У меня есть большой CSV-файл, который я преобразовал в JSON, и теперь мне нужно показать его на моем HTML-сайте. Я перепробовал все, даже с XML, но он не работает. Может кто-нибудь помочь мне просто показать это на веб-сайте html или, что еще лучше, может быть, кто-то может выбрать атрибуты?
Я попробовал его на своем MacBook или даже на компьютере с Windows, на котором запущен xampp, но он ничего не показывает.
"ID": 1,
"Site": "A 1",
"Longitude UTM": 446253.881,
"Latitude UTM": 7657736.83,
"Elevation": 1343.3374,
"Gorge": "Amis",
"Site Nickname": "",
"Discoverer": "",
"Date of Discovery": "",
"Publication": "Pager; Harald: The Rock Paintings of the Upper Brandberg; Part 1 � Amis Gorge. Africa Praehistorica 1 (K�ln: Heinrich Barth Institut); 1989.",
"ISBN 10": "3-927688-01-0",
"Site Pager": "A 1",
"Number of Figures": 44,
"Figure Category": 4,
"Distance to next Site": 590.7813,
"Next Site": "A 4",
"Cardinal Points": "SE",
"Painting Location": "5; 6",
"Water in Sight": "",
"Water Availability": ">300m",
"Open Field in Sight": "",
"Open Field": "adjacent",
"Living Place": "unfavourable",
"Spatiality": 19,
"Visibility": "<15m",
"Context": "isolated",
"View from Site": "magnificent",
"Evidence of Human Occupation": "NA",
"Degradation of Paintings": "NA",
"Quantity of Artefacts": "medium quantity",
"Lithics": "NA",
"Pottery": "NA",
"O.E.S.": "NA",
"Bone": "NA",
"Charcoal": "NA",
"Grinding Implements": "NA",
"Stone Structures": "NA",
"Miscellenous Artefact": "NA",
"Remarks": ""
"ID": 2,
"Site": "A 2",
"Longitude UTM": 447469.166,
"Latitude UTM": 7657906.65,
"Elevation": 1349.5029,
"Gorge": "Amis",
"Site Nickname": "",
"Discoverer": "",
"Date of Discovery": "",
"Publication": "Pager; Harald: The Rock Paintings of the Upper Brandberg; Part 1 � Amis Gorge. Africa Praehistorica 1 (K�ln: Heinrich Barth Institut); 1989.",
"ISBN 10": "3-927688-01-0",
"Site Pager": "A 2",
"Number of Figures": 91,
"Figure Category": 3,
"Distance to next Site": 43.481,
"Next Site": "A 3",
"Cardinal Points": "NW",
"Painting Location": "5; 8; 11",
"Water in Sight": "",
"Water Availability": "within shouting distance",
"Open Field in Sight": "True",
"Open Field": "within shouting distance",
"Living Place": "spacious",
"Spatiality": 16,
"Visibility": "<15m",
"Context": "marginal",
"View from Site": "poor",
"Evidence of Human Occupation": "NA",
"Degradation of Paintings": "NA",
"Quantity of Artefacts": "none",
"Lithics": "NA",
"Pottery": "NA",
"O.E.S.": "NA",
"Bone": "NA",
"Charcoal": "NA",
"Grinding Implements": "NA",
"Stone Structures": "NA",
"Miscellenous Artefact": "NA",
"Remarks": ""
} ]
Предпочтительно без jquery, потому что у нас не было этого в курсе.