Я пытаюсь создать многопользовательскую и многопользовательскую очередь без блокировок, однако иногда происходит сбой при попытке вывести фиктивный узел. Когда я впервые писал этот алгоритм очереди, я понял, что всегда будет один узел, застрявший в очереди в самом конце программы, чтобы решить эту проблему, мне просто потребовалось выдвинуть потребителя в фиктивный узел. Я проверил, что очередь работает, если мы опускаем вставку / удаление фиктивного узла
Push просто пытается добавить узел в tail-> next и затем переместить указатель узла mTail вперед. Если другой поток побеждает нас, записывая в tail-> next, тогда попытайтесь повернуть его вперед (чтобы предотвратить перепланирование потоков, блокирующих потоки других производителей).
/// @todo Update memory barriers for even faster performance
/// Pushes a node into the queue.
/// @param next The node to insert into the node
/// @return bool Whether the node was successfully inserted into the queue
// The impl goes like this. One invariant is that there is ALWAYS one node in
// the queue. This allows us to push an element into it without having to worry
// the consumers and producers fighting for the head node. If the tail node's
// next pointer is null then we have the ability to insert a node. So we will
// CAS on that node. This node will never "disapear" because one of the invariants
// is that there is at least one node in the queue. Once the next node is published
// consumers can pop the current tail node, but we dont care if this is popped. It
// will just mean that the tail node points to a node before the head node. Which
// will be corrected either by us or the next producer thread. If the next pointer
// is taken by another thread then just move the mTail node forward (unnessary, but)
// if the thread that added the next node dies then we will never be able to add more
// nodes anymore.
bool sync_push(node_ptr_t next) {
node_ptr_t tail = mTail.load();
node_ptr_t tailNext = nullptr;
// we cant have spurious failures here or the mTail node will be set to nullptr
if (tail->next.compare_exchange_strong(tailNext, next)) {
mTail.compare_exchange_weak(tail, next);
return true;
mTail.compare_exchange_weak(tail, tailNext);
return false;
Алгоритм pop помещает фиктивный узел в очередь, если в очереди есть один узел в очереди и если фиктивный узел еще не находится в очереди (проверяется с помощью флага). Он пытается извлечь узел, и если он успешен и не является фиктивным, то возвращает узел. Если это фиктивный узел, он очищает флаг и возвращает nullptr
/// Trys to push a dummy node into the queue. Will not always success and does not block
/// @param func Whether to use unsync_push or sync_push to push the dummy node
/// @note Is thread-safe is sync_push is used. Is non-blocking
void push_dummy() {
if (!mDummy.in.test_and_set()) {
mDummy.ptr->next = nullptr;
// if we get the dummy then we want to clear the status variable and return nullptr
// because we couldn't pop out a valid node.
node_ptr_t pop_dummy(node_ptr_t node) {
if (node == mDummy.ptr) {
node->next = nullptr;
return nullptr;
return node;
/// Pops a node from the queue.
/// @return The popped node if successful, or nullptr if we failed
// This part is more complicated because we need to be use a seperate algo if there
// is only one node in the queue, to prevent broken invariants. We first test if there
// is only one node in the queue. If so, we have ONE thread push in the dummy node. This
// will allow us to pop the last node out of the queue. We use a std::atomic_flag to signal
// to other threads that we are going to be the one to push the dummy node. There is an issue
// here where the push can fail. For now Im putting it into a loop, but this can be blocking.
// I will fix this later. Once we push the dummy node, we failed in popping a node so we return
// and let another thread pop the non-dummy node. If there is more than one node in the
// queue, then we just move the head forward. If we popped the dummy node then we clear the
// flag and return that we failed. If we have a valid node then we return the popped
// node, if we cant move the head forward then just return we failed.
// There is a few optimizations we can do here, for example, after we insert the dummy node, might
// as well try to pop that single node. But let me commit this so I dont lose it.
node_ptr_t sync_pop() {
node_ptr_t head = mHead.load();
node_ptr_t headNext = head->next.load();
if (headNext == nullptr) { // we have one node then push a dummy node so we can pull out the last node
return nullptr;
} else {
if (mHead.compare_exchange_weak(head, headNext)) {
return pop_dummy(head);
return nullptr;
При попытке отладки программа зависла, и после отладки кажется, что фиктивный узел не находится в очереди, но переменная flag не была сброшена. Я также видел, как фиктивный узел вставлялся дважды.
