#41d33f","#e3fc44","#838487"),
domain = legend_options,
ordered = FALSE)
ui <- bootstrapPage(
tags$style(type = "text/css", "html, body {width:100%;height:100%}"),
leafletOutput("MAP_EXAMPLE", width = "100%", height = "100%"),
absolutePanel(id = "controls", class = "panel panel-default",
fixed = TRUE, draggable = TRUE, top = 20, left = "auto", right = 20,
bottom = "auto", width = 330, height = "auto", align = "center",
p(h2("Where Can I Park?")),
pickerInput("permit_or_visitor",label = "Are you a permit holder or visitor?", choices = c('Active Permit Holder','Visitor'),
multiple = FALSE, selected = 'Visitor', options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE,`none-selected-text` = "Nothing Selected",`live-search` = TRUE)),
conditionalPanel("input.permit_or_visitor == 'Active Permit Holder'",
pickerInput("permit_type",label = "Permit Type?", choices = c("Permit A","Permit B","Permit C","Permit D"),
multiple = FALSE, selected = "Permit A", options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE,`none-selected-text` = "Nothing Selected",`live-search` = TRUE))),
conditionalPanel("input.permit_or_visitor == 'Visitor'",
pickerInput("visitor_type",label = "What type of parking are looking for?", choices = c("Option A","Option B","Option C","Option D"),
multiple = FALSE, selected = "Option A", options = list(`actions-box` = TRUE,`none-selected-text` = "Nothing Selected",`live-search` = TRUE)))
server <- function(input, output) {
output$MAP_EXAMPLE <- renderLeaflet({
leaflet(options = leafletOptions(dragging = TRUE,
minZoom = 15,
maxZoom = 19)) %>%
addProviderTiles("OpenStreetMap") %>%
setView(lng = -77.3084807, lat = 38.8314936, zoom = 15) %>% #Complete Zoom Range [0:19]
setMaxBounds(lng1 = -77.2800,
lat1 = 38.8210,
lng2 = -77.3380,
lat2 = 38.8415) %>%
addResetMapButton() %>%
addMarkers(lng = -77.280, lat = 38.821, popup = "Bottom Right") %>%
addMarkers(lng = -77.3380, lat = 38.8415, popup = "Top Left") %>%
addPolygons(data = sf_final,
color = "purple",
label = ~Location) %>%
addLegend(title = "Can I park here?",
position = "bottomleft",
pal = pal_legend,
values = legend_options,
opacity = 1.0)
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)