Я работаю над рельсами 4.2.7 приложение.Приложение работало несколько дней назад, но внезапно, когда я пытаюсь установить пакет, оно выдает ошибку .... '
An error occurred while installing rmagick (2.15.4), and Bundler
cannot continue.
Make sure that `gem install rmagick -v '2.15.4' --source
'https://rubygems.org/'` succeeds before bundling.'
Когда я запускаю "gem install rmagick -v' 2.15.4", оно выдает ошибку
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
ERROR: Error installing rmagick:
ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
current directory: /home/shahroz/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.3@hh-web-
/home/shahroz/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.2.3/bin/ruby -r ./siteconf20190411-
829-1e8ve9u.rb extconf.rb
checking for gcc... yes
checking for Magick-config... no
checking for pkg-config... yes
checking for outdated ImageMagick version (<= 6.4.9)... no
checking for Ruby version >= 1.8.5... yes
checking for stdint.h... yes
checking for sys/types.h... yes
checking for wand/MagickWand.h... no
Can't install RMagick 2.15.4. Can't find MagickWand.h.
*** extconf.rb failed ***
Could not create Makefile due to some reason, probably lack of
libraries and/or headers. Check the mkmf.log file for more details.
You may
need configuration options.
Provided configuration options:
To see why this extension failed to compile, please check the
mkmf.log which can be found here:
extconf failed, exit code 1
Gem files will remain installed in /home/shahroz/.rvm/gems/ruby-
2.2.3@hh-web-platform/gems/rmagick-2.15.4 for inspection.
Results logged to /home/shahroz/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.3@hh-web-
Я попробовал следующие команды, но у меня ничего не получилось,
sudo apt-get install graphicsmagick-libmagick-dev-compat
libmagickcore-dev libmagickwand-dev
sudo apt-get install libmagickwand-dev imagemagick
Я хочу установить gem rmagick.