Код прост и не имеет цикла for, как сказал Ашкан. Я постараюсь объяснить код в соответствии с моим пониманием.
В начале, где
var i = image.length
, код получает длину изображения, которая всегда равна 5 для вашего случая.
Когда вызывается следующая функция,
function nextImage() {
//When the next image function is called, the code first checks that the value i is not
//equal or greater than image.length, since we cannot really increment i to be greater
//than the available images.
if (i<image.length) {
//Our current index is either 1, 2, 3, or 4 so we can set our current index to 5 and
//show image 5
i= i+1;
} else {
//Our index is 5 so we have to set our index to 1.
//We cannot increment because we dont have image 6 or more
i = 1;
//Show image at current index. Seems like your images are starting from Image 0 to
// image 4 so we subtract one.
slider_content.innerHTML = "<img src="+image[i-1]+".jpg>";
Когда вызывается функция предыдущего изображения,
function prewImage(){
//When the previous image function is called, the code first checks that the value i is not
//less than image.length and that our current index is greater than 1.
if (i<image.length+1 && i>1) {
//Our current index is equal or greater than 2 so we can set it to a value just below
//it. Notice this can never be 1 since 1-1 = 0 which is not a valid index
i= i-1;
} else {
//Current index is 1
//If the current index is 1, set it to the length of the images which is also the index
// of the last image, that is 5.
i = image.length;
//Show image at current index. Seems like your images are starting from Image 0 to
// image 4 so we subtract one.
slider_content.innerHTML = "<img src="+image[i-1]+".jpg>";
Надеюсь, это поможет, спасибо.