Я обнаружил эту странную проблему, когда пытался добавить комментарии к своему коду.Я использовал строки с тройными кавычками для комментирования, но программа потерпела крах, выдав следующую ошибку:
IndentationError: unexpected indent
Когда я использую #
для комментирования строк с тройными кавычками, все работаетобычно.Кто-нибудь знает причину этой ошибки и как я мог это исправить?
Мой код:
#This programs show that comments using # rather than """ """
def main():
print("let's do something")
#Try using hashtag to comment this block to get code working
Note following block gives you a non-sense indent error
The next step would be to consider how to get all the words from spam and ham
folder from different directory. My suggestion would be do it twice and then
concentrate two lists
Frist think about the most efficient way
For example, we might need to get rid off the duplicated words in the beginning
The thoughts of writing the algorithem to create the dictionary
1. To append all the list from the email all-together
2. Eliminate those duplicated words
cons: the list might become super large
I Choose method-2 to save the memory
1. kill the duplicated words in each string
2. Only append elements that is not already in the dictionary
1. In this case, the length of feature actually was determined by the
training cohorts, as we used the different English terms to decide feature
cons: the process time might be super long
def wtf_python(var1, var2):
var3 = var1 + var2 + (var1*var2)
return var3
wtfRst1 = wtf_python(1,2)
wtfRst2 = wtf_python(3,4)
rstAll = { "wtfRst1" : wtfRst1,
"wtfRst2" : wtfRst2
if __name__ == "__main__":
mainRst = main()
print("wtfRst1 is :\n", mainRst['wtfRst1'])
print("wtfRst2 is :\n", mainRst['wtfRst2'])