Я использую Fastlane match для управления подписанием моего кода iOS.
Есть ли способ использовать то же хранилище для хранения других учетных данных проекта [ключей, токенов API и т. Д.], Которые используются вприложение, но не может быть проверено в Git, или использовать команды соответствия Fastlane для создания нового зашифрованного репо?
Приведенный ниже код выполняется, но файл в репо out.txt не зашифрован.
Текущий код:
desc "Encrypt git"
lane :encrypt do
UI.success "Encrypting git!"
storage = Match::Storage.for_mode("git", { git_url: git_url, shallow_clone: shallow_clone, git_branch: branch, clone_branch_directly: true})
encryption = Match::Encryption.for_storage_mode("git", { git_url: git_url, working_directory: storage.working_directory})
file = "#{storage.working_directory}/out.txt"
out_file = File.new("#{file}", "w")
files_to_commit = Dir[File.join(storage.working_directory, "**", "*.{txt}")]
storage.save_changes!(files_to_commit: files_to_commit)
Successfully loaded Appfile at path '/Users/xx/Workspace/yy/ci/zz/fastlane/Appfile'
Successfully loaded Appfile at path '/Users/xx/Workspace/yy/ci/zz/fastlane/Appfile'
WARN [2019-05-31 03:15:16.70]: You have required a gem, if this is a third party gem, please use `fastlane_require 'match'` to ensure the gem is installed locally.
INFO [2019-05-31 03:15:17.00]: ------------------------------
INFO [2019-05-31 03:15:17.00]: --- Step: default_platform ---
INFO [2019-05-31 03:15:17.00]: ------------------------------
INFO [2019-05-31 03:15:17.01]: Driving the lane 'mac test' ?
INFO [2019-05-31 03:15:17.01]: Encrypting git!
INFO [2019-05-31 03:15:17.01]: Cloning remote git repo...
INFO [2019-05-31 03:15:17.01]: $ git clone ./../gitrepo/.git /var/folders/7s/s7248n8j0yz0lth821hx4bdm0000gp/T/d20190531-95641-60lael -b master --single-branch
INFO [2019-05-31 03:15:17.02]: ▸ Cloning into '/var/folders/7s/s7248n8j0yz0lth821hx4bdm0000gp/T/d20190531-95641-60lael'...
INFO [2019-05-31 03:15:17.13]: ▸ done.
INFO [2019-05-31 03:15:17.15]: ? Successfully decrypted certificates repo
INFO [2019-05-31 03:15:17.15]: ? Successfully encrypted certificates repo
INFO [2019-05-31 03:15:17.15]: Pushing changes to remote git repo...
INFO [2019-05-31 03:15:17.15]: $ git add /var/folders/7s/s7248n8j0yz0lth821hx4bdm0000gp/T/d20190531-95641-60lael/match_version.txt
INFO [2019-05-31 03:15:17.17]: $ git add /var/folders/7s/s7248n8j0yz0lth821hx4bdm0000gp/T/d20190531-95641-60lael/out.txt
INFO [2019-05-31 03:15:17.19]: $ git commit -m \[fastlane\]\ Updated\ \ and\ platform\
INFO [2019-05-31 03:15:17.24]: ▸ [master 6bdc078] [fastlane] Updated and platform
INFO [2019-05-31 03:15:17.25]: ▸ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
INFO [2019-05-31 03:15:17.25]: $ git push origin master
INFO [2019-05-31 03:15:17.31]: ▸ Enumerating objects: 5, done.
INFO [2019-05-31 03:15:17.31]: ▸ Counting objects: 100% (5/5), done.
INFO [2019-05-31 03:15:17.31]: ▸ Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
INFO [2019-05-31 03:15:17.31]: ▸ Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
INFO [2019-05-31 03:15:17.32]: ▸ Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 289 bytes | 144.00 KiB/s, done.
INFO [2019-05-31 03:15:17.32]: ▸ Total 3 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0)
INFO [2019-05-31 03:15:17.37]: ▸ To /Users/xx/Workspace/yy/ci/zz/fastlane/./../gitrepo/.git
INFO [2019-05-31 03:15:17.37]: ▸ cac225c..6bdc078 master -> master
INFO [2019-05-31 03:15:17.37]: Finished uploading files to Git Repo [./../gitrepo/.git]
INFO [2019-05-31 03:15:17.44]: Successfully generated documentation at path '/Users/xx/Workspace/yy/ci/zz/fastlane/README.md'
| fastlane summary |
| Step | Action | Time (in s) |
| 1 | default_platform | 0 |
INFO [2019-05-31 03:15:17.45]: fastlane.tools finished successfully ?