Рефрагированный код выдает код ошибки 500, а оригинальный работает нормально - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 06 марта 2019

Я пытаюсь рефракционировать мой код, чтобы он мог передавать кодовый климат, кодовый климат настаивает, чтобы я рефракционировал дублирующий код, но я сказал, что рефракционный код выдает ошибку 500, в то время как оригинал работает нормально, это мой код

// data structure as dummy database
class BookAMeal {
  constructor() {
    this.mealOptionList = [];
    this.menuList = [];
    this.orderList = [];

  mealFormat(data) {
    this.mealOptionData = {
      id: data.mealId,
      name: data.mealOptionName,
      price: parseInt(data.mealOptionPrice, 10),
    return this.mealOptionData;

  totalPriceMenu(optionOneArray, optionTwoArray) {
    this.total = 0;
    optionOneArray.forEach((optionOne) => {
      optionTwoArray.forEach((optionTwo) => {
        if (optionOne === optionTwo.name) {
          this.total += optionTwo.price;
    return this.total;

  totalPriceOrders(optionOneArray, optionTwoArray) {
    this.total = 0;
    optionOneArray.forEach((optionOne) => {
      optionTwoArray.forEach((optionTwo) => {
        if (optionOne === optionTwo.name) {
          this.total += optionTwo.total;
    return this.total;

  menuFormat(data) {
    this.menuOptions = data.menuOptions.split(' ');
    this.menuData = {
      date: new Date(),
      id: data.menuId,
      name: data.menuName,
      mealOptions: this.menuOptions,
      total: this.totalPriceMenu(this.menuOptions, this.mealOptionList),
    return this.menuData;

  orderFormat(data) {
    this.orderMenus = data.menuList.split(' ');
    this.orderData = {
      id: data.orderId,
      customer: data.customerName,
      menu: this.orderMenus,
      total: this.totalPriceOrders(this.orderMenus, this.menuList),
    return this.orderData;

const data = new BookAMeal();
export default data;

// meals controller for POST route that works fine with both mocha and POSTMAN after refracting
import data from '../models';
import services from '../services';
// @ts-ignore
import bookAMeal from './index';

bookAMeal.addOneMealOption = async (req, res) => {
  services.createOne(res, data.mealOptionList, data.mealFormat(req.body),
    'Success! Meal option created', req.body.mealOptionName, req.body.mealOptionPrice,
    (/^[A-Za-z]+$/).test(req.body.mealOptionName), (/^[0-9]+$/).test(req.body.mealOptionPrice),
    'Meal option name', 'Meal option price', services.mustBeNumbersErr('Meal option price'));

export default bookAMeal.addOneMealOption;

// menu controller for POST route that gives error 500 during testing with mocha and POSTMAN when refracted like above meals controller 
import data from '../models';
import services from '../services';
// @ts-ignore
import bookAMeal from './index';

bookAMeal.setMenu = async (req, res) => {
  services.createOne(res, data.menuList, data.menuFormat(req.body),
    'Success! Menu created', req.body.menuName, req.body.menuOptions,
    (/^[A-Za-z]+$/).test(req.body.menuName), (/^[A-Za-z\s]+$/).test(req.body.menuOptions),
    'Menu name', 'Menu options', services.stringToArrayErr('Menu options'));

// commented code below passes with both mocha and POSTMAN but needs to be refracted to pass code climate
    const testSetMenu = services.testItem(req.body.menuName, req.body.menuOptions, (/^[A-Za-z]+$/).test(req.body.menuName), (/^[A-Za-z\s]+$/).test(req.body.menuOptions));
    if (testSetMenu) {
      services.createOneRes(res, data.menuList, data.menuFormat(req.body), 'Success! Menu created');
    services.processErr(req.body.menuName, req.body.menuOptions, 'Menu name', 'Menu options', services.stringToArrayErr('Menu options'), res);

export default bookAMeal.setMenu;

// services that is called by all controllers including the above 2
class Services {
  async getAll(dataRes, dataMessage, array) {
    this.data = array;
      message: dataMessage,
      data: this.data,

  findOne(dataParams, arrayData) {
    this.findItem = arrayData.find(item => item.id === parseInt(dataParams.id, 10));
    return this.findItem;

  testItem(dataOne, dataTwo, dataOneTest, dataTwoTest) {
    this.testResult = (dataOne && dataTwo && dataOneTest && dataTwoTest) === true;
    return this.testResult;

  async createOneRes(dataRes, arrayData, dataFormat, dataMessage) {
    this.createdItem = await dataFormat;
    this.createdItem.id = arrayData.length;
    await arrayData.push(this.createdItem);
      message: dataMessage,
      data: this.createdItem,

