e Мне удалось написать функцию, которая выполняет работу правильно, но сначала мне нужно отдать должное этому ответу , что сэкономило мне время на написание собственной функции перемещения окон (работает отлично!):
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tqdm import trange
def window3x3(arr, shape=(3, 3)):
r_win = np.floor(shape[0] / 2).astype(int)
c_win = np.floor(shape[1] / 2).astype(int)
x, y = arr.shape
for i in range(x):
xmin = max(0, i - r_win)
xmax = min(x, i + r_win + 1)
for j in range(y):
ymin = max(0, j - c_win)
ymax = min(y, j + c_win + 1)
yield arr[xmin:xmax, ymin:ymax]
def gradient(XYZ_file, min=0, max=15, figsize=(15, 10), **kwargs):
:param XYZ_file: XYZ file in the following format: x,y,z (inlcuding headers)
:param min: color bar minimum range.
:param max: color bar maximum range.
:param figsize: figure size.
:param kwargs:
plot: to plot a gradient map. Default is True.
:return: returns an array with the shape of the grid with the computed slopes
The algorithm calculates the gradient using a first-order forward or backward difference on the corner points, first
order central differences at the boarder points, and a 3x3 moving window for every cell with 8 surrounding cells (in
the middle of the grid) using a third-order finite difference weighted by reciprocal of squared distance
Assumed 3x3 window:
| a | b | c |
| d | e | f |
| g | h | i |
kwargs.setdefault('plot', True)
grid = XYZ_file.to_numpy()
nx = XYZ_file['x'].unique().size
ny = XYZ_file['y'].unique().size
xs = grid[:, 0].reshape(ny, nx, order='F')
ys = grid[:, 1].reshape(ny, nx, order='F')
zs = grid[:, 2].reshape(ny, nx, order='F')
dx = abs((xs[:, 1:] - xs[:, :-1]).mean())
dy = abs((ys[1:, :] - ys[:-1, :]).mean())
gen = window3x3(zs)
windows_3x3 = np.asarray(list(gen))
windows_3x3 = windows_3x3.reshape(ny, nx)
dzdx = np.empty((ny, nx))
dzdy = np.empty((ny, nx))
loc_string = np.empty((ny, nx), dtype="S25")
for ax_y in trange(ny):
for ax_x in range(nx):
# corner points
if ax_x == 0 and ax_y == 0: # top left corner
dzdx[ax_y, ax_x] = (windows_3x3[ax_y, ax_x][0][1] - windows_3x3[ax_y, ax_x][0][0]) / dx
dzdy[ax_y, ax_x] = (windows_3x3[ax_y, ax_x][1][0] - windows_3x3[ax_y, ax_x][0][0]) / dy
loc_string[ax_y, ax_x] = 'top left corner'
elif ax_x == nx - 1 and ax_y == 0: # top right corner
dzdx[ax_y, ax_x] = (windows_3x3[ax_y, ax_x][0][1] - windows_3x3[ax_y, ax_x][0][0]) / dx
dzdy[ax_y, ax_x] = (windows_3x3[ax_y, ax_x][1][1] - windows_3x3[ax_y, ax_x][0][1]) / dy
loc_string[ax_y, ax_x] = 'top right corner'
elif ax_x == 0 and ax_y == ny - 1: # bottom left corner
dzdx[ax_y, ax_x] = (windows_3x3[ax_y, ax_x][1][1] - windows_3x3[ax_y, ax_x][1][0]) / dx
dzdy[ax_y, ax_x] = (windows_3x3[ax_y, ax_x][1][0] - windows_3x3[ax_y, ax_x][0][0]) / dy
loc_string[ax_y, ax_x] = 'bottom left corner'
elif ax_x == nx - 1 and ax_y == ny - 1: # bottom right corner
dzdx[ax_y, ax_x] = (windows_3x3[ax_y, ax_x][1][1] - windows_3x3[ax_y, ax_x][1][0]) / dx
dzdy[ax_y, ax_x] = (windows_3x3[ax_y, ax_x][1][1] - windows_3x3[ax_y, ax_x][0][1]) / dy
loc_string[ax_y, ax_x] = 'bottom right corner'
# top boarder
elif (ax_y == 0) and (ax_x != 0 and ax_x != nx - 1):
dzdx[ax_y, ax_x] = (windows_3x3[ax_y, ax_x][0][-1] - windows_3x3[ax_y, ax_x][0][0]) / (2 * dx)
dzdy[ax_y, ax_x] = (windows_3x3[ax_y, ax_x][1][1] - windows_3x3[ax_y, ax_x][0][1]) / dy
loc_string[ax_y, ax_x] = 'top boarder'
# bottom boarder
elif ax_y == ny - 1 and (ax_x != 0 and ax_x != nx - 1):
dzdx[ax_y, ax_x] = (windows_3x3[ax_y, ax_x][1][-1] - windows_3x3[ax_y, ax_x][1][0]) / (2 * dx)
dzdy[ax_y, ax_x] = (windows_3x3[ax_y, ax_x][1][1] - windows_3x3[ax_y, ax_x][0][1]) / dy
loc_string[ax_y, ax_x] = 'bottom boarder'
# left boarder
elif ax_x == 0 and (ax_y != 0 and ax_y != ny - 1):
dzdx[ax_y, ax_x] = (windows_3x3[ax_y, ax_x][1][1] - windows_3x3[ax_y, ax_x][1][0]) / dx
dzdy[ax_y, ax_x] = (windows_3x3[ax_y, ax_x][-1][0] - windows_3x3[ax_y, ax_x][0][0]) / (2 * dy)
loc_string[ax_y, ax_x] = 'left boarder'
# right boarder
elif ax_x == nx - 1 and (ax_y != 0 and ax_y != ny - 1):
dzdx[ax_y, ax_x] = (windows_3x3[ax_y, ax_x][1][1] - windows_3x3[ax_y, ax_x][1][0]) / dx
dzdy[ax_y, ax_x] = (windows_3x3[ax_y, ax_x][-1][-1] - windows_3x3[ax_y, ax_x][0][-1]) / (2 * dy)
loc_string[ax_y, ax_x] = 'right boarder'
# middle grid
a = windows_3x3[ax_y, ax_x][0][0]
b = windows_3x3[ax_y, ax_x][0][1]
c = windows_3x3[ax_y, ax_x][0][-1]
d = windows_3x3[ax_y, ax_x][1][0]
f = windows_3x3[ax_y, ax_x][1][-1]
g = windows_3x3[ax_y, ax_x][-1][0]
h = windows_3x3[ax_y, ax_x][-1][1]
i = windows_3x3[ax_y, ax_x][-1][-1]
dzdx[ax_y, ax_x] = ((c + 2 * f + i) - (a + 2 * d + g)) / (8 * dx)
dzdy[ax_y, ax_x] = ((g + 2 * h + i) - (a + 2 * b + c)) / (8 * dy)
loc_string[ax_y, ax_x] = 'middle grid'
hpot = np.hypot(abs(dzdy), abs(dzdx))
slopes_angle = np.degrees(np.arctan(hpot))
if kwargs['plot']:
slopes_angle[(slopes_angle < min) | (slopes_angle > max)]
plt.pcolormesh(xs, ys, slopes_angle, cmap=plt.cm.gist_yarg, vmax=max, vmin=min)
return slopes_angle
if __name__ == '__main__':
XYZ = pd.read_csv('xyz_file')
slopes = gradient(XYZ)
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