Как подключиться к брокеру mqtt с помощью libmosquitto и SSL / TLS в C ++ - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 18 марта 2019

Я пытаюсь подписаться на брокера mqtt, который использует SSL / TLS для аутентификации клиентов.Я использую libmosquitto , чтобы сделать это.

Я запускаю этот код для выполнения подписки

#include <csignal>
#include <iostream>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <mosquitto.h>


#define MQTT_HOST       "exmaple.com"
#define MQTT_PORT       8883
#define TARGET_USER     "use"
#define TARGET_PW       "password"
#define TARGET_TOPIC    "/example-topic"
#define CERTIFICATE     "/home/luca/TRIALS/tryMqttS/cert.pem"

using namespace std;

static int run  = 1;

void signalHandler (int s) {
    run = 0;

void messageCallback (struct mosquitto *mosq, void *obj, const struct mosquitto_message *message) {
    bool match  = 0;
    cout << "got message  " << (char *) message->payload << "  from topic  " << message->topic << endl;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    uint8_t reconnect       = true;
    string clientID         = "mosquitto_client_" + to_string (getpid());
    struct mosquitto *mosq  = nullptr;
    int resCode             = 0;

    signal (SIGINT, signalHandler);
    signal (SIGTERM, signalHandler);

    mosquitto_lib_init ();

    mosq    = mosquitto_new (clientID.c_str(), true, 0);

        mosquitto_message_callback_set (mosq, messageCallback);

        cout << "Pw set result:             " << mosquitto_strerror (mosquitto_username_pw_set  (mosq, TARGET_USER, TARGET_PW)) << endl;
        cout << "Tls insecure set result:   " << mosquitto_strerror (mosquitto_tls_insecure_set (mosq, false)) << endl;
        cout << "Tls opts set result:       " << mosquitto_strerror (mosquitto_tls_opts_set     (mosq, 1, NULL, NULL)) << endl;
        cout << "Tls set result:            " << mosquitto_strerror (mosquitto_tls_set (mosq, CERTIFICATE, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, /*pw_cb * */ nullptr)) << endl;

        cout << "Connection result:         " << mosquitto_strerror (mosquitto_connect (mosq, MQTT_HOST, MQTT_PORT, 60)) << endl;
        cout << "Subscription result:       " << mosquitto_strerror (mosquitto_subscribe (mosq, NULL, TARGET_TOPIC, 0)) << endl;

        while (run) {
            resCode = mosquitto_loop (mosq, 20, 1);
            if (resCode) {
                cout << "ERROR:  " << mosquitto_strerror (resCode) << "  (" << resCode << ")\n";
                mosquitto_reconnect (mosq);

        mosquitto_destroy (mosq);

    mosquitto_lib_cleanup ();

    return 0;

, но каждый раз вывод одинаков:

Connection result:    0
Subscription result:  0
ERROR:  The connection was lost.  (7)
ERROR:  The connection was lost.  (7)
ERROR:  The connection was lost.  (7)
ERROR:  The connection was lost.  (7)
ERROR:  The connection was lost.  (7)
ERROR:  The connection was lost.  (7)
ERROR:  The connection was lost.  (7)
ERROR:  The connection was lost.  (7)
ERROR:  The connection was lost.  (7)
ERROR:  The connection was lost.  (7)
ERROR:  The connection was lost.  (7)

Используя внешний инструмент (например, mqttfx ) и используя те же учетные данные для аутентификации, подписка действительна, и я могу получать сообщения, опубликованные по теме.

Как правильно оформить подписку?Есть ли пропущенные настройки?