Полный код здесь:
/// An wait-free MTMC queue.
/// - T must be default construtable
/// - If T does not have a nothrow move/copy constructable/assignable
/// semantics, then smart_ptr semantics must be used
/// - All smart_ptr objects must be destroyed BEFORE the queue is destroyed
#include <atomic>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <new>
namespace ari {
/// Internal impl of a lockfree queue node.
template <typename T>
struct lfq_node {
using node_ptr_t = lfq_node*; //< Node pointer to next element
using value_type = T; //< Data type
/// Default constructor
lfq_node() = default;
/// Inplace constructs an node with given parameters
/// @param n The next pointer
/// @param args The arguments to construct the data with
template <typename... Args>
lfq_node(node_ptr_t n, Args&&... args) : next{ n }, data{ std::forward<Args>(args)... } { }
/// Default constructs the data with the next pointer
/// @param n The next pointer
lfq_node(node_ptr_t n) : next{ n }, data{ } { }
std::atomic<node_ptr_t> next; //< Pointer to the next node
value_type data; //< The internal data
/// An allocator aware lock-free impl of a thread-safe queue.
template <typename T, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
class lockfree_queue {
using node_t = lfq_node<T>; //< Node type
using node_ptr_t = lfq_node<T>*; //< Node pointer type
using node_allocator_type = typename std::allocator_traits<A>::template rebind_alloc<node_t>; //< Node allocator type
using node_allocator_traits_type = std::allocator_traits<node_allocator_type>; //< Node allocator helper class
#ifdef __cpp_lib_thread_hardware_interference_size
static constexpr size_t cache_line = std::hardware_destructive_interference_size;
static constexpr size_t cache_line = 64;
alignas(cache_line) struct {
const node_ptr_t ptr; //< The dummy node
std::atomic_flag in; //< Flag to notify if queue has dummy node
} mDummy;
alignas(cache_line) std::atomic<node_ptr_t> mHead; //< Head node of the queue
alignas(cache_line) std::atomic<node_ptr_t> mTail; //< Tail node of the queue
alignas(cache_line) node_allocator_type mAlloc; //< Allocator for node
// Constructs a new node with the next pointer pointing to null
// @param args The arguments from which to construct the node from
// @return The new node
template <typename... Args>
node_ptr_t new_node(Args&&... args) {
auto ptr = node_allocator_traits_type::allocate(mAlloc, 1);
node_allocator_traits_type::construct(mAlloc, ptr, nullptr, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return ptr;
// Constructs a new node with the next pointer pointing to null. The data is default init
// @return The new node
node_ptr_t new_node() {
auto ptr = node_allocator_traits_type::allocate(mAlloc, 1);
node_allocator_traits_type::construct(mAlloc, ptr, nullptr);
return ptr;
// Deletes a node and the internal data
// @param ptr The node to delete/deallocate
void delete_node(node_ptr_t ptr) {
node_allocator_traits_type::destroy(mAlloc, ptr);
node_allocator_traits_type::deallocate(mAlloc, ptr, 1);
/// @todo Update memory barriers for even faster performance
/// Pushes a node into the queue.
/// @param next The node to insert into the node
/// @return bool Whether the node was successfully inserted into the queue
// The impl goes like this. One invariant is that there is ALWAYS one node in
// the queue. This allows us to push an element into it without having to worry
// the consumers and producers fighting for the head node. If the tail node's
// next pointer is null then we have the ability to insert a node. So we will
// CAS on that node. This node will never "disapear" because one of the invariants
// is that there is at least one node in the queue. Once the next node is published
// consumers can pop the current tail node, but we dont care if this is popped. It
// will just mean that the tail node points to a node before the head node. Which
// will be corrected either by us or the next producer thread. If the next pointer
// is taken by another thread then just move the mTail node forward (unnessary, but)
// if the thread that added the next node dies then we will never be able to add more
// nodes anymore.
