JQuery Idle Timeout от Эрика Хиндса - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 06 марта 2019

Использование jQuery Idle Timeout от Eric Hynds, но похоже, что это заброшенный проект.

Это используется в проекте киоска (в инструментах Chrome dev разрешение должно быть 1080px в ширину и 1920px в высоту), и будет загружена версия киоска: http://dev.demo38.com/owu/

Тайм-аут используется, когда пользователь уходит из киоска, таймер запускает предупреждение с обратным отсчетом. Этот обратный отсчет может быть сброшен для продолжения просмотра, или, если позволить обратному отсчету, перенаправляет киоск обратно на главный экран.

Раньше это работало нормально, однако начинало появляться следующее сообщение об ошибке консоли:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'nodeType' of undefined
at Function.n.acceptData [as accepts] (jquery.js:3531)
at K.key (jquery.js:3556)
at K.set (jquery.js:3593)
at K.access (jquery.js:3652)
at Function.data (jquery.js:3761)
at Object.init (jquery.idletimeout.js?ver=1.2:32)
at Function.$.idleTimeout (jquery.idletimeout.js?ver=1.2:139)
at (index):825

Есть сведения о том, где возникает эта ошибка / как ее устранить?

Первый сценарий написан Полом Айришем с использованием его IdleTimer (jquery.idletimer.js)


$.idleTimer = function f(newTimeout){

    //$.idleTimer.tId = -1     //timeout ID

    var idle    = false,        //indicates if the user is idle
        enabled = true,        //indicates if the idle timer is enabled
        timeout = 500,        //the amount of time (ms) before the user is considered idle
        events  = 'mousemove keydown DOMMouseScroll mousewheel mousedown', // activity is one of these events
      //f.olddate = undefined, // olddate used for getElapsedTime. stored on the function

    /* (intentionally not documented)
     * Toggles the idle state and fires an appropriate event.
     * @return {void}
    toggleIdleState = function(){

        //toggle the state
        idle = !idle;

        // reset timeout counter
        f.olddate = +new Date;

        //fire appropriate event
        $(document).trigger(  $.data(document,'idleTimer', idle ? "idle" : "active" )  + '.idleTimer');            

     * Stops the idle timer. This removes appropriate event handlers
     * and cancels any pending timeouts.
     * @return {void}
     * @method stop
     * @static
    stop = function(){

        //set to disabled
        enabled = false;

        //clear any pending timeouts

        //detach the event handlers

    /* (intentionally not documented)
     * Handles a user event indicating that the user isn't idle.
     * @param {Event} event A DOM2-normalized event object.
     * @return {void}
    handleUserEvent = function(){

        //clear any existing timeout

        //if the idle timer is enabled
        if (enabled){

            //if it's idle, that means the user is no longer idle
            if (idle){

            //set a new timeout
            $.idleTimer.tId = setTimeout(toggleIdleState, timeout);


     * Starts the idle timer. This adds appropriate event handlers
     * and starts the first timeout.
     * @param {int} newTimeout (Optional) A new value for the timeout period in ms.
     * @return {void}
     * @method $.idleTimer
     * @static

    f.olddate = f.olddate || +new Date;

    //assign a new timeout if necessary
    if (typeof newTimeout == "number"){
        timeout = newTimeout;
    } else if (newTimeout === 'destroy') {
        return this;  
    } else if (newTimeout === 'getElapsedTime'){
        return (+new Date) - f.olddate;

    //assign appropriate event handlers
    $(document).bind($.trim((events+' ').split(' ').join('.idleTimer ')),handleUserEvent);

    //set a timeout to toggle state
    $.idleTimer.tId = setTimeout(toggleIdleState, timeout);

    // assume the user is active for the first x seconds.

