Есть class Samples
. Внутри этого класса DataSample Sample
. Я получаю сообщение об ошибке "не называет тип".
Должно ли DataSample Sample;
быть DataSample [Sample];
ИЛИ DataSample {Sample};
ИЛИ его нужно переместить?
Мне кажется, DataSample Sample;
создает цикл внутри себя.
похоже, не определено, верно?
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cctype>
#define neuronlevel //neuron level decomposition is used
#define sigmoid //tanh, sigmoid for output layer
#define rosen // choose the function:
#define EPSILON 1e-30
#define MAXFUN 50000000 //upper bound for number of function evaluations
#define MINIMIZE 1 //set 1 to minimize and -1 to maximize
#define LIMIT 1e-20 //accuracy of best solution fitness desired
#define KIDS 2 //pool size of kids to be formed (use 2,3 or 4)
#define M 1 //M+2 is the number of parents participating in xover (use 1)
#define family 2 //number of parents to be replaced by good individuals(use 1 or 2)
#define sigma_zeta 0.1
#define sigma_eta 0.1 //variances used in PCX (best if fixed at these values)
#define NoSpeciesCons 300
#define NPSize KIDS + 2 //new pop size
#define RandParent M+2 //number of parents participating in PCX
#define MAXRUN 10 //number of runs each with different random initial population
time_t TicTime;
time_t TocTime;
using namespace ::std;
typedef vector<double> Layer;
typedef vector<double> Nodes;
typedef vector<double> Frame;
typedef vector<int> Sizes;
typedef vector<vector<double> > Weight;
typedef vector<vector<double> > Data;
//Mackey Glass Data is used
const int trainsize = 299; //255
const int testsize = 99; //16000
const char* trainfile = "train_embed.txt"; // may need to update this path to your own pc
const char* testfile = "test_embed.txt"; // may need to update this path to your own pc
const char* learnt = "Learnt.txt"; // may need to update this path to your own pc
const double MAEscalingfactor = 10;
int maxgen = 1000; //max Func eval (training time)
const int PopSize = 200;
const double MinimumError = 0.00001;
const int LayersNumber = 3; //total number of layers.
const int MaxVirtLayerSize = 20; //max number of unfold by RNN
const double MaxErrorTollerance = 0.20;
const double MomentumRate = 0;
const double Beta = 0;
double weightdecay = 0.005;
int row;
int col;
int layer;
int r;
int x;
int y;
double d_not[PopSize];
double seed, basic_seed;
int RUN;
class Samples {
Data InputValues;
Data DataSet;
Layer OutputValues;
int PhoneSize;
const char* FileName;
int sampleSize;
int columnSize;
int outputSize;
int rowSize;
DataSample Sample;
Samples() {
typedef vector<Samples> DataSample;
class TrainingExamples {
const char* FileName;
int sampleSize;
int columnSize;
int outputSize;
int rowSize;
DataSample Sample;
TrainingExamples() {