Я получаю код 50, ошибка:
Получен неизвестный параметр: payment_method_data [карта] [токен]
при использовании STPAPIClient.shared().confirmPaymentIntent()
и токен, полученный от didCreateToken
Я назначаю токен параметрам карты следующим образом:
cardParams.token = token.tokenId
Версия Stripe: 15.0.1.Есть идеи, как ее решить?
Полный код:
func addCardViewController(_ addCardViewController: STPAddCardViewController, didCreateToken token: STPToken, completion: @escaping STPErrorBlock) {
let cardParams = STPPaymentMethodCardParams()
cardParams.token = token.tokenId
let paymentMethodParams = STPPaymentMethodParams(card: cardParams, billingDetails: nil, metadata: nil)
//let paymentMethodParams = STPPaymentMethodParams(card: cardParams, billingDetails: billingDetails, metadata: nil)
let clientSecret = paymentIntentData?.token ?? "" //recieve from the API
let paymentIntentParams = STPPaymentIntentParams(clientSecret: clientSecret)
paymentIntentParams.paymentMethodParams = paymentMethodParams
//paymentIntentParams.returnURL = "your-app://stripe-redirect"
let client = STPAPIClient.shared()
client.confirmPaymentIntent(with: paymentIntentParams, completion: { (paymentIntent, error) in
if let error = error {
// handle error
} else if let paymentIntent = paymentIntent {
// see below to handle the confirmed PaymentIntent
if paymentIntent.status == .requiresAction {
guard let redirectContext = STPRedirectContext(paymentIntent: paymentIntent, completion: { clientSecret, redirectError in
// Fetch the latest status of the Payment Intent if necessary
STPAPIClient.shared().retrievePaymentIntent(withClientSecret: clientSecret) { paymentIntent, error in
// Check paymentIntent.status
}) else {
// This PaymentIntent action is not yet supported by the SDK.
// Note you must retain this for the duration of the redirect flow - it dismisses any presented view controller upon deallocation.
self.redirectContext = redirectContext
// opens SFSafariViewController to the necessary URL
redirectContext.startRedirectFlow(from: self)
} else {
// Show success message
self.navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true)