Мне удалось успешно создать приложение для твиттера, используя https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0wWwglE1Vc
Но проблема связана с данным ключевым словом #helloworld, приложение не отвечает на твиты и не вызывает ошибок на консоли.
import tweepy
import time
# NOTE: I put my keys in the keys.py to separate them
# from this main file.
# Please refer to keys_format.py to see the format.
from keys import *
# NOTE: flush=True is just for running this script
# with PythonAnywhere's always-on task.
# More info: https://help.pythonanywhere.com/pages/AlwaysOnTasks/
print('this is my twitter bot', flush=True)
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET)
auth.set_access_token(ACCESS_KEY, ACCESS_SECRET)
api = tweepy.API(auth)
FILE_NAME = 'last_seen_idsearch.txt'
def retrieve_last_seen_id(file_name):
f_read = open(file_name, 'r')
last_seen_id = int(f_read.read().strip())
return last_seen_id
def store_last_seen_id(last_seen_id, file_name):
f_write = open(file_name, 'w')
def reply_to_tweets():
print('retrieving and replying to tweets...', flush=True)
# DEV NOTE: use 1060651988453654528 for testing.
last_seen_id = retrieve_last_seen_id(FILE_NAME)
# NOTE: We need to use tweet_mode='extended' below to show
# all full tweets (with full_text). Without it, long tweets
# would be cut off.
mentions = api.mentions_timeline(
for mention in reversed(mentions):
print(str(mention.id) + ' - ' + mention.full_text, flush=True)
last_seen_id = mention.id
store_last_seen_id(last_seen_id, FILE_NAME)
if '#helloworld' in mention.full_text.lower():
print('found #helloworld!', flush=True)
print('responding back...', flush=True)
api.update_status('@' + mention.user.screen_name +
'#HelloWorld back to you!', mention.id)
while True:
Вот вывод консоли
retrieving and replying to tweets...
retrieving and replying to tweets...
retrieving and replying to tweets...
retrieving and replying to tweets...