  async createOne(dataRes, arrayData, dataFormat, dataMessage, dataOne,
    dataTwo, dataOneTest, dataTwoTest, nameOne, nameTwo, dataTwoTestRes) {
    this.testCreate = this.testItem(dataOne, dataTwo, dataOneTest, dataTwoTest);
    if (this.testCreate) {
      this.createOneRes(dataRes, arrayData, dataFormat, dataMessage);
    this.processErr(dataOne, dataTwo, nameOne, nameTwo, dataTwoTestRes, dataRes);

  async updateOne(dataRes, arrayData, dataFormat, dataMessage, updateId) {
    this.updatedItem = await dataFormat;
    this.updatedItem = updateId;
    await arrayData.splice(updateId, 1, this.updatedItem);
      message: dataMessage,
      data: this.updatedItem,

  async deleteOne(dataRes, arrayData, deleteId) {
    this.id = deleteId;
    await arrayData.splice(this.id, 1);

  requiredNameErr(name) {
    this.message = {
      message: `Fail! ${name} is required`,
    return this.message;

  mustBeLettersErr(name) {
    this.message = {
      message: `Fail! ${name} must be letters`,
    return this.message;

  mustBeNumbersErr(price) {
    this.message = {
      message: `Fail! ${price} must be numbers`,
    return this.message;

  stringToArrayErr(name) {
    this.message = {
      message: `Fail! ${name} must be letters and seperated by spaces`,
    return this.message;

  sendErr400(message, dataRes) {
    this.error = dataRes.status(400).send(message);
    return this.error;

  processErr(dataOne, dataTwo, nameOne, nameTwo, dataTwoTestRes, resData) {
    if (!dataOne) {
      this.sendErr400(this.requiredNameErr(nameOne), resData);
    if ((/^[A-Za-z]+$/).test(dataOne) === false) {
      this.sendErr400(this.mustBeLettersErr(nameOne), resData);
    if (!dataTwo) {
      this.sendErr400(this.requiredNameErr(nameTwo), resData);
    this.sendErr400(dataTwoTestRes, resData);

const services = new Services();

export default services;

// exported data seeding for tests
import chai, {
} from 'chai';
import chaiHttp from 'chai-http';
import app from '../index';

import data from '../models';

class Data {
  async meals() {
    this.testId = 0;
    this.secondTestId = 0;
    this.thirdTestId = 0;

    this.testDataOne = {
      mealId: data.mealOptionList.length,
      mealOptionName: 'Dodo',
      mealOptionPrice: 100,
    this.testDataTwo = {
      mealId: data.mealOptionList.length,
      mealOptionName: 'Rice',
      mealOptionPrice: 1000,
    this.testDataThree = {
      mealId: data.mealOptionList.length,
      mealOptionName: 'Beans',
      mealOptionPrice: 10000,

    this.addMealOne = await data.mealFormat(this.testDataOne);
    this.addMealTwo = await data.mealFormat(this.testDataTwo);
    this.addMealThree = await data.mealFormat(this.testDataThree);
    this.testDataList = [this.addMealOne, this.addMealTwo, this.addMealThree];
    await data.mealOptionList.push(...this.testDataList);
    this.testId += this.addMealOne.id;
    this.secondTestId += this.addMealTwo.id;
    this.thirdTestId += this.addMealThree.id;

  async menus() {
    this.testId = 0;
    this.secondTestId = 0;
    this.thirdTestId = 0;

    this.testDataFour = {
      menuId: data.menuList.length,
      menuName: 'Launch',
      menuOptions: 'Rice Dodo',
    this.testDataFive = {
      menuId: data.menuList.length,
      menuName: 'Dinner',
      menuOptions: 'Rice Beans',
    this.testDataSix = {
      menuId: data.menuList.length,
      menuName: 'Breakfast',
      menuOptions: 'Beans Dodo',

    this.addOne = await data.menuFormat(this.testDataFour);
    this.addTwo = await data.menuFormat(this.testDataFive);
    this.addThree = await data.menuFormat(this.testDataSix);
    this.testDataListTwo = [this.addOne, this.addTwo, this.addThree];
    await data.menuList.push(...this.testDataListTwo);
    this.testId += this.addOne.id;
    this.secondTestId += this.addTwo.id;
    this.thirdTestId += this.addThree.id;

  async orders() {
    this.testId = 0;
    this.secondTestId = 0;
    this.thirdTestId = 0;

