Безусловно, самый быстрый способ - использовать конструкцию \G
и делать это с одним регулярным выражением.
C # код
var str =
"\"I & my friends are stuck here & we can't get up\", & we can't resolve\n" +
"=> \"I and my friends are stuck here and we can't get up\", & we can't resolve\n";
var rx = @"((?:""(?=[^""]*"")|(?<!""|^)\G)[^""&]*)(?:(&)|(""))";
var res = Regex.Replace(str, rx, m =>
// Replace the ampersands inside double quotes with 'and'
m.Groups[1].Value + (m.Groups[2].Value.Length > 0 ? "and" : m.Groups[3].Value));
"I and my friends are stuck here and we can't get up", & we can't resolve
=> "I and my friends are stuck here and we can't get up", & we can't resolve
Regex ((?:"(?=[^"]*")|(?<!"|^)\G)[^"&]*)(?:(&)|("))
( # (1 start), Preamble
(?: # Block
" # Begin of quote
(?= [^"]* " ) # One-time check for close quote
| # or,
(?<! " | ^ ) # If not a quote behind or BOS
\G # Start match where last left off
[^"&]* # Many non-quote, non-ampersand
) # (1 end)
(?: # Body
( & ) # (2), Ampersand, replace with 'and'
| # or,
( " ) # (3), End of quote, just put back "
Regex1: ((?:"(?=[^"]*")|(?<!"|^)\G)[^"&]*)(?:(&)|("))
Completed iterations: 50 / 50 ( x 1000 )
Matches found per iteration: 10
Elapsed Time: 2.21 s, 2209.03 ms, 2209035 µs
Matches per sec: 226,343