Я работаю над старым PHP-кодом. в среде разработчиков и error_reporting
включен E_ALL | E_STRICT
я получаю Notice: Undefined offset: 4 in /home/pgnetdev/www/PGNet/php-includes/base_classes.inc on line 545
класс php-нарушителя
class CMap
var $m_aData;
var $m_aKeys;
var $m_iNumItems;
var $m_iCurrentDatumIndex;
function CMap()
$this->m_aData = array();
$this->m_aKeys = array();
$this->m_iNumItems = 0;
$this->m_iCurrentDatumIndex = 0;
function Add($strKey, & $clDatum)
if ($this->Contains($strKey))
return false;
$this->m_aKeys[$strKey] = $strKey;
$this->m_aData[$strKey] = & $clDatum;
return true;
function &First()
if ($this->m_iNumItems <= 0)
return null;
$this->m_iCurrentDatumIndex = 0;
return $this->m_aData[$this->m_aKeys[0]];
//line 545 in this method
function &Next()
fwrite(STDERR, "+[NEXT]: {$this->m_iCurrentDatumIndex} >= {$this->m_iNumItems}\n"); //not deployed
if ($this->m_iCurrentDatumIndex >= $this->m_iNumItems)
fwrite(STDERR, "-[NEXT]: returning null\n");// not deployed
return null;
fwrite(STDERR, "-[NEXT]: returning value\n"); //not deployed
return $this->m_aData[$this->m_aKeys[++$this->m_iCurrentDatumIndex]];// line 545
function &Find($strKey)
if (array_key_exists($strKey, $this->m_aData))
return $this->m_aData[$strKey];
return null;
function Contains($strKey)
return array_key_exists($strKey, $this->m_aData);
function Items()
return $this->m_iNumItems;
мои тесты на это
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
require_once '../PGNet/php-includes/base_classes.inc';
class CMapTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
public function testItemsReturnsNumberOfItemsAdded()
$map = new CMap();
$var = 1;
$this->assertEquals(0, $map->Items(), 'No Items, Zero Count expected');
$map->Add("KEY", $var);
$this->assertEquals(1, $map->Items(), 'Item just added, should have count 1');
public function testContainsReturnsTrueIfMapContainsKey()
$map = new CMap();
$var = 1;
$this->assertFalse($map->Contains("KEY"), 'No Items, No KEYS');
$map->Add("KEY", $var);
$this->assertTrue($map->Contains("KEY"), 'Item just added, should a key');
public function testFindReturnsNullIfMapDoesntContainsKey()
$map = new CMap();
$var = 1;
$map->Add("KEY", $var);
$actual = $map->Find("NO_KEY");
$this->assertEquals(null, $actual, 'no key no value... NULL is expected here');
public function testFindReturnsValueIfMapContainsKey()
$map = new CMap();
$var = 1;
$map->Add("KEY", $var);
$actual = $map->Find("KEY");
$this->assertEquals($var, $actual, 'has key finds value... var is expected here');
public function testAddReturnsFalseIfKeyIsAlreadyAdded()
$map = new CMap();
$var1 = 1;
$var2 = 2;
$willBeTrue = $map->Add("KEY", $var1);
$willBeFalse = $map->Add("KEY", $var2);
$this->assertTrue($willBeTrue, "first key added should always be true");
$this->assertFalse($willBeFalse, "key already exists so you cant replace it");
public function testFirstReturnsNullWhenNoItemsAdded()
$map = new CMap();
$actual = $map->First();
$this->assertEquals(null, $actual, 'no items added, returns false');
public function testFirstReturnsFirstSortedValue()
$map = new CMap();
$var1 = 1;
$var2 = 2;
$map->Add("B", $var2);
$map->Add("A", $var1);
$actual = $map->First();
$this->assertEquals($var1, $actual, 'keys are sorted then first one is grabbed');
public function testNextReturnsNullIfOnlySingleItemAdded()
$map = new CMap();
$var1 = 1;
$map->Add("A", $var1);
$actual = $map->First();
$this->assertEquals($var1, $actual, 'keys are sorted then first one is grabbed');
$this->assertEquals(null, $map->Next());
public function testNextReturnsNullAfterAllItemsAreIteratedThrough()
fwrite(STDERR, "+[testNextReturnsNullAfterAllItemsAreIteratedThrough]\n");
$map = new CMap();
$var1 = 1;
$var2 = 2;
$map->Add("B", $var2);
$map->Add("A", $var1);
$actual = $map->First();
$loopCount = 0;
for($actual = $map->First(); $actual != null; $actual = $map->Next())
catch (Throwable $th)
fwrite(STDERR, "-[testNextReturnsNullAfterAllItemsAreIteratedThrough]:WTH\n");
$this->assertFalse(true, $th->getMessage());
$this->assertEquals(2, $loopCount, "the for loop should work");
fwrite(STDERR, "-[testNextReturnsNullAfterAllItemsAreIteratedThrough]\n");
Последний тест здесь - это то, что меня действительно озадачило, почему он не ломается, не бросает или что-то в этом роде. консольный вывод для этого
$ phpunit ../PGNetTests/tests/unitTests/
PHPUnit @package_version@ by Sebastian Bergmann.
.......................................................+[NEXT]: 0 >= 1
-[NEXT]: returning value
+[NEXT]: 0 >= 2
-[NEXT]: returning value
+[NEXT]: 1 >= 2
-[NEXT]: returning value
.... 60 / 88
..........................+[NEXT]: 0 >= 1
-[NEXT]: returning value
Time: 0 seconds, Memory: 4.25Mb
OK (88 tests, 326 assertions)
как будто я ожидал либо получить в выводе то же сообщение, что и в производственном процессе, либо, по крайней мере, сгенерированное исключение или даже -[NEXT] return null
, но я ничего не получил, кроме прохождения тестов, и я не знаю почему. Почему ???