Давайте укажем несколько вещей, так как это поможет вам лучше понять некоторые ключевые проблемы с вашим кодом:
function () { // no function name
var bar = document.getElementsByClassName("progress-bar");
// 'bar' is a generic term, alonside 'foo', might want to use something like 'progressBar'
// also, document.getElementsByClassName() returns a HTML Collection - somewhat like an array
// bar.width() will not work, as you are not applying it to an element, but to an array
var x = document.getElementsByClassName("progress-bar")[a].getAttribute("id");
// 'a' is not defined - it shouldbe an index of some sort
// if it were to work it would return a string - the value of the id itself
// the id is not meant to be used as such - better use a 'data-attribute' instead
switch (x[a]){
// x is a string, as mentioned above
// x[index] will return the letter within the string, at that index;
// example: 'mystring'[3] - will give you 't', the 4th letter
// the same result is for: var z ='mystring'; z[3] - will give you 't', the 4th letter
// x[a] will never return 'html' - as it is a single letter
case 'html':
// this will never run - as x[a] returns a single letter/digit
// you cannot write 'HTML' with only one letter/digit :)
// as mentioned above, bar is a HTML Collection, not an element - bar.width() will not work
if (bar.width() >= 500) {
// progress is not defined within your posted code, just saying for future posts
} else {
bar.width(bar.width() + 100);
// Also, a micro-optimization: you are getting bar.width() twice
// store it and use the stored value instead of checking it again, just to get the same result
// long story short, you could change it with :
// var currentWidth = bar.width();
// if (currentWidth >= 500) {
// clearInterval(progress);
// } else {
// bar.width(currentWidth + 100);
// }
// break;
// as there is only one case (if x[a]==='html') - which never runs, then the 'default' will always run
// the 'default' has no code within it - so it will always run .. no code
Ближе к рабочей функции будет:
function (myIndex) {
var allProgressBars = document.getElementsByClassName("progress-bar");
var targetProgressBar = allProgressBars[myIndex];
var targetIdValue = targetProgressBar.getAttribute("id");
var currentWidth = targetProgressBar.width();
switch (targetIdValue){
case 'html':
if (currentWidth >= 500) {
clearInterval(progress); // still need to define 'progress'
} else {
bar.width(currentWidth + 100);
Ближе к рабочей функции + еще лучше:
<div class="progress-bar" id="html" ...>
<div class="progress-bar" data-value="html" ...>
function (myIndex) {
var allProgressBars = document.getElementsByClassName("progress-bar");
var targetProgressBar = allProgressBars[myIndex];
var targetValue = targetProgressBar.getAttribute("data-value");
var currentWidth = targetProgressBar.width();
switch (targetValue){
case 'html':
if (currentWidth >= 500) {
clearInterval(progress); // still need to define 'progress'
} else {
bar.width(currentWidth + 100);