Я читаю два кадра данных в формате orc (файлы уже в формате orc). Затем я записываю в другой путь s3, первый кадр данных, в формате orc. Выдает ошибку исключения Parsing вместе с именами столбцов данных.
Я просмотрел некоторые вопросы, но у них был ответ, относящийся к улью, и ни на один из вопросов о чистом pyspark не было дано ответов.
from athena_processing import AthenaContext
from datetime import datetime
from awsglue.utils import getResolvedOptions
import sys
athena_context = AthenaContext()
# spark context is already created for you as athena_context.sc, spark session is already created for you as athena_context.spark
# include this line in your code: spark = athena_context.spark
spark = athena_context.spark
# get two input names
# get output name
#output_path = getResolvedOptions(sys.argv, ['output_path'])['output_path']
# df = athena_context.input('S3')
# df2 = athena_context.input('S3_1')
df = spark.read.orc('s3://my-bucket/pipelines/march302_AkdmcrCTp/manual__2019-03-29T20_19_22+00_00/aws-s3_8LI6nrCTp')
df2 = spark.read.orc('s3://my-bucket/pipelines/march302_AkdmcrCTp/manual__2019-03-29T20_19_22+00_00/aws-s3_-K5Rn9CHM')
# df = spark.read.csv(
# 's3://my-bucket/one_billion_hundred_columns.csv',
# header=True
# )
# print("First dataframe read with headers set to True")
# df2 = athena_context.input('5c9e2249186c5d0006b36fae_manual__2019_03_29T13_52_15_00_00')
# df2 = spark.read.orc(
# 's3://my-bucket/opendata/gdelt/gdelt_100m'
# )
# df2 = spark.read.csv(
# 's3://my-bucket/one_billion_hundred_columns.csv',
# header=True
# )
print("Second dataframe read with headers set to True")
# Obtain columns lists
left_cols = df.columns
right_cols = df2.columns
# Prefix each dataframe's field with "left_" or "right_"
df = df.selectExpr([col + ' as left_' + col for col in left_cols])
df2 = df2.selectExpr([col + ' as right_' + col for col in right_cols])
# Perform join
# df3 = df.alias('l').join(df2.alias('r'), on='l.left_c_0' == 'r.right_c_0')
# df3 = df.alias('l').join(df2.alias('r'), on='c_0')
# df3 = df.join(
# df2,
# df["left_column_test_0"] == df2["right_column_test_0"]
# )
# df3 = df.join(
# df2,
# df["left__c0"] == df2["right__c0"]
# )
# df3 = df3.repartition("left_column_test_0")
print("Dataframes have been joined and the resultant dataframe has been partitioned successfully.")
# output_file_path = 's3://my-bucket/temp-de-avi/output_temp_de_avi/gdelt_100m/march_26_job/_1'
output_file_path = 's3://my-bucket/pipelines/march302_AkdmcrCTp/manual__2019-03-29T20_19_22+00_00/processing_1wuRc9CHp'
# print("Dataframe has been written to csv.")
Я ожидаю успешной записи файла orc, но вместо этого получаю следующую ошибку от AWS Glue:
ParseException: u"\nextraneous input 'type' expecting ':'(line 1, pos 41)\n\n== SQL ==\nstruct<region:string,country:string,item type:string,sales channel:string,order priority:string,order date:timestamp,order id:int,ship date:timestamp,units sold:int,unit price:double,unit cost:double,total revenue:double,total cost:double,total profit:double>\n-----------------------------------------^^^\n"```