Я не уверен, почему, но когда код достигает queue->tail->next = newLink;
void listQueueAddBack (struct Queue* queue, TYPE value) {
/* FIXME: You will write this function */
assert (queue != 0);
struct Link* newLink = (struct Link*) malloc (sizeof (struct Link));
assert (newLink != NULL);
newLink->value = value;
queue->tail->next = newLink;
queue->tail = newLink;
, я получаю нарушение прав записи (адрес 0xCDCDCDCD).Я случайно передал нулевой указатель?Я все еще немного новичок в C, так что это опыт обучения для меня.
Я также возился с listQueueIsEmpty
, так как у него было нарушение прав чтения, но я, кажется, прошел через это,Теперь я нахожусь в действительной части толчка.
Я не уверен, что это слишком много, но я не очень много знаю о том, что вызывает это, так что вот все полезные биты кодафайл.Я не хочу, чтобы другие делали мою домашнюю работу за меня, но если есть какие-то очень большие ошибки в коде, пожалуйста, дайте мне знать, так как это помогает мне учиться при работе с будущими проектами на Си.Я попытался свернуть это немного, поэтому никто не должен делать 100-метровую прокрутку, чтобы добраться до дна (это не слишком долго, но все же)
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#ifndef TYPE
#define TYPE int
// Single link
struct Link {
TYPE value;
struct Link* next;
// Single linked list with head and tail pointers
struct Queue {
struct Link* head;
struct Link* tail;
// Stack with two Queue instances
struct Stack {
struct Queue* q1;
struct Queue* q2;
Internal func allocates the queue's sentinel. Sets sentinels' next to null,
and queue's head and tail to the sentinel.
param: queue struct LinkedList ptr
pre: queue is not null
post: queue sentinel not null
sentinel next points to null
head points to sentinel (always)
tail points to sentinel (always point to last link unless empty)
void listQueueInit(struct Queue* queue)
/* FIXME: You will write this function */
assert(queue != 0);
struct Link* sentinel = (struct Link*)malloc (sizeof (struct Link));
assert (sentinel != 0);
sentinel->next = 0;
queue->head = sentinel;
queue->tail = sentinel;
Allocates and initializes a queue.
pre: none
post: memory allocated for new struct Queue ptr
queue init (call to _initQueue func)
return: queue
struct Queue* listQueueCreate()
/* FIXME: You will write this function */
struct Queue* queue = (struct Queue*) malloc (sizeof (struct Queue));
listQueueInit (queue);
return queue;
Adds a new link with the given value to the back of the queue.
param: queue struct Queue ptr
param: value TYPE
pre: queue is not null
post: link is created with given value
link is added after the current last link (pointed to by queue tail)
void listQueueAddBack (struct Queue* queue, TYPE value)
/* FIXME: You will write this function */
assert (queue != NULL);
assert (queue->tail != NULL);
struct Link* newLink = (struct Link*) malloc (sizeof (struct Link));
assert (newLink != NULL);
newLink->value = value;
newLink->next = NULL;
queue->tail->next = newLink;
queue->tail = newLink;
Returns the value of the link at the front of the queue.
param: queue struct Queue ptr
pre: queue is not null
pre: queue is not empty (i.e., queue's head next pointer is not null)
post: none
ret: first link's value
TYPE listQueueFront(struct Queue* queue)
/* FIXME: You will write this function */
assert (queue != NULL);
assert (listQueueIsEmpty(queue) != 1);
return ((queue->head)->next)->value;
Removes the link at the front of the queue and returns the value
of the removed link.
param: queue struct Queue ptr
pre: queue is not null
pre: queue is not empty (i.e., queue's head next pointer is not null)
post: first link is removed and freed (call to removeLink)
int listQueueIsEmpty (struct Queue* queue);
TYPE listQueueRemoveFront(struct Queue* queue)
/* FIXME: You will write this function */
assert (queue != 0);
assert (!listQueueIsEmpty(queue));
struct Link* toDelete = queue->head->next;
if (toDelete == queue->tail) {
queue->tail = queue->head;
else {
queue->head->next = toDelete->next;
return toDelete;
free (toDelete);
Returns 1 if the queue is empty and 0 otherwise.
param: queue struct Queue ptr
pre: queue is not null
post: none
ret: 1 if queue head next pointer is null (empty);
otherwise 0 (not null; not empty)
int listQueueIsEmpty(struct Queue* queue)
/* FIXME: You will write this function */
assert (queue != NULL);
assert (queue->tail != NULL);
if ((queue->head)->next == NULL) {
return 1;
else {
return 0;
Deallocates every link in the queue including the sentinel,
and frees the queue itself.
param: queue struct Queue ptr
pre: queue is not null
post: memory allocated to each link is freed
" " sentinel " "
" " queue " "
void listQueueDestroy(struct Queue* queue)
assert(queue != NULL);
while(!listQueueIsEmpty(queue)) {
queue = NULL;
Allocates and initializes a stack that is comprised of two
instances of Queue data structures.
pre: none
post: memory allocated for new struct Stack ptr
stack q1 Queue instance init (call to queueCreate func)
stack q2 Queue instance init (call to queueCreate func)
return: stack
struct Stack* listStackFromQueuesCreate()
/* FIXME: You will write this function */
struct Stack* stack = (struct Stack*) malloc (sizeof (struct Stack));
stack->q1 = listQueueCreate();
stack->q2 = listQueueCreate();
return (stack);
Deallocates every link in both queues contained in the stack,
(inc.the sentinel), the queues themselves and the stack itself.
param: stack struct Stack ptr
pre: stack is not null
pre: queues are not null
post: memory allocated to each link is freed along with the
two queues and stack themselves
Note that I checked that q1 and q2 are not null in this function
also when I could have just left the assertion to fail in queueDestroy
if either were pointing to null, but I thought it best to be explicit,
albeit slightly repetitive.
void listStackDestroy(struct Stack* stack)
assert(stack != NULL);
assert(stack->q1 != NULL && stack->q2 != NULL);
stack = NULL;
Returns 1 if the stack is empty and 0 otherwise.
param: stack struct Stack ptr
pre: stack is not null
post: none
ret: 1 if q1 is empty; else, 0
int listStackIsEmpty(struct Stack* stack)
/* FIXME: You will write this function */
assert (stack != NULL);
if (listQueueIsEmpty (stack->q1)) {
return 1;
else {
return 0;
This internal function swaps what q1 and q2 pointers, such that
q1 points to q2 and q2 points to q1.
param: stack struct LinkedList ptr
param: value TYPE
pre: stack is not null
post: q1 points to the actual 'stack' with links
void listSwapStackQueues(struct Stack* stack)
/* FIXME: You will write this function */
assert (stack != 0);
struct Queue* temp = stack->q1;
stack->q1 = stack->q2;
stack->q2 = temp;
Adds a new link with the given value to the back of the Queue q2.
Then while Queue q1 isn't empty, the first link of the queue is
dequeued/removed and added to the back of Queue q2, so that in
the end, Queue q2 has the new order to represent the stack properly
with the new value at the front of the queue.
param: stack struct LinkedList ptr
param: value TYPE
pre: stack is not null
post: new link is created w/ given value and added to end of q2
the first link of q1 is removed and added to end of q2 until
it's empty
q1 and q2 are swapped
void listStackPush(struct Stack* stack, TYPE value)
/* FIXME: You will write this function */
assert (stack != NULL);
listQueueAddBack (stack->q2, value);
while (!listQueueIsEmpty(stack->q1))
TYPE valueTemp = listQueueRemoveFront (stack->q1);
listQueueAddBack (stack->q2, valueTemp);
listSwapStackQueues (stack);
Removes the link at the top of the stack and returns its value.
param: stack struct Stack ptr
pre: stack is not null
pre: stack is not empty
post: first link is removed and freed (call to removeLink)
ret: value of the removed link
TYPE listStackPop(struct Stack* stack)
/* FIXME: You will write this function */
assert (stack != 0);
assert (!listQueueIsEmpty (stack->q1));
return listQueueRemoveFront (stack->q1);
Returns the value of the link at the top of the stack.
param: stack struct Stack ptr
pre: stack is not null
pre: stack is not empty
post: none
ret: first link's value
TYPE listStackTop(struct Stack* stack)
/* FIXME: You will write this function */
assert (!listQueueIsEmpty (stack->q1));
assert (stack != 0);
return listQueueFront (stack->q1);
Used for testing the stack from queue implementation.
void assertTrue(int pred, char* msg)
printf("%s: ", msg);
int main()
struct Stack* s = listStackFromQueuesCreate();
printf("---- Testing stack from queue implementation ----\n");
printf("stack init...\n");
assertTrue(listStackIsEmpty(s) == 1, "stackIsEmpty == 1");
printf("\npushing 4, 5, -300...\n");
listStackPush(s, 4);
listStackPush(s, 5);
listStackPush(s, -300);
assertTrue(listStackIsEmpty(s) == 0, "stackIsEmpty == 0");
assertTrue(listStackPop(s) == -300, "\npopping; val == -300");
assertTrue(listStackPop(s) == 5, "popping; val == 5");
assertTrue(listStackTop(s) == 4, "top val == 4\t");
assertTrue(listStackPop(s) == 4, "popping; val == 4");
assertTrue(listStackIsEmpty(s) == 1, "stackIsEmpty == 1");
// listStackPop(s); // should fail assert
// listStackTop(s); // should fail assert
printf("\npushing 0-9...\n");
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
listStackPush(s, i);
assertTrue(listStackTop(s) == 9, "top val == 9\t");
return 0;
~ - ~ - ~ -Edit 1- ~- ~ - ~
Обновленный код, приведенный выше, должен вернуться сейчас.
Кроме того, в настоящее время я использую Visual Studio 2019 для своего компилятора.В моем университете есть компилятор Unix, но я еще не тестировал его из-за необходимости сначала подключиться к VPN, а что нет.Я в конечном итоге протестирую его, я просто не делал этого кода.
~ - ~ - ~ -Edit 2- ~ - ~ - ~ снова добавил редактирование кода (на этот раз с исправленным возвращаемым дерпом)
извините за количество ошибок, я только сейчас вернулся к программированию на C, так как мне пришлось посещать некоторые классы в младшем колледже в действительно странном порядке, в основном из-за доступности классов, поскольку мои структуры данных обычно не моглине будет доступен до осени следующего года.Мне просто повезло, и я перешел в Uni и попал туда