Решением было добавить U + 202B символ «Вложение справа налево» в начало строки и перед любым словом слева направо.
Вот последняя функция, если кто-то хочет:
const makeURLFriendly = string => {
let urlFriendlyString = ""
// Initial clean up.
string = string
// Remove spaces from start and end.
// Changes all characters to lower case.
// Remove symbols with a space.
.replace(/[`~!@#$%^&*()_|+\-=?;:'",.<>\{\}\[\]\\\/]/g, " ")
// Special characters and the characters they will be replaced by.
const specialCharacters = "àáäâãåăæçèéëêǵḧìíïîḿńǹñòóöôœṕŕßśșțùúüûǘẃẍÿź"
const replaceCharacters = "aaaaaaaaceeeeghiiiimnnnoooooprssstuuuuuwxyz"
// Creates a regular expression that matches all the special characters
// from the specialCharacters constant. Will make something like this:
// /à|á|ä/g and matches à or á or ä...
const specialCharactersRegularExpression = new RegExp(
// Replaces special characters by their url friendly equivalent.
string = string
matchedCharacter => replaceCharacters.charAt(
.replace(/œ/g, "oe")
// Only keeps Arabic, English and numbers in the string.
const arabicLetters = "ىشغظذخثتسرقضفعصنملكيطحزوهدجبأاإآلإلألآؤءئة"
const englishLetters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
const numbers = "0123456789"
for (let character of string) {
if (character === " ") {
urlFriendlyString += character
const characterIsURLFriendly = Boolean(
arabicLetters.includes(character) ||
englishLetters.includes(character) ||
if (characterIsURLFriendly) urlFriendlyString += character
// Clean up before text direction algorithm.
// Replace multiple spaces with one space.
urlFriendlyString = urlFriendlyString.replace(/\s+/g, "-")
// Regular expression that matches strings that have
// right to left direction.
const isRightToLeft = /[\u0590-\u05ff\u0600-\u06ff]/u
// Makes an array of all the words in urlFriendlyString
let words = urlFriendlyString.split("-")
// Checks if urlFriendlyString is a unidirectional string.
// Makes another array of boolean values that signify if
// a string isRightToLeft. Then basically checks if all
// the boolean values are the same. If yes then the string
// is unidirectional.
const stringIsUnidirectional = Boolean(
.map(word => isRightToLeft.test(word))
.filter((isWordRightToLeft, index, words) => {
if (isWordRightToLeft === words[0]) return true
else return false
.length === words.length
// If the string is unidirectional, there is no need for
// it to pass through our bidirectional algorithm.
if (stringIsUnidirectional) {
return urlFriendlyString
// Replaces multiple hyphens by one hyphen
.replace(/-+/g, "-")
// Remove hyphen from start.
.replace(/^-+/, "")
// Remove hyphen from end.
.replace(/-+$/, "")
// Reset urlFriendlyString so we can rewrite it in the
// direction we want.
urlFriendlyString = ""
// Add U+202B "Right to Left Embedding" character to the
// start of the words array.
// Loop throught the values on the word array.
for (let word of words) {
// Concatinate - before every word (the first one will
// be cleaned later on).
urlFriendlyString += "-"
// If the word isn't right to left concatinate the "Right
// to Left Embedding" character before the word.
if (!isRightToLeft.test(word)) urlFriendlyString += `\u202B${word}`
// If not then just concatinate the word.
else urlFriendlyString += word
return urlFriendlyString
// Replaces multiple hyphens by one hyphen.
.replace(/-+/g, "-")
// Remove hyphen from start.
.replace(/^-+/, "")
// Remove hyphen from end.
.replace(/-+$/, "")
// The character U+202B is invisible, so if it is in the start
// or the end of a string, the first two regular expressions won't
// match them and the string will look like it still has hyphens
// in the start or the end.
.replace(/^\u202B-+/, "")
.replace(/-+\u202B$/, "")
// Removes multiple hyphens that come after U + 202B
.replace(/\u202B-+/, "")
Также, когда я .split () возвращает строку, слова упорядочиваются хорошо. Может быть, это будет хорошо для некоторых SEO.
Консоль, которую я использую, не показывает арабские символы должным образом или вообще. Итак, я сделал этот скрипт для записи в файл для проверки возвращенных значений скрипта:
const fs = require("fs")
const test = () => {
const writeStream = fs.createWriteStream("./test.txt")
writeStream.write(makeURLFriendly("Est-ce que vous avez des frères et sœurs? (Do you have siblings?)"))
writeStream.write(makeURLFriendly("Quel est ton/votre film préféré? (What’s your favorite movie?)"))
writeStream.write(makeURLFriendly("Kannst du/ Können Sie mir helfen?"))
writeStream.write(makeURLFriendly("Ich bin (Übersetzer/Dolmetscher) / Geschäftsmann"))
writeStream.write(makeURLFriendly("# (sd sdsds (lakem 0.5) "))
writeStream.write(makeURLFriendly("A=+n_the)m, w!h@a#`t w~e k$n%o^w s&o f*a(r!"))
writeStream.write(makeURLFriendly("كيف تجد النيش ذات النقرات مرتفعة الثمن في أدسنس"))
writeStream.write(makeURLFriendly("إليك أقوى برنامج إسترجاع ملفات في العالم بعرض حصري !"))
writeStream.write(makeURLFriendly("عاجل ... شركة Oppo تستعرض هاتفها الجديد Eno"))
writeStream.write(makeURLFriendly("إنترنيت الجيل الخامس مميزاتها ! و هل صحيح ما يقوله الخبراء عن سوء إستخدامها من طرف الصين للتجسس ؟؟"))
writeStream.write(makeURLFriendly("لماذا إنخفضت أسهم شركة Apple بنسبة %20 ؟؟"))
writeStream.write(makeURLFriendly("10 نصائح لتصبح محترف في مجال Dropshipping"))
writeStream.write(makeURLFriendly(`"إيلون ماسك" و "زوكربرغ"... ما سبب الخلاف يا ترى ؟`))
writeStream.write(makeURLFriendly(`ماكروسوفت تطور من Outlook.com`))
writeStream.write(makeURLFriendly(`ما هو HTTPS و هل يضمن الأمان %100 ؟؟`))
writeStream.write(makeURLFriendly(`ما هي خدمة Apple TV+ و لماذا هذا التوقيت ؟؟`))
writeStream.write(makeURLFriendly(`مُراجعة هاتف سَامسونغ S10 Plus`))