В прошлом я выполнял эту задачу в качестве упражнения для приложения работы:
Скрипт Python для генерации случайных чисел с плавающей точкой и создания тестового вектора значений IEEE754 и продукта:
import bitstring, random
spread = 10000000
n = 100000
def ieee754(flt):
b = bitstring.BitArray(float=flt, length=32)
return b
if __name__ == "__main__":
with open("TestVector", "w") as f:
for i in range(n):
a = ieee754(random.uniform(-spread, spread))
b = ieee754(random.uniform(-spread, spread))
# calculate desired product based on 32-bit ieee 754
# representation of the floating point of each operand
ab = ieee754(a.float * b.float)
f.write(a.bin + "_" + b.bin + "_" + ab.bin + "\n")
Verilog-код для 32-разрядного умножения с плавающей запятой с округлением до ближайшего четного:
/* Input and outputs are in single-precision IEEE 754 FP format:
Sign - 1 bit, position 32
Exponent - 8 bits, position 31-24
Mantissa - 23 bits, position 22-1
Not implemented: special cases like inf, NaN
// indices of components of IEEE 754 FP
`define SIGN 31
`define EXP 30:23
`define M 22:0
`define P 24 // number of bits for mantissa (including
`define G 23 // guard bit index
`define R 22 // round bit index
`define S 21:0 // sticky bits range
`define BIAS 127
module fp_mul(input wire clk,
input wire[31:0] a,
input wire[31:0] b,
output wire[31:0] y);
reg [`P-2:0] m;
reg [7:0] e;
reg s;
reg [`P*2-1:0] product;
reg G;
reg R;
reg S;
reg normalized;
reg state;
reg next_state = 0;
parameter STEP_1 = 1'b0, STEP_2 = 1'b1;
always @(posedge clk) begin
state <= next_state;
always @(state) begin
STEP_1: begin
// mantissa is product of a and b's mantissas,
// with a 1 added as the MSB to each
product = {1'b1, a[`M]} * {1'b1, b[`M]};
// get sticky bits by ORing together all bits right of R
S = |product[`S];
// if the MSB of the resulting product is 0
// normalize by shifting right
normalized = product[47];
if(!normalized) product = product << 1;
next_state = STEP_2;
STEP_2: begin
// if either mantissa is 0, result is 0
if(!a[`M] | !b[`M]) begin
s = 0; e = 0; m = 0;
end else begin
// sign is xor of signs
s = a[`SIGN] ^ b[`SIGN];
// mantissa is upper 22-bits of product w/ nearest-even rounding
m = product[46:24] + (product[`G] & (product[`R] | S));
// exponent is sum of a and b's exponents, minus the bias
// if the mantissa was shifted, increment the exponent to balance it
e = a[`EXP] + b[`EXP] - `BIAS + normalized;
next_state = STEP_1;
// output is concatenation of sign, exponent, and mantissa
assign y = {s, e, m};
Надеюсь, это поможет!