bool sync_push(node_ptr_t next) {
node_ptr_t tail = mTail.load();
node_ptr_t tailNext = nullptr;
// we cant have spurious failures here or the mTail node will be set to nullptr
if (tail->next.compare_exchange_strong(tailNext, next)) {
mTail.compare_exchange_weak(tail, next);
return true;
mTail.compare_exchange_weak(tail, tailNext);
return false;
/// Trys to push a dummy node into the queue. Will not always success and does not block
/// @param func Whether to use unsync_push or sync_push to push the dummy node
/// @note Is thread-safe is sync_push is used. Is non-blocking
void push_dummy() {
if (!mDummy.in.test_and_set()) {
mDummy.ptr->next = nullptr;
// if we get the dummy then we want to clear the status variable and return nullptr
// because we couldn't pop out a valid node.
node_ptr_t pop_dummy(node_ptr_t node) {
if (node == mDummy.ptr) {
node->next = nullptr;
return nullptr;
return node;
/// Pops a node from the queue.
/// @return The popped node if successful, or nullptr if we failed
// This part is more complicated because we need to be use a seperate algo if there
// is only one node in the queue, to prevent broken invariants. We first test if there
// is only one node in the queue. If so, we have ONE thread push in the dummy node. This
// will allow us to pop the last node out of the queue. We use a std::atomic_flag to signal
// to other threads that we are going to be the one to push the dummy node. There is an issue
// here where the push can fail. For now Im putting it into a loop, but this can be blocking.
// I will fix this later. Once we push the dummy node, we failed in popping a node so we return
// and let another thread pop the non-dummy node. If there is more than one node in the
// queue, then we just move the head forward. If we popped the dummy node then we clear the
// flag and return that we failed. If we have a valid node then we return the popped
// node, if we cant move the head forward then just return we failed.
// There is a few optimizations we can do here, for example, after we insert the dummy node, might
// as well try to pop that single node. But let me commit this so I dont lose it.
node_ptr_t sync_pop() {
node_ptr_t head = mHead.load();
node_ptr_t headNext = head->next.load();
if (headNext == nullptr) { // we have one node then push a dummy node so we can pull out the last node
return nullptr;
} else {
if (mHead.compare_exchange_weak(head, headNext)) {
return pop_dummy(head);
return nullptr;
// see https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/container/queue
using value_type = T;
using reference = T&;
using const_reference = const T&;
using allocator_type = A;
using size_type = std::size_t;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
/// Constructs queue with no elements
: mDummy{ new_node(), ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT }
, mHead{ mDummy.ptr }
, mTail{ mDummy.ptr }
, mAlloc{ }
{ while(mDummy.in.test_and_set()); }
/// Destroys the queue, pops all the elements out of the queue. Would be a smart idea to
/// set mHead and mTail to prevent other threads from accessing the data
~lockfree_queue() {
while (mHead.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) != mDummy.ptr) {
node_ptr_t node = sync_pop();
if (node != nullptr) delete_node(node);
/// Pushed \p element into the queue
/// @param element The element to push into the queue
void push(const_reference element) {
node_ptr_t next = new_node(element);
while (!sync_push(next));
/// Pops an element off the list and returns it
/// @return The popped element
/// @note thread-safe and blocking
template <typename U = value_type>
U pop() {
node_ptr_t node = nullptr;
while ((node = sync_pop()) == nullptr);
U data = node->data;
return data;
/// Attempts to push an element in the queue in a single pass.
/// @param element The element to push into the queue
/// @note this is thread-safe and non-blocking
bool try_push(const_reference element) {
node_ptr_t next = new_node(element);
bool success = sync_push(next);
if (!success) delete_node(next);
return success;
/// Attempts to pop an element in a single pass
/// @note this is non-blocking
/// @return If an element was successfully popped
/// @return The popped element or a default constructed element
template <typename U = value_type>
std::pair<bool, U> try_pop() {
node_ptr_t node = sync_pop();
if (node == nullptr) {
return { false, U{ } };
} else {
U data = node->data;
return { true, data };
} // end namespace ari