это оптимизированная реализация умножения матриц, и эта подпрограмма выполняет операцию умножения матриц.
C: = C + A * B (где A, B и C - матрицы размером n на n, сохраненные в основном формате столбца)
На выходе A и B сохраняют свои входные значения.
void matmul_optimized(int n, int *A, int *B, int *C)
// to the effective bitwise calculation
// save the matrix as the different type
int i, j, k;
int cij;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
cij = C[i + j * n]; // the initialization into C also, add separate additions to the product and sum operations and then record as a separate variable so there is no multiplication
for (k = 0; k < n; ++k) {
cij ^= A[i + k * n] & B[k + j * n]; // the multiplication of each terms is expressed by using & operator the addition is done by ^ operator.
C[i + j * n] = cij; // allocate the final result into C }
как мне ускорить умножение матрицы на основе вышеуказанной функции / метода?
эта функция проверяется до 2048 на матрице 2048.
функция matmul_optimized выполняется с помощью matmul.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "cpucycles.c"
#include "helper_functions.c"
#include "matmul_reference.c"
#include "matmul_optimized.c"
int main()
int i, j;
int n = 1024; // Number of rows or columns in the square matrices
int *A, *B; // Input matrices
int *C1, *C2; // Output matrices from the reference and optimized implementations
// Performance and correctness measurement declarations
long int CLOCK_start, CLOCK_end, CLOCK_total, CLOCK_ref, CLOCK_opt;
long int COUNTER, REPEAT = 5;
int difference;
float speedup;
// Allocate memory for the matrices
A = malloc(n * n * sizeof(int));
B = malloc(n * n * sizeof(int));
C1 = malloc(n * n * sizeof(int));
C2 = malloc(n * n * sizeof(int));
// Fill bits in A, B, C1
fill(A, n * n);
fill(B, n * n);
fill(C1, n * n);
// Initialize C2 = C1
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
C2[i * n + j] = C1[i * n + j];
// Measure performance of the reference implementation
CLOCK_total = 0;
CLOCK_start = cpucycles();
matmul_reference(n, A, B, C1);
CLOCK_end = cpucycles();
CLOCK_total = CLOCK_total + CLOCK_end - CLOCK_start;
CLOCK_ref = CLOCK_total / REPEAT;
printf("n=%d Avg cycle count for reference implementation = %ld\n", n, CLOCK_ref);
// Measure performance of the optimized implementation
CLOCK_total = 0;
CLOCK_start = cpucycles();
matmul_optimized(n, A, B, C2);
CLOCK_end = cpucycles();
CLOCK_total = CLOCK_total + CLOCK_end - CLOCK_start;
CLOCK_opt = CLOCK_total / REPEAT;
printf("n=%d Avg cycle count for optimized implementation = %ld\n", n, CLOCK_opt);
speedup = (float)CLOCK_ref / (float)CLOCK_opt;
// Check correctness by comparing C1 and C2
difference = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
difference = difference + C1[i * n + j] - C2[i * n + j];
if (difference == 0)
printf("Speedup factor = %.2f\n", speedup);
if (difference != 0)
printf("Reference and optimized implementations do not match\n");
//print(C2, n);
return 0;