Я ищу заполнение различных секторов конусов изображения, сгенерированного мной с использованием python, с помощью matplotlib и gdal. Каждый радиус развертки выделен другим цветом. Есть ли способ заполнить каждый сектор? Я прилагаю то, что у меня есть, и то, что я хотел бы пройти через командные строки imagemagick, или что-то подобное, чтобы заполнить области.
Я пробовал разные -draw
команды с ImageMagick, но, похоже, в пикселях. Расположение секторов конусов на этом изображении будет регулярно меняться.
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
from osgeo import ogr, osr
import matplotlib.cm as cmx
import matplotlib.colors as colors
# Reverse Haversine functions
def createCircleAroundWithRadius(lat, lon, radiusMiles):
ring = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing)
latArray = []
lonArray = []
lonpoint1 = []
lonpoint2 = []
latpoint1 = []
latpoint2 = []
for brng in range(0, 90):
lat2, lon2 = getLocation(lat, lon, brng, radiusMiles)
if (radiusMiles == windDistance[2] and brng == 0):
lonpoint1, latpoint1 = lonArray[0], latArray[0]
if (radiusMiles == windDistance[2] and brng == 89):
lonpoint2, latpoint2 = lonArray[89], latArray[89]
return lonArray, latArray, lonpoint1, latpoint1, lonpoint2, latpoint2
def getLocation(lat1, lon1, brng, distanceMiles):
lat1 = lat1 * math.pi / 180.0
lon1 = lon1 * math.pi / 180.0
R = 3959 # earth radius in miles
distanceMiles = distanceMiles / R
# = (brng / 90) * math.pi / 2
brng = brng * math.pi / 180.0`
lat2 = math.asin(math.sin(lat1) * math.cos(distanceMiles) + math.cos(lat1) * math.sin(distanceMiles) * math.cos(brng))
lon2 = lon1 + math.atan2(math.sin(brng) * math.sin(distanceMiles) * math.cos(lat1), math.cos(distanceMiles) - math.sin(lat2) * math.sin(lat2))
lon2 = 180.0 * lon2 / math.pi
lat2 = 180.0 * lat2 / math.pi
return lat2 , lon2
# Coordinates
westbounds = -85
eastbounds = -65
northbounds = 45
southbounds = 30`
#fig = plt.figure(1)
mp = Basemap(projection = 'merc', resolution = 'h', area_thresh = 0.1, llcrnrlon = westbounds, llcrnrlat = southbounds, urcrnrlon = eastbounds, urcrnrlat = northbounds)
# Storm Coordinates
stormCenterLat = 35
stormCenterLon = -75
# Draw quadrant arcs based on distance in miles. This example will do the NE quadrant.
windDistance = [35, 75, 240]
colors = ['r', 'y', 'g']
for i,b in zip(windDistance, colors):
distanceMiles = i
X,Y,Lon1,Lat1,Lon2,Lat2 = createCircleAroundWithRadius(stormCenterLat, stormCenterLon, distanceMiles)
X,Y = mp(X,Y)
plt.fill(X,Y, color = b)
mp.plot(X,Y,marker = None, color = b, linewidth = 3)
xs1 = []
ys1 = []
xs2 = []
ys2 = []
# Vertical line drawn.
xpt1, ypt1 = mp(stormCenterLon, stormCenterLat)
xpt1, ypt1 = mp(Lon1, Lat1)
mp.plot(xs1,ys1, color = 'black', linewidth = 1)
#Horizontal line drawn.
xpt2, ypt2 = mp(stormCenterLon, stormCenterLat)
xpt2, ypt2 = mp(Lon2, Lat2)
mp.plot(xs2,ys2, color = 'black', linewidth = 1)
# Draw storm location point
x,y = mp(stormCenterLon, stormCenterLat)
mp.plot(x,y,marker = 'D', color = 'b', markersize = 2)