    this.testDataSeven = {
      orderId: data.orderList.length,
      customerName: 'Okezie',
      menuList: 'Breakfast Lunch',
    this.testDataEight = {
      orderId: data.orderList.length,
      customerName: 'Frank',
      menuList: 'Breakfast Dinner',
    this.testDataNine = {
      orderId: data.orderList.length,
      customerName: 'Obiedere',
      menuList: 'Lunch Dinner',

    this.addFour = await data.orderFormat(this.testDataSeven);
    this.addFive = await data.orderFormat(this.testDataEight);
    this.addSix = await data.orderFormat(this.testDataNine);
    this.testDataListThree = [this.addFour, this.addFive, this.addSix];
    await data.orderList.push(...this.testDataListThree);
    this.testId += this.addFour.id;
    this.secondTestId += this.addFive.id;
    this.thirdTestId += this.addSix.id;

const dataSetup = new Data();

export {

// tests for meals controller that passes both mocha and POSTMAN
import {
} from './index';


describe('Test endpoint at "/v1/meals" to create a meal option with POST', () => {
  before(() => {
  it('should create a meal option at "/v1/meal" with post if all request data are valid', async () => {
    const testData = {
      mealOptionName: 'Dodo',
      mealOptionPrice: 10,
    const response = await chai.request(app).post('/v1/meals').send(testData);
    expect(response.body).to.have.property('message').equal('Success! Meal option created');

  it('should not create a meal option at "/v1/meals" with POST if meal option name in request does not exist', async () => {
    const testData = {
      mealOptionPrice: 10,
    const response = await chai.request(app).post('/v1/meals').send(testData);
    expect(response.body).to.have.property('message').equal('Fail! Meal option name is required');

  it('should not create a meal option at "/v1/meals" with POST if meal option name in request is an empty string', async () => {
    const testData = {
      mealOptionName: '',
      mealOptionPrice: 10,
    const response = await chai.request(app).post('/v1/meals').send(testData);
    expect(response.body).to.have.property('message').equal('Fail! Meal option name is required');

  it('should not create a meal option at "/v1/meals" with POST if meal option name in request are not letters', async () => {
    const testData = {
      mealOptionName: '0(}fieidfjd',
      mealOptionPrice: 10,
    const response = await chai.request(app).post('/v1/meals').send(testData);
    expect(response.body).to.have.property('message').equal('Fail! Meal option name must be letters');

  it('should not create a meal option at "/v1/meals" with POST if meal option price in request does not exist', async () => {
    const testData = {
      mealOptionName: 'Dodo',
    const response = await chai.request(app).post('/v1/meals').send(testData);
    expect(response.body).to.have.property('message').equal('Fail! Meal option price is required');

  it('should not create a meal option at "/v1/meals" with POST if meal option price in request is an empty string', async () => {
    const testData = {
      mealOptionName: 'Dodo',
      mealOptionPrice: '',
    const response = await chai.request(app).post('/v1/meals').send(testData);
    expect(response.body).to.have.property('message').equal('Fail! Meal option price is required');

  it('should not create a meal option at "/v1/meals" with POST if meal option price in request is NOT a number', async () => {
    const testData = {
      mealOptionName: 'Dodo',
      mealOptionPrice: 'p0{f(jf]',
    const response = await chai.request(app).post('/v1/meals').send(testData);
    expect(response.body).to.have.property('message').equal('Fail! Meal option price must be numbers');

// tests for menu controller that fails mocha at 'menu options does not exist' but passes with POSTMAN
import {
} from './index';


describe('Test endpoint at "/v1/menus" to set menus with POST', () => {
  before(() => {

  it('should set a menu at "/v1/menus" with post if all request data are valid', async () => {
    const testData = {
      menuName: 'Launch',
      menuOptions: 'Dodo Rice',
    const response = await chai.request(app).post('/v1/menus').send(testData);
    expect(response.body).to.have.property('message').equal('Success! Menu created');

  it('should not create a menu at "/v1/menus" with POST if menu name in request does not exist', async () => {
    const testData = {
      menuOptions: 'Dodo Beans',
    const response = await chai.request(app).post('/v1/menus').send(testData);
    expect(response.body).to.have.property('message').equal('Fail! Menu name is required');

  it('should not create a menu at "/v1/menus" with POST if menu name in request is an empty string', async () => {
    const testData = {
      menuName: '',
      menuOptions: 'Dodo Beans',
    const response = await chai.request(app).post('/v1/menus').send(testData);
    expect(response.body).to.have.property('message').equal('Fail! Menu name is required');

  it('should not create a menu at "/v1/menus" with POST if menu name in request are not letters', async () => {
    const testData = {
      menuName: '}04[}(odyr',
      menuOptions: 'Dodo Beans',
    const response = await chai.request(app).post('/v1/menus').send(testData);
    expect(response.body).to.have.property('message').equal('Fail! Menu name must be letters');

