Преимущества рекурсивного и нерекурсивного целочисленного разбиения - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 29 июня 2019

Может ли рекурсивная реализация функции целочисленного разбиения (с функциональностью, эквивалентной нерекурсивной перечисленной ниже) иметь какие-либо преимущества, кроме более простого / короткого кода?

Функция, перечисленная ниже, перечисляет все фиксированныеразмер разделов целого числа myInt, части которого >=MinVal и <=MaxVal.Части каждого раздела перечислены в порядке возрастания (слева направо), а сами разделы упорядочены лексикографически (сверху вниз).

void GenPartitions(const unsigned int myInt,
                   const unsigned int PartitionSize,
                   unsigned int MinVal,
                   unsigned int MaxVal)
    if ((MaxVal = MaxPartitionVal(myInt, PartitionSize, MinVal, MaxVal)) == 0)

    if ((MinVal = MinPartitionVal(myInt, PartitionSize, MinVal, MaxVal)) == unsigned int(-1))

    std::vector<unsigned int> partition(PartitionSize);
    unsigned int idx_Last = PartitionSize - 1;
    unsigned int idx_Dec = idx_Last;    //The point that needs to be decremented
    unsigned int idx_Spill = 0;         //Index where the remainder starts spilling leftwise
    unsigned int idx_SpillPrev;         //Copy of the old idx_Spill for optimization of the last "while loop".

    unsigned int LeftRemain = myInt - MaxVal - (idx_Dec - 1)*MinVal;    //The remaining value that needs to be spilled leftwise
    partition[idx_Dec] = MaxVal + 1;    //Initialize first partition. It will be decremented as soon as it enters the "do" loop.

    //std::cout << std::setw(idx_Dec * 3 + 1) << "" << "v" << std::endl;    //Show the first Decrement Point

    do {
        unsigned int val_Dec = partition[idx_Dec] - 1;      //Value AFTER decrementing
        partition[idx_Dec] = val_Dec;                       //Decrement at the Decrement Point

        idx_SpillPrev = idx_Spill;          //For optimization so the last "while loop" does not do unnecessary work.
        idx_Spill = idx_Dec - 1;            //Index where the remainder starts getting spilled. Before the Decrement Pint (not inclusive)

        while (LeftRemain > val_Dec)        //Spill the remainder leftwise while limiting its magnitude, in order to satisfy the left-to-right ascending ordering.
            partition[idx_Spill--] = val_Dec;
            LeftRemain -= val_Dec - MinVal; // Adjust remainder by the amount used up (minVal is assumed to be there already)
            //std::cout << std::setw(((idx_Spill + 1) * 3) + 1) << "" << "-" << std::endl;  //Show the remainder spillage
        }   //For platforms without hardware multiplication, it is possible to calculate the expression (idx_Dec - idx_Spill)*val_Dec inside this loop by multiple additions of val_Dec.

        partition[idx_Spill] = LeftRemain;  //Spill last remainder of remainder
        //std::cout << std::setw((idx_Spill * 3) + 1) << "" << "*" << std::endl;    //Show the last remainder of remainder

        char a = (idx_Spill) ? ~((-3 >> (LeftRemain - MinVal)) << 2) : 11;  //when (LeftRemain == MinVal) then it computes to 11
        char b = (-3 >> (val_Dec - LeftRemain));

        switch (a & b)  //Switch depending on relative magnitudes of elements before and after the partition[idx]. Cases 0, 4, 8 can never occur.
            case 1:
            case 2:
            case 3: idx_Dec = idx_Spill;
                    LeftRemain = 1 + (idx_Spill - idx_Dec + 1)*MinVal; 

            case 5: for (++idx_Dec, LeftRemain = (idx_Dec - idx_Spill)*val_Dec; (idx_Dec <= idx_Last) && (partition[idx_Dec] <= MinVal); idx_Dec++) //Find the next value, that can be decremented while satisfying the left-to-right ascending ordering.
                        LeftRemain += partition[idx_Dec];

                    LeftRemain += 1 + (idx_Spill - idx_Dec + 1)*MinVal;

            case 6:
            case 7:
            case 11:idx_Dec = idx_Spill + 1;
                    LeftRemain += 1 + (idx_Spill - idx_Dec + 1)*MinVal;

            case 9: for (++idx_Dec, LeftRemain = idx_Dec * val_Dec; (idx_Dec <= idx_Last) && (partition[idx_Dec] <= (val_Dec + 1)); idx_Dec++)  //Find the next value, that can be decremented while satisfying the left-to-right ascending ordering.
                        LeftRemain += partition[idx_Dec];

                    LeftRemain += 1 - (idx_Dec - 1)*MinVal;

            case 10:for (LeftRemain += idx_Spill * MinVal + (idx_Dec - idx_Spill)*val_Dec + 1, ++idx_Dec; (idx_Dec <= idx_Last) && (partition[idx_Dec] <= (val_Dec - 1)); idx_Dec++)    //Find the next value, that can be decremented while satisfying the left-to-right ascending ordering. Here [idx_Dec] == [cur]+1. 
                        LeftRemain += partition[idx_Dec];

                    LeftRemain -= (idx_Dec - 1)*MinVal;

        while (idx_Spill > idx_SpillPrev)   //Set the elements where the spillage of the remainder did not reach.  For optimization, going down only to idx_SpillPrev 
            partition[--idx_Spill] = MinVal;    //For platforms without hardware multiplication, it is possible to calculate the expression idx_Spill*MinVal inside this loop by multiple additions of MinVal, followed by another "while loop" iterating from idx_SpillPrev to zero (because the optimization skips these iterations). If, so, then both loops would need to be moved before the "switch statement"

        DispPartition(partition);   //Display the partition ...or do sth else with it           
        //std::cout << std::setw((idx_Dec * 3) + 1) << "" << "v" << std::endl;  //Show the Decrement Points

    } while (idx_Dec <= idx_Last);

Ниже приведен пример вывода этой функции:

SAMPLE OUTPUT OF: GenPartitions(20, 4, 1,10):
1, 1, 8,10
1, 2, 7,10
1, 3, 6,10
2, 2, 6,10
1, 4, 5,10
2, 3, 5,10
2, 4, 4,10
3, 3, 4,10
1, 1, 9, 9
1, 2, 8, 9
1, 3, 7, 9
2, 2, 7, 9
1, 4, 6, 9
2, 3, 6, 9
1, 5, 5, 9
2, 4, 5, 9
3, 3, 5, 9
3, 4, 4, 9
1, 3, 8, 8
2, 2, 8, 8
1, 4, 7, 8
2, 3, 7, 8
1, 5, 6, 8
2, 4, 6, 8
3, 3, 6, 8
2, 5, 5, 8
3, 4, 5, 8
4, 4, 4, 8
1, 5, 7, 7
2, 4, 7, 7
3, 3, 7, 7
1, 6, 6, 7
2, 5, 6, 7
3, 4, 6, 7
3, 5, 5, 7
4, 4, 5, 7
2, 6, 6, 6
3, 5, 6, 6
4, 4, 6, 6
4, 5, 5, 6
5, 5, 5, 5

Если вы хотите скомпилировать его, вспомогательные функции приведены ниже:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <vector> 

unsigned int MaxPartitionVal(const unsigned int myInt,
                             const unsigned int PartitionSize,
                             unsigned int MinVal,
                             unsigned int MaxVal)
    if ((myInt < 2)
        || (PartitionSize < 2)
        || (PartitionSize > myInt)
        || (MaxVal < 1)
        || (MinVal > MaxVal)
        || (PartitionSize > myInt)
        || ((PartitionSize*MaxVal) < myInt )
        || ((PartitionSize*MinVal) > myInt))    //Sanity checks
        return 0;

    unsigned int last = PartitionSize - 1;

    if (MaxVal + last*MinVal > myInt)
        MaxVal = myInt - last*MinVal;   //It is not always possible to start with the Maximum Value. Decrease it to sth possible

    return MaxVal;

unsigned int MinPartitionVal(const unsigned int myInt,
                             const unsigned int PartitionSize,
                             unsigned int MinVal,
                             unsigned int MaxVal)
    if ((MaxVal = MaxPartitionVal(myInt, PartitionSize, MinVal, MaxVal)) == 0)   //Assume that MaxVal has precedence over MinVal
        return unsigned int(-1);

    unsigned int last = PartitionSize - 1;

    if (MaxVal + last*MinVal > myInt)
        MinVal = myInt - MaxVal - last*MinVal;  //It is not always possible to start with the Minimum Value. Increase it to sth possible

    return MinVal;

void DispPartition(const std::vector<unsigned int>& partition)
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < partition.size()-1; i++)       //DISPLAY THE PARTITON HERE ...or do sth else with it.
            std::cout << std::setw(2) << partition[i] << ",";

    std::cout << std::setw(2) << partition[partition.size()-1] << std::endl;

Я был мотивирован для создания этой нерекурсивной функции для микроконтроллера, которыйдля стека оставалось очень мало байт свободной оперативной памяти (однако, было много памяти для программ).

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