Исполняемый файл будет работать на любом компьютере, но только правильно отформатирует мои компьютеры с python - PullRequest
1 голос
/ 18 июня 2019

Я стажер, и я пытаюсь создать простой сценарий поиска для своей компании, который будет использовать базу данных SQL и выполнять поиск по ней, чтобы сделать список более читабельным для пользователя. Я получил скрипт, который делает примерно то, что я хочу, и сейчас пытаюсь создать исполняемый файл, который смогут попробовать люди в моем офисе. Проблема заключается в том, что сценарий, по-видимому, выполняет предварительную обработку только на машинах с python. Скрипт будет открываться на каждом ПК, но когда я передаю ему файл SQL, он не заполняет текстовое поле.

Я попытался использовать pyinstaller, py2exe и python build -> (python file.py build), но безуспешно. Я следовал руководству по компиляции Reediningers здесь. Мой python exe не будет запускать 2 других python exe

import re
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfilename
from _sqlite3 import Error
from tkinter import PhotoImage

#          Link the .DB file
def create_connection(db_file):
        conn = _sqlite3.connect(db_file)
        return conn
    except Error as e:
    return None
    UserFile = open("UserFriend.txt", "w")
                                            #Check for File if one does not exist make it
    UserFile = open("UserFriend.txt", "w+")
global Error
Error = False
def Friendly_Output(line, number, times, Error_Finder, Time_Stamp, Search_Count):
    #Error_List = []
    #setup = []
    if "viewDidLoad() - Got a valid" in line and Error == False:
        setup.append("\nFound mac address here \t\t\t\t\t| "+ Time_Stamp)
    if Error == False and "wifiScanTimerEvent(timer:)" in line:
        #UserFile.write("\nPinged nearby wifi with NIC " + str(times) + " time(s)")
        if times >= 10:
            spacing = " \t| "
            spacing = "\t\t\t| "
        setup.append("\nPinged nearby wifi with NIC " + str(times) + " time(s)" + spacing + Time_Stamp)
    if Error == False and "rssi:" in line:
        strength = line[15:18]
        if int(strength) >= -30:
            Sname = "Excellent"
            space = "\t\t\t\t\t| "
        if int(strength) <= -30 and int(strength) >=-64:
            Sname = "Very Good"
            space = "\t\t\t\t\t| "
        elif int(strength) <= -64 and int(strength) >=-70:
            Sname = "Okay"
            space = "\t\t\t\t\t| "
        elif int(strength) <= -70 and int(strength) >=-80:
            Sname = "Bad"
            space = "\t\t\t\t\t| "
        elif int(strength) <= -80 and int(strength) >=-90:
            Sname = "Useless"
            space = "\t\t\t\t\t| "
        setup.append("\nThe signal strength is " + Sname + space + Time_Stamp)

    if Error == False and "refrigeratorTapped()" in line:
        #UserFile.write("\nTransfer to Pin Entry")
        setup.append("\nTransfer to Pin Entry Screen \t\t\t\t\t| " + Time_Stamp)
    if Error == False and "applianceTapped() - segue_to_wifi_select_sid" in line:
        #UserFile.write("\nTransfer to wifi selection page")
        setup.append("\nTransfer to wifi selection page \t\t\t\t\t| " + Time_Stamp)
    if Error == False and "prepare(for:sender:) - segue_to_prod_wifi_setup_sid" in line:
        #UserFile.write("\nTransfer to Wifi crediental entry screen")
        setup.append("\nTransfer to Wifi crediental screen \t\t\t\t | " + Time_Stamp)
    if Error == False and "addWifiNameToParamOut(wifi:)" in line:
        #UserFile.write("\nAdded wifi to data send list")0
        setup.append("\nAdded wifi to data send list \t\t\t\t\t| " + Time_Stamp)
    if Error == False and "setDevicePrivilegeCloud(macAddress:userApiKey:devicePin:privilegeCompletionHandler:) - Called with" in line:
        #UserFile.write("\nSent MacAddress, apiKey, and devicePin to Cloud")
        setup.append("\nSent device information to Cloud \t\t\t\t\t| " + Time_Stamp)
    if Error == False and r"setDevicePrivilegeCloud(macAddress:userApiKey:devicePin:privilegeCompletionHandler:) - \nDevice" in line:
        #UserFile.write("\nSuccessful sending of  MacAddress, apiKey, and devicePin to Cloud")
        setup.append("\nSuccessful sending of  MacAddress, apiKey, and devicePin to Cloud @ " + Time_Stamp)
    if Error == False and "onRecordButton" in line:
        #UserFile.write("\nEntry applied to appliance list (Continue Button)")
        setup.append("\nEntry applied to appliance list\t\t\t\t\t| " + Time_Stamp)
    if Error == False and "updateApplianceRecord() - upda" in line:
        #UserFile.write("\nUser notified of success")
        #UserFile.write("\nEnd of Setup number: " + str(number) + "\n\n")
        setup.append("\n\t\t\t\t\t|\nEnd of Setup number: " + str(number)+ "\t\t\t\t\t| " + "\nUser notified of success \t\t\t\t\t| " + Time_Stamp)
        #Error_List.append("\n\nEnd of Setup number: " + str(number)+ "\nUser notified of success @ " + Time_Stamp)
                #ERROR GRABS

