Ext.XTemplate = function(){
Ext.XTemplate.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
var me = this,
s = me.html,
re = /<tpl\b[^>]*>((?:(?=([^<]+))\2|<(?!tpl\b[^>]*>))*?)<\/tpl>/,
nameRe = /^<tpl\b[^>]*?for="(.*?)"/,
ifRe = /^<tpl\b[^>]*?if="(.*?)"/,
execRe = /^<tpl\b[^>]*?exec="(.*?)"/,
id = 0,
tpls = [],
VALUES = 'values',
PARENT = 'parent',
XINDEX = 'xindex',
XCOUNT = 'xcount',
RETURN = 'return ',
WITHVALUES = 'with(values){ ';
s = ['<tpl>', s, '</tpl>'].join('');
while((m = s.match(re))){
var m2 = m[0].match(nameRe),
m3 = m[0].match(ifRe),
m4 = m[0].match(execRe),
exp = null,
fn = null,
exec = null,
name = m2 && m2[1] ? m2[1] : '';
if (m3) {
exp = m3 && m3[1] ? m3[1] : null;
fn = new Function(VALUES, PARENT, XINDEX, XCOUNT, WITHVALUES + RETURN +(Ext.util.Format.htmlDecode(exp))+'; }');
if (m4) {
exp = m4 && m4[1] ? m4[1] : null;
exec = new Function(VALUES, PARENT, XINDEX, XCOUNT, WITHVALUES +(Ext.util.Format.htmlDecode(exp))+'; }');
case '.': name = new Function(VALUES, PARENT, WITHVALUES + RETURN + VALUES + '; }'); break;
case '..': name = new Function(VALUES, PARENT, WITHVALUES + RETURN + PARENT + '; }'); break;
default: name = new Function(VALUES, PARENT, WITHVALUES + RETURN + name + '; }');
id: id,
target: name,
exec: exec,
test: fn,
body: m[1]||''
s = s.replace(m[0], '{xtpl'+ id + '}');
Ext.each(tpls, function(t) {
me.master = tpls[tpls.length-1];
me.tpls = tpls;
Ext.extend(Ext.XTemplate, Ext.Template, {
// private
re : /\{([\w-\.\#]+)(?:\:([\w\.]*)(?:\((.*?)?\))?)?(\s?[\+\-\*\\]\s?[\d\.\+\-\*\\\(\)]+)?\}/g,
// private
codeRe : /\{\[((?:\\\]|.|\n)*?)\]\}/g,
// private
applySubTemplate : function(id, values, parent, xindex, xcount){
var me = this,
t = me.tpls[id],
buf = [];
if ((t.test && !t.test.call(me, values, parent, xindex, xcount)) ||
(t.exec && t.exec.call(me, values, parent, xindex, xcount))) {
return '';
vs = t.target ? t.target.call(me, values, parent) : values;
len = vs.length;
parent = t.target ? values : parent;
if(t.target && Ext.isArray(vs)){
Ext.each(vs, function(v, i) {
buf[buf.length] = t.compiled.call(me, v, parent, i+1, len);
return buf.join('');
return t.compiled.call(me, vs, parent, xindex, xcount);
// private
compileTpl : function(tpl){
var fm = Ext.util.Format,
useF = this.disableFormats !== true,
sep = Ext.isGecko ? "+" : ",",
function fn(m, name, format, args, math){
if(name.substr(0, 4) == 'xtpl'){
return "'"+ sep +'this.applySubTemplate('+name.substr(4)+', values, parent, xindex, xcount)'+sep+"'";
var v;
if(name === '.'){
v = 'values';
}else if(name === '#'){
v = 'xindex';
}else if(name.indexOf('.') != -1){
v = name;
v = "values['" + name + "']";
v = '(' + v + math + ')';
if (format && useF) {
args = args ? ',' + args : "";
if(format.substr(0, 5) != "this."){
format = "fm." + format + '(';
format = 'this.call("'+ format.substr(5) + '", ';
args = ", values";
} else {
args= ''; format = "("+v+" === undefined ? '' : ";
return "'"+ sep + format + v + args + ")"+sep+"'";
function codeFn(m, code){
return "'"+ sep +'('+code+')'+sep+"'";
// branched to use + in gecko and [].join() in others
body = "tpl.compiled = function(values, parent, xindex, xcount){ return '" +
tpl.body.replace(/(\r\n|\n)/g, '\\n').replace(/'/g, "\\'").replace(this.re, fn).replace(this.codeRe, codeFn) +
body = ["tpl.compiled = function(values, parent, xindex, xcount){ return ['"];
body.push(tpl.body.replace(/(\r\n|\n)/g, '\\n').replace(/'/g, "\\'").replace(this.re, fn).replace(this.codeRe, codeFn));
body = body.join('');
return this;
applyTemplate : function(values){
return this.master.compiled.call(this, values, {}, 1, 1);
compile : function(){return this;}
Ext.XTemplate.prototype.apply = Ext.XTemplate.prototype.applyTemplate;
Ext.XTemplate.from = function(el){
el = Ext.getDom(el);
return new Ext.XTemplate(el.value || el.innerHTML);