Я нашел решение, основанное на алгоритмах динамического программирования .
Пояснения в комментариях:
function n_points = BlueDotsDist()
I = imread('BlueDots.png');
%Fix the image uploaded to the site - each dot will be a pixel.
I = imresize(imclose(I, ones(3)), 1/6, 'nearest');
%Convert each color channel to a bynary image:
R = imbinarize(I(:,:,1));G = imbinarize(I(:,:,2));B = imbinarize(I(:,:,3));
%figure;imshow(cat(3, double(R), double(G), double(B)));impixelinfo
%Find blue dost:
[blue_y, blue_x] = find((B == 1) & (R == 0));
%Compute distance map from first blue point
P = CalcDistMap(R, blue_y(1), blue_x(1));
%Compute distance map from second blue point
Q = CalcDistMap(R, blue_y(2), blue_x(2));
%Get 3x3 pixels around second blue point.
A = P(blue_y(2)-1:blue_y(2)+1, blue_x(2)-1:blue_x(2)+1);
dist_p = min(A(:)); %Minimum value is the shortest distance from first point (but not the number of white points).
T = max(P, Q); %Each element of T is maximum distance from both points.
T(T > dist_p) = 10000; %Remove points that are more far than dist_p.
%Return number of white points between blue points.
n_points = sum(T(:) < 10000);
function P = CalcDistMap(R, blue_y, blue_x)
%Each white pixel in R gets the distance from the blue dot in coordinate (blue_x, blue_y).
%Initialize array with values of 10000 (high value - marks infinite distance).
P = zeros(size(R)) + 10000; %P - distance from blue dot
P(blue_y, blue_x) = 0; %Distance from itself.
prvPsum = 0;
while (sum(P(:) < 10000) ~= prvPsum)
prvPsum = sum(P(:) < 10000); %Sum of "marked" dots.
for y = 2:size(R, 1)-1
for x = 2:size(R, 2)-1
p = P(y, x);
if (p < 10000) %If P(y,x) is "marked"
A = P(y-1:y+1, x-1:x+1); %3x3 neighbors.
A = min(A, p+1); %Distance is the minimum of current distance, and distance from p pixel + 1.
A(R(y-1:y+1, x-1:x+1) == 0) = 10000; %Ignore black pixels.
A(P(y-1:y+1, x-1:x+1) == 0) = 0; %Restore 0 in blue point.
P(y-1:y+1, x-1:x+1) = A; %Update distance map.
Иллюстрация карт расстояний (заменено 10000)с нулем):
P (расстояния от первой синей точки):
Q (расстояния от второй синей точки):
макс. (P, Q):