  it('should not create a menu at "/v1/menus" with POST if menu options in request does not exist', async () => {
    const testData = {
      menuName: 'Launch',
    const response = await chai.request(app).post('/v1/menus').send(testData);
    expect(response.body).to.have.property('message').equal('Fail! Menu options is required');

  it('should not create a menu at "/v1/menus" with POST if menu options in request is an empty string', async () => {
    const testData = {
      menuName: 'Launch',
      menuOptions: '',
    const response = await chai.request(app).post('/v1/menus').send(testData);
    expect(response.body).to.have.property('message').equal('Fail! Menu options is required');

  it('should not create a menu at "/v1/menus" with POST if menu options in request are not letters', async () => {
    const testData = {
      menuName: 'Launch',
      menuOptions: '90{f]f9d()',
    const response = await chai.request(app).post('/v1/menus').send(testData);
    expect(response.body).to.have.property('message').equal('Fail! Menu options must be letters and seperated by spaces');

это ошибка, которую я получаю `$ npm test test / setMenu.js

Book-A-Meal@1.0.0 test C: \ Users \ okezie \ Desktop \ WEB DEV \ ALCwithForLoop \ Project \ BookAMeal-App \ Book-A-Meal mocha --require @ babel / register --require @ babel / polyfill --exit "test / setMenu.js"

Приложение работает и слушает через порт 3000! Проверьте конечную точку в "/ v1 / menus", чтобы установить меню с POST √ должен установить меню в "/ v1 / menus" с сообщением, если все данные запроса верны (222 мс) √ не должен создавать меню в "/ v1 / menus" с POST, если имя меню в запросе не существует √ не должен создавать меню в "/ v1 / menus" с POST, если имя меню в запросе является пустой строкой √ не должен создавать меню в "/ v1 / menus" с POST, если имя меню в запросе не является буквой TypeError: Невозможно прочитать свойство split из undefined в BookAMeal.split [как menuFormat] (C: \ Users \ okezie \ Desktop \ WEB DEV \ ALCwithForLoop \ Project \ BookAMeal-App \ Book-A-Meal \ models / index.js: 42: 41) в формате меню (C: \ Users \ okezie \ Desktop \ WEB DEV \ ALCwithForLoop \ Project \ BookAMeal-App \ Book-A-Meal \ controllers / setMenus.js: 7: 47) at handleReturn (C: \ Users \ okezie \ Desktop \ WEB DEV \ ALCwithForLoop \ Project \ BookAMeal-App \ Book-A-Meal \ node_modules \ экспресс-обещание-маршрутизатор \ lib \ экспресс-обещание-router.js: 24: 27 ) в C: \ Users \ okezie \ Desktop \ WEB DEV \ ALCwithForLoop \ Project \ BookAMeal-App \ Book-A-Meal \ node_modules \ express-обещание-router \ lib \ express-обещание-router.js: 56: 9 at handleReturn (C: \ Users \ okezie \ Desktop \ WEB DEV \ ALCwithForLoop \ Project \ BookAMeal-App \ Book-A-Meal \ node_modules \ экспресс-обещание-маршрутизатор \ lib \ экспресс-обещание-router.js: 24: 27 ) в C: \ Users \ okezie \ Desktop \ WEB DEV \ ALCwithForLoop \ Project \ BookAMeal-App \ Book-A-Meal \ node_modules \ express-обещание-router \ lib \ express-обещание-router.js: 56: 9 в Layer.handle [as handle_request] (C: \ Users \ okezie \ Desktop \ WEB DEV \ ALCwithForLoop \ Project \ BookAMeal-App \ Book-A-Meal \ node_modules \ express \ lib \ router \ layer.js: 95: 5 ) далее (C: \ Users \ okezie \ Desktop \ WEB DEV \ ALCwithForLoop \ Project \ BookAMeal-App \ Book-A-Meal \ node_modules \ express \ lib \ router \ route.js: 137: 13) в Route.dispatch (C: \ Users \ okezie \ Desktop \ WEB DEV \ ALCwithForLoop \ Project \ BookAMeal-App \ Book-A-Meal \ node_modules \ express \ lib \ router \ route.js: 112: 3) в Layer.handle [as handle_request] (C: \ Users \ okezie \ Desktop \ WEB DEV \ ALCwithForLoop \ Project \ BookAMeal-App \ Book-A-Meal \ node_modules \ express \ lib \ router \ layer.js: 95: 5 ) в C: \ Users \ okezie \ Desktop \ WEB DEV \ ALCwithForLoop \ Project \ BookAMeal-App \ Book-A-Meal \ node_modules \ express \ lib \ router \ index.js: 281: 22 в Function.process_params (C: \ Users \ okezie \ Desktop \ WEB DEV \ ALCwithForLoop \ Project \ BookAMeal-App \ Book-A-Meal \ node_modules \ express \ lib \ router \ index.js: 335: 12) далее (C: \ Users \ okezie \ Desktop \ WEB DEV \ ALCwithForLoop \ Project \ BookAMeal-App \ Book-A-Meal \ node_modules \ express \ lib \ router \ index.js: 275: 10) в Function.handle (C: \ Users \ okezie \ Desktop \ WEB DEV \ ALCwithForLoop \ Project \ BookAMeal-App \ Book-A-Meal \ node_modules \ express \ lib \ router \ index.js: 174: 3) на маршрутизаторе (C: \ Users \ okezie \ Desktop \ WEB DEV \ ALCwithForLoop \ Project \ BookAMeal-App \ Book-A-Meal \ node_modules \ express \ lib \ router \ index.js: 47: 12) в Layer.handle [as handle_request] (C: \ Users \ okezie \ Desktop \ WEB DEV \ ALCwithForLoop \ Project \ BookAMeal-App \ Book-A-Meal \ node_modules \ express \ lib \ router \ layer.js: 95: 5 ) в trim_prefix (C: \ Users \ okezie \ Desktop \ WEB DEV \ ALCwithForLoop \ Project \ BookAMeal-App \ Book-A-Meal \ node_modules \ express \ lib \ router \ index.js: 317: 13) в C: \ Users \ okezie \ Desktop \ WEB DEV \ ALCwithForLoop \ Project \ BookAMeal-App \ Book-A-Meal \ node_modules \ express \ lib \ router \ index.js: 284: 7 в Function.process_params (C: \ Users \ okezie \ Desktop \ WEB DEV \ ALCwithForLoop \ Project \ BookAMeal-App \ Book-A-Meal \ node_modules \ express \ lib \ router \ index.js: 335: 12) далее (C: \ Users \ okezie \ Desktop \ WEB DEV \ ALCwithForLoop \ Project \ BookAMeal-App \ Book-A-Meal \ node_modules \ express \ lib \ router \ index.js: 275: 10) в C: \ Users \ okezie \ Desktop \ WEB DEV \ ALCwithForLoop \ Project \ BookAMeal-App \ Book-A-Meal \ node_modules \ body-parser \ lib \ read.js: 130: 5 at invokeCallback (C: \ Users \ okezie \ Desktop \ WEB DEV \ ALCwithForLoop \ Project \ BookAMeal-App \ Book-A-Meal \ node_modules \ raw-body \ index.js: 224: 16) сделано (C: \ Users \ okezie \ Desktop \ WEB DEV \ ALCwithForLoop \ Project \ BookAMeal-App \ Book-A-Meal \ node_modules \ raw-body \ index.js: 213: 7) в IncomingMessage.onEnd (C: \ Users \ okezie \ Desktop \ WEB DEV \ ALCwithForLoop \ Project \ BookAMeal-App \ Book-A-Meal \ node_modules \ raw-body \ index.js: 273: 7) на IncomingMessage.emit (events.js: 182: 13) в endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js: 1094: 12) at process._tickCallback (internal / process / next_tick.js: 63: 19) 1) не следует создавать меню в "/ v1 / menus" с POST, если опции меню в запросе не существуют √ не должен создавать меню в "/ v1 / menus" с POST, если опции меню в запросе - пустая строка √ не должен создавать меню в "/ v1 / menus" с POST, если пункты меню в запросе не являются буквами

6 прохождение (490мс) 1 ошибка

1) Проверьте конечную точку в "/ v1 / menus", чтобы установить меню с POST не следует создавать меню в "/ v1 / menus" с POST, если опции меню в запросе не существуют:

  AssertionError: expected { Object (_events, _eventsCount, ...) } to have status code 400 but got 500
  + expected - actual


  at Context.status (test/setMenu.js:70:30)
  at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)

нпм ERR! Тест не пройден Смотрите выше для более подробной информации. `

Я уже перепробовал все, что только могу придумать, я готов предоставить больше информации по запросу, я просто не понимаю, почему то, что по сути является одним и тем же кодом, может работать или не работать по какой-то неясной причине, - это Код Климат неправильный для запроса я рефракционный код? Почему для правильной работы Node JS необходим дублирующий код? Я очень, очень расстроен, когда набираю этот вопрос
