Это будет намного легче, если вы разделите отдельные задачи на функции, то есть (i) предупредите пользователя, если файл не существует, и (ii) прочитаете содержимое файла в список строк:
def read_file(f):
# you can't read a file line-by-line and get line endings that match '\n\r'
# the following will match what your code is trying to do, but perhaps not
# what you want to accomplish..?
return f.read().split("\n\r") # are you sure you haven't switched these..?
def checked_read_file(fname):
with open(fname, 'rb') as fp: # you'll probably need binary mode to read \r
return read_file(fp)
except IOError:
print("File does not exist")
return False
тогда вы можете написать свой цикл while:
while True:
result = checked_read_file(user_file)
if result is not False: # this is correct since the empty list is false-y
user_file = input("Enter another filename: ") # or user_file = raw_input("...: ") if you're on Python 2
# here result is an array of lines from the file