}; // end of $.idleTimer()


Второй скрипт - это тайм-аут / перенаправление (jquery.idletimeout.js)

(function($, win){

    var idleTimeout = {
        init: function( element, resume, options ){
            var self = this, elem;

            this.warning = elem = $(element);
            this.resume = $(resume);
            this.options = options;
            this.countdownOpen = false;
            this.failedRequests = options.failedRequests;
            this.title = document.title;

            // expose obj to data cache so peeps can call internal methods
            $.data( elem[0], 'idletimeout', this );

            // start the idle timer
            $.idleTimer(options.idleAfter * 1000);

            // once the user becomes idle
            $(document).bind("idle.idleTimer", function(){

                // if the user is idle and a countdown isn't already running
                if( $.data(document, 'idleTimer') === 'idle' && !self.countdownOpen ){
                    self.countdownOpen = true;

            // bind continue link
            this.resume.bind("click", function(e){

                win.clearInterval(self.countdown); // stop the countdown
                self.countdownOpen = false; // stop countdown
                self._startTimer(); // start up the timer again
                self._keepAlive( false ); // ping server
                options.onResume.call( self.warning ); // call the resume callback

        _idle: function(){
            var self = this,
                options = this.options,
                warning = this.warning[0],
                counter = options.warningLength;

            // fire the onIdle function

            // set inital value in the countdown placeholder
            options.onCountdown.call(warning, counter);

            // create a timer that runs every second
            this.countdown = win.setInterval(function(){
                if(--counter === 0){
                } else {
                    options.onCountdown.call(warning, counter);
          document.title = options.titleMessage.replace('%s', counter) + self.title;
            }, 1000);

        _startTimer: function(){
            var self = this;

            this.timer = win.setTimeout(function(){
            }, this.options.pollingInterval * 1000);

        _stopTimer: function(){
            // reset the failed requests counter
            this.failedRequests = this.options.failedRequests;

        _keepAlive: function( recurse ){
            var self = this,
                options = this.options;

            //Reset the title to what it was.
            document.title = self.title;

            // assume a startTimer/keepAlive loop unless told otherwise
            if( typeof recurse === "undefined" ){
                recurse = true;

            // if too many requests failed, abort
            if( !this.failedRequests ){
                options.onAbort.call( this.warning[0] );

                timeout: options.AJAXTimeout,
                url: options.keepAliveURL,
                error: function(){
                success: function(response){
                    if($.trim(response) !== options.serverResponseEquals){
                complete: function(){
                    if( recurse ){

    // expose
    $.idleTimeout = function(element, resume, options){
        idleTimeout.init( element, resume, $.extend($.idleTimeout.options, options) );
        return this;

    // options
    $.idleTimeout.options = {
        // number of seconds after user is idle to show the warning
        warningLength: 30,

        // url to call to keep the session alive while the user is active
        keepAliveURL: "",

        // the response from keepAliveURL must equal this text:
        serverResponseEquals: "OK",

        // user is considered idle after this many seconds.  10 minutes default
        idleAfter: 600,

        // a polling request will be sent to the server every X seconds
        pollingInterval: 60,

        // number of failed polling requests until we abort this script
        failedRequests: 5,

        // the $.ajax timeout in MILLISECONDS!
        AJAXTimeout: 250,

        // %s will be replaced by the counter value
        titleMessage: 'Warning: %s seconds until log out | ',

            "this" refers to the element found by the first selector passed to $.idleTimeout.
        // callback to fire when the session times out
        onTimeout: $.noop,

        // fires when the user becomes idle
        onIdle: $.noop,

        // fires during each second of warningLength
        onCountdown: $.noop,

        // fires when the user resumes the session
        onResume: $.noop,

        // callback to fire when the script is aborted due to too many failed requests
        onAbort: $.noop

})(jQuery, window);

И вот сценарий, который вызывает:

$.idleTimeout('#idletimeout', '#idletimeout a', {
        idleAfter: 180,
        pollingInterval: 5,
        keepAliveURL: 'http://dev.demo38.com/owu/wp-content/themes/owu/keepalive.php',
        serverResponseEquals: 'OK',
        onTimeout: function(){
            // window.location = home_url;
            window.location = "http://dev.demo38.com/owu/";
        onIdle: function(){
            $(this).slideDown(); // show the warning bar
        onCountdown: function( counter ){
            $(this).find("span").html( counter ); // update the counter
        onResume: function(){
            $(this).slideUp(); // hide the warning bar