    if   "0110" in line:
        #UserFile.write("\nERROR: No Bluetooth device was found")
        setup.append("\nERROR: No Bluetooth device was found \t\t\t| " + Time_Stamp)
        Error_List.append("\nERROR: No Bluetooth device was found \t\t\t| " + Time_Stamp)
    elif "ErrorCode: loginCloudNew" in line:
        setup.append("\nIncorrect Username or password attempt\t | " + Time_Stamp)
        Error_List.append("\nIncorrect Username or password attempt\t | " + Time_Stamp)
    elif "0120" in line:
        #UserFile.write("\nERROR: No Wifi or Poor Connection")
        setup.append("\nNo Wifi or Poor Connection \t\t\t\t\t| " + Time_Stamp)
        Error_List.append("\nNo Wifi or Poor Connection \t\t\t\t\t| " + Time_Stamp)
    elif "0130" in line:
        #UserFile.write("\nERROR: User searched for appliance but none was found")
        setup.append("\nSearched for appliance nothing was found| "+ Time_Stamp)
        Error_List.append("\nSearched for appliance nothing found\t\t\t\t| " + Time_Stamp)
    elif "300" in line:
        #UserFile.write("\nERROR: Wifi List is empty. Restarting configure process.")
        setup.append("\nWifi List is empty. \t\t\t\t\t| " + Time_Stamp)
        Error_List.append("\nWifi List is empty. \t\t\t\t\t| " + Time_Stamp)
    elif "310" in line:
        #UserFile.write("\nERROR: Lost BluetoothConnection in Wifi Picker Screen. Restarting configure process.")
        setup.append("\nBluetooth Connection lost on WiFi screen| " + Time_Stamp)
        Error_List.append("\nBluetooth Connection lost on WiFi screen| " + Time_Stamp)
    elif "1010" in line:
        #UserFile.write("\nERROR: User opted to skip wifi Setup")
        setup.append("\nUser opted to skip wifi Setup at\t\t\t\t\t| " + Time_Stamp)
        Error_List.append("\nERROR: User opted to skip wifi Setup\t\t\t\t| " + Time_Stamp)
    elif "1011" in line:
        #UserFile.write("\nERROR: There was an empty text field when trying to configure wifi")
        setup.append("\nUser left text field empty \t\t\t\t\t| " + Time_Stamp)
        Error_List.append("\nUser left text field empty \t\t\t\t\t| " + Time_Stamp)
    elif "1012" in line:
        #UserFile.write("\nERROR: Bluetooth Disconnected, Reason Unknown")
        setup.append("\nBluetooth Disconnected, Reason Unknown \t| " + Time_Stamp)
        Error_List.append("\nBluetooth Disconnected, Reason Unknown \t| " + Time_Stamp)
    elif "1013" in line:
        #UserFile.write("\nERROR: The provision watchdog timer has timed out without response from NIC")
        setup.append("\nUser experienced connection timeout \t\t\t\t| " + Time_Stamp)
        Error_List.append("\nUser experienced connection timeout \t\t\t\t| " + Time_Stamp)
    elif "1029"  in line:
        #UserFile.write("\nERROR: The Cloud Service reports error. Error in log")
        setup.append("\nThe Cloud Service reports error.\t\t\t\t\t| " + Time_Stamp)
        Error_List.append("\nThe Cloud Service reports error.\t\t\t\t\t| " + Time_Stamp)
    elif "1030" in line:
        #UserFile.write("\nERROR: The provisioning has failed.  The device and apikey key were not returned")
        setup.append("\nDevice and apikey key were not returned | " + Time_Stamp)
        Error_List.append("\nDevice and apikey key were not returned | " + Time_Stamp)
    if Search_Count == Loop_Count-2:

#Need to clear the Error_List when the Error Locator button is press when it is press it is running search again and adding the the errors back as a 2nd duplicate
def Search_Func(Error_List, setup, Error_Finder,Search_Count):
    if Error_Finder == True:
        if not Error_List:
            Text_Box.insert('1.0',"There are no Errors Found")
        for text in reversed(Error_List):
            Text_Box.insert('1.0', text)
        for text in setup:
            Text_Box.insert('1.0', text)
#Main Function (cursor setup, variables for count ping and hits)
def main(filename,Error_Finder):
    list = create_connection(filename)  # create_connection(database)
    global Loop_Count
    cur = list.cursor()
    cur.execute("SELECT * from error_log ")
    rows = cur.fetchall()
    count = 0
    Search_Count = 0
    pings = 1
    hits = 0
    info = []
    Loop_Count = rows[:]
    Loop_Count = len(Loop_Count)
    for row in rows:
#Regex Grab
    m = re.search(r"(?s)id: (?P<username>.+?) - (?P<password>.+?)'.*Appliance: (?P<modelnumber>\S+).*macAddress: (?P<macaddress>.+?)'.*appl name: (?P<applname>\S+)", str(info))
    if (info): #                              - (?P<password>.+?)'.*App...
            if Error_Finder == False:
                UserFile.write(           'Username: {}, Modelnumber: {}, Macaddress: {}, applname: {}\n\n'.format(m.group('username'),m.group('modelnumber'),m.group('macaddress'),m.group('applname')))
                Text_Box.insert('1.0','\n\nUsername:\t\t {}\nModelnumber:\t\t {}\nMacaddress:\t\t {}\napplname:\t\t {}\n\n'.format(m.group('username'),m.group('modelnumber'),m.group('macaddress'),m.group('applname')))
#Search counters and Callers                              Password: {},
            count = 0 # reset count
            pings = 1 # reset pings
            hits =  0 # reset hits
            for row in rows:
                Search_Count += 1
                Friendly_Output(str(row[2]), count, pings, Error_Finder,str(row[1]),Search_Count)
                if "onRecordButton - Calling" in str(row):
                    count += 1
                    pings = 1
                if "wifiScanTimerEvent(timer:)" in str(row):
                    pings = pings + 1
            print("Type None Occured")
window = tk.Tk()
window.title("Viking Range SuChef Diagnostics")
width_value = window.winfo_screenwidth()
height_value = window.winfo_screenheight()
text_height = 50#height_value/20
text_width = 115#width_value/9.05
photo = PhotoImage(file = "glass-teal.png")
background_image=tk.PhotoImage(file = "glass-teal.png")
background_image = background_image.zoom(2)
background_label = tk.Label(window, image=background_image)
background_label.place(x=0, y=0, relwidth=1, relheight=1)

def Load_File():
    global fname
    global Error_Finder
    global Error_List
    global setup
    Error_List = []
    setup = []
    fname = askopenfilename(filetypes = (("SQL Database", "*.db"),  ("All Files","*.*")))
    Error_Finder = False
    main(fname, Error_Finder)
    return fname

def Clear_Log():

def Find_Errors():
        if fname:
            Error_Finder = True
            Search_Func(Error_List, None, Error_Finder,None)
        Text_Box.insert('1.0', "You must First select a File")

def ViewFunc():
        if fname:
            ErrorFinder = False
            Search_Func(None, setup, Error_Finder, None)
        Text_Box.insert('1.0', "You must first select a File")

label = tk.Label(text = "Viking Range Service Application", font = "Arial") #fg = "blue"
label.pack()#grid(column = 0, row = 0)

Browse_Button = tk.Button(text = "Browse Files",cursor="cross", command = Load_File)
Browse_Button.pack()#grid(column = 0, row = 1)
Clear_Button = tk.Button(text = "Clear", command = Clear_Log)
Clear_Button.pack()#grid(column = 0, row = 1)
#Text field
Text_Box = tk.Text(height = int(text_height), width = int(text_width), background = "black", foreground = "white")
#Text_Box.place(anchor = tk.CENTER)
Error_Button = tk.Button(text = "Error Locator", command = Find_Errors)
Full_DocB = tk.Button(text = "View Full Document", command = ViewFunc)
Error_Button.pack()#grid(column = 0, row = 1)
Text_Box.pack()#grid(column = 0, row = 2)


Ожидаемый процесс запуска .exe обзора для файла SQL, выберите его и получите читаемый вывод в черном текстовом поле, и файл будет сохранен с почти таким же текстом. Происходит следующее: пользователь может запустить и выбрать файл, но текстовое поле никогда не заполняется и файл создается, но он пуст.
