Здравствуйте, у меня есть схема, и когда я передаю значения, она показывает, что значения пустые и обязательные.Я не понимаю, почему.
Model.js: -
var adminSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
companyName : {
type: String,
required: "Company name can't be empty.",
required: false
companyID: {
type: String,
address : {
type: String,
required: "Address can't be empty.",
contactDetails : {
type: String,
required: "Company contact number can't be empty.",
admins: {
email : {
type: String,
required: "Email can't be empty.",
unique: true
password: {
type: String,
required: "Password name can't be empty."
firstName : {
type: String,
required: "First name can't be empty."
lastName : {
type: String,
required: "Last name can't be empty."
phoneNumber : {
type: String,
required: "Reqired for further contact. Can't be empty."
designation : {
type: String,
required: "Designation can't be empty."
verified: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
role: String,
emailResetTokenn: String,
emailExpires: Date,
saltSecret: String,//this is user for encryption and decryption of password
// Adding custom validation for email.
adminSchema.path('admins.email').validate((val) => {
emailRegexx = /^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/ ;
return emailRegexx.test(val);
}, 'Invalid email');
//Pre event to trigger saltSecret before save function in user controller
adminSchema.pre('save', function (next){
bcryptt.genSalt(10, (err, salt) => {
bcryptt.hash(this.admin.admins.password, salt, (err, hash) => {
this.admin.admins.password = hash ;
this.admin.admins.saltSecret = salt;
mongoose.model('Admin', adminSchema);
Файл контроллера: -
const mongoose = require ('mongoose');
const Admin = mongoose.model('Admin');
var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
module.exports.registerAdmin = (req, res, next) =>{
var admin = new Admin();
admin.companyName = req.body.companyName;
admin.address = req.body.address;
admin.contactDetails = req.body.contactDetails;
admin.admins = {
email : req.body.email,
password: req.body.password,
firstName : req.body.firstName,
lastName : req.body.lastName,
phoneNumber : req.body.phoneNumber,
designation : req.body.designation,
role : "admin",
id : req.body._id
const secret = crypto.randomBytes(20);
const hash = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret)
.update(secret + admin.admins.email)
const reqq = crypto.createHash('md5').update(admin.companyName).digest('hex');
let valueNum = reqq.match(/\d/g).join("").toString().substring(0,6);
admin.companyID = valueNum;
var expires = new Date();
expires.setHours(expires.getHours() + 6);
admin.admins.emailResetTokenn = hash;
admin.admins.emailExpires = expires;
admin.save((err, doc) =>{});
Я знаю, что делаю какую-то глупую ошибку, но не понимаю, чего именно мне не хватает.
При тестировании я передаю: -
"address": "AUS",
"contactDetails" : "54534454",
"admins" : {
"email" : "kapa@clickmail.info",
"password" : "something#1",
"firstName" : "hdsdsds",
"lastName": "Ghodsdsdsh",
"phoneNumber" : "4544343",
"designation" : "Software Engineer"
И вывод: -
"Email can't be empty.",
"Password name can't be empty.",
"First name can't be empty.",
"Last name can't be empty.",
"Reqired for further contact. Can't be empty.",
"Designation can't be empty."
Неправильно ли я определил структуру схемы?
Небольшое предложение будет оценено.Спасибо.
РЕДАКТИРОВАТЬ: - Ожидаемое возвращение
"companyId" : "4554"
"address": "AUS",
"contactDetails" : "54534454",
"admins": {
"email" : "bayicucasu@first-mail.info",
"password" : "dffooto465m56.545mom3$5$6.4$%$%$64brgg",
"firstName" : "hdsdsds",
"lastName": "Ghodsdsdsh",
"phoneNumber" : "4544343",
"designation" : "Software Engineer",
"id" : "565645vfbtrbfcv678",
"verified": false,
"role" : "admin",
"emailResetTokenn" : "45455454rbgtbg$$t4@67&jyynjyj",
"emailExpires": "21-05-2016 17:00:00",
"saltSecret": "dfjduh%ufheHUHF7.dfu%#jj",