В моем коде предполагается, что ячейки Date, Number, Number, Number, Text
всегда будут находиться в одной строке друг с другом (хотя они могут присутствовать в любом месте этой строки).
Этот код ожидает, что у вас уже есть готовый пустой лист вывода. Я добавил больше комментариев, чтобы объяснить, что происходит в цикле.
При необходимости измените значение OUTPUT_SHEET_NAME
Option Explicit
Sub CollateValues()
Const OUTPUT_SHEET_NAME As String = "Sheet2" ' Change this as needed.
Dim outputSheet As Worksheet
Set outputSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(OUTPUT_SHEET_NAME)
' Write hardcoded list of headers to output sheet
outputSheet.Range("A1").Resize(1, 5) = Array("Date", "Outstanding", "Overdue", "NPI", "Status")
Dim outputRowIndex As Long
outputRowIndex = 1 ' Skip headers
Dim inputSheet As Worksheet ' Used to loop over worksheets
For Each inputSheet In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
If inputSheet.Name <> OUTPUT_SHEET_NAME Then
With inputSheet
Dim numericCellsFound As Range
On Error Resume Next
Set numericCellsFound = .Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, xlNumbers) ' Suppress error if no cells were found
On Error GoTo 0
If Not (numericCellsFound Is Nothing) Then ' Check if any cells were found on previous lines
Dim cell As Range
Dim numericCell As Range
' Dates are basically numbers, so loop through all numeric cells.
For Each numericCell In numericCellsFound
If IsDate(numericCell) Then ' Check if the cell we're currently looping through is a date
If Application.Count(numericCell.Offset(0, 1).Resize(1, 3)) = 3 Then ' Check if the next three cells to the right of the date are all numbers. We use the worksheet function COUNT, which you may be familiar with.
If Application.IsText(numericCell.Offset(0, 4)) Then ' Check if the fourth cell to the right of the date is text/characters. The worksheet function ISTEXT is used.
outputRowIndex = outputRowIndex + 1 ' We want to write to the next line, so increment this variable by 1.
numericCell.Resize(1, 5).Copy outputSheet.Cells(outputRowIndex, "A") ' Copy-paste the 5 cells (Date, Number, Number, Number, Text), which have passed all the checks on the previous lines, to the next row on the output worksheet.
End If
End If
End If
Next numericCell
Set numericCellsFound = Nothing ' Reset this, otherwise the current iteration's results can be affected by a previous iteration.
End If
End With
End If
Next inputSheet
End Sub