Я пытаюсь написать код, который зарегистрирует пользователя и добавит его в базу данных. перед всем этим он проверит, существуют ли электронная почта и имя пользователя, используя функцию, написанную в классе «помощник по базам данных». проблема в том, что приложение вылетает каждый раз, когда я пытаюсь получить доступ к базе данных
Это вспомогательный класс базы данных:
public class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
// database name
public static final String DATABASENAME= "Register.db";
//column names
public static final String username= "username";
public static final String email= "email";
public static final String password= "password";
public static final String wins= "wins";
public static final String losses= "losses";
public static final String points= "points";
public static final String alltimewinnings= "alltime";
public static final String ratio= "ratio";
//table create statement
private static final String CREATETABLE= "CREATE TABLE "+ "(" +username + " TEXT PRIMARY KEY," + email + " TEXT,"
+ password+ " Text" + wins + " TEXT," + losses+ "Text"+points+ "Text"+alltimewinnings+"Text"+ratio+"Text"+")";
public DatabaseHelper(Context context) {
super(context,DATABASENAME, null, 1);
public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
public boolean AddUser(User user) {
SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase();
ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues();
contentValues.put("username", user.GetName());
contentValues.put("email", user.GetEmail());
contentValues.put("password", user.GetPassword());
contentValues.put("wins", 0);
contentValues.put("losses", 0);
contentValues.put("points", 1000);
long ins = db.insert(CREATETABLE, null, contentValues);
if (ins == 1) return false;
else return true;
public Boolean CheckMail (String emailaddress) //checks if email exists already
SQLiteDatabase db= this.getReadableDatabase();
String selectQuery = "SELECT * FROM " + CREATETABLE + " WHERE "
+ email + " = " + emailaddress;
//Log.e(, selectQuery);// SHOWS IN ERROR FOR DEBUGGING
Cursor cursor= db.rawQuery(selectQuery,null);
if(cursor.getCount()>0) return false;
else return true;
public Boolean CheckUserName (String name) //checks if username exists already
SQLiteDatabase db= this.getReadableDatabase();
String selectQuery = "SELECT * FROM " + CREATETABLE + " WHERE "
+ username + " = " + name;
//Log.e(, selectQuery);// SHOWS IN ERROR FOR DEBUGGING
Cursor cursor= db.rawQuery(selectQuery,null);
if(cursor.getCount()>0) return false;
else return true;
и это класс регистров:
DatabaseHelper db= new DatabaseHelper(this);// database of users
Button Register;// button of registration
EditText password;// the user's password
EditText email;//the user's email
EditText userid;// the user's name
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Register= (Button) findViewById(R.id.register);
email= (EditText) findViewById(R.id.EMAIL);
password= (EditText) findViewById(R.id.PASSWORD);
userid= (EditText) findViewById(R.id.username);
Register.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener()
public void onClick(View v) {
String userId = userid.getText().toString();
String Password = password.getText().toString();
String Email = email.getText().toString();
User user= new User(userId,Password,Email);
if(user.equals("")|| Password.equals("")|| Email.equals(""))//IF ANY IF FIELDS IS NULL
{ // say the status of the registration
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Fields are empty",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
{ Boolean checkmail= db.CheckMail(user.GetEmail());
Boolean checkusername= db.CheckUserName(user.GetName());
if(checkmail==false && checkusername==true) {
// say the status of the registration
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Registration failed. Email already exists", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
else if(checkmail==true && checkusername==false) {
// say the status of the registration
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Registration failed. Username already exists", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
else if(checkmail==false && checkusername==false) {
// say the status of the registration
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Registration failed. Email and Username already exists", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
Boolean insert = db.AddUser(user);
if (insert == true)
{ //save the user's name in SharedPreferences before registration for access in other activities
SharedPreferences ShareName= getSharedPreferences("data",MODE_PRIVATE);
SharedPreferences.Editor editor= ShareName.edit();
// say the status of the registration
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Registration is complete", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
//move to the next page
Intent intent = new Intent(Register.this, HomePage.class);
// say the status of the registration
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Error occurred. Please